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cross- culture management


Assessment Brief

The Assignment Brief

You are to produce a report consisting of three parts of approximately 4,000 words
(10+/-), based on your personal experience during the programme, drawing on your
learning diary, and supported by the theory covered in the module.  Although you
will draw on your reflections and experiences of cross cultural differences, you must
relate your experiences to that of the theories covered during the module.

The assignment is worth 100% of your overall grade for this module, and consists of
three questions of which you have to answer all three.  The mark allocation is an
indication of how you are to split the overall word count amongst the three
questions.  All assignments should be submitted through the Turnitin
system in the Drop Box of the SunSpace site for the module. Directions on
how this system works will be given by your module leader/tutor. No hard copies
will be accepted.

Question One (approx. 1,600 words)

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                                        40 Marks

This question is to address the following areas of the subject. You do not have to
follow it in this way, provided the following headings are addressed in your
discussions and reflections.

1.  The Application of Cross-Cultural Theory and Concepts to the Groups that you
work in order to carry out activities and workshop exercises.
Your groups have provided you with the opportunity to reflect on the practical
application of the cross cultural theories and the opportunity of experiencing
cultural differences.  After recording some of your most notable experiences in
your Learning Diary, which can be found in SunSpace and will also, be given to
you by your module leader/tutor. You will be required to analyse your
experiences of cultural similarities and/or differences, based on your group’s
interactions, by drawing on the relevant theory.

2.  Focus on  One’s Self.  How I felt about what was happening to me during the
course and in my group.  What effect my group had on me.  What I learned
about my own behaviour.  What influence I had on my group.

3.  Focus on Other Members of the Group.  The effect each individual had on my
group and my group on him or her, and how I felt about it.

4.  Focus on Interactions.  The interactions and relationships between members of
my group, what effect these had on the group, and how I felt about it.

Question Two (approx. 1,600 words)                                               40 Marks

Imagine that you are working in a cross-cultural team in a department of a subsidiary
based in a country like China, India or Pakistan. The mother company originates
from a developed country like UK, Germany or America.   You are required to
investigate the following:
–  How do you perceive that organizational culture fits the national culture in this
–  Are there any tensions encountered and if there are, what is your plan towards
initiating possible organisational changes?
–  Which type of management culture you feel needs to be adopted?
–  Which ways you will deploy in order to handle conflict, if it becomes inevitable
among individuals in the subsidiary?
–  What would be your recommendations in terms of developing, improving and
sustaining the operation of the specific subsidiary by considering all the cross-cultural implications?

Question Three  (approx. 800 words)                                                       20 Marks

Discuss and analyse the role of power in cross-cultural interactions, drawing upon
examples.  In your answer, you must apply a theory or concept of power,
You need to choose ONE the following  two examples:
–  Either, to discuss the role of power or hegemony within the boundaries of ethics
and ethical organisational practices (CSR).
–  Or,  to discuss the role  of power in relation to the suppression of diversity such
as the advance of women in managerial positions within organizations.

You are expected to utilise theories/theoretical frameworks, in order to structure
your arguments, supported by examples.

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