You have been named the marketing director of a large pet supply company. Your company makes pet food, toys, and supplies that are sold in retail locations and via its online store. While the company has a robust website, it is not on any social media websites and prefers traditional media channels to promote its products.
Your first job is to help the company launch a new pet food line. This line will be for both cats and dogs, and the company is excited because the product is made of all natural ingredients. The new pet food will be sold for about 10% more than its competitors pet food product. You will need to make some key strategic decisions about how to launch and promote this new product line. Assume you will have the budget that you need.

3 details for each of the letters

2 paragraphs on why is it important for a company to use this type of analysis & how does the company benefit from such an exercise?

Natural ingredients
High quality
Made for all species of pets
High competition in pet food market
Supply of natural ingredients

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