-Prepare a paper of between 150-250 words using form and style of APA 6th edition abstract, where you will explain why you have chosen this top concern.
You may cite no more than 1 credible source that must be precisely listed in APA style on your reference page.
In your explanation briefly answer the following questions:
i. Why is this really a concern?
ii. How do you know?
iii. What can be done to minimize this concern?
https://assets.ecri.org/PDF/White-Papers-and-Reports/2019-Top10-Patient-Safety-Concerns-Exec-Summary.pdf to learn about the Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) top 10 safety concerns in healthcare for 2019.
https://www.ecri.org/EmailResources/PSRQ/Top10/2018_PSTop10_ExecutiveBrief.pdf to learn about the Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI) top 10 safety concerns in healthcare for 2018.