Each Case Study Analysis must be presented in paragraph form using current APA formatting (Times New Roman, 12-point font, 1 margins and double-spaced) and include both a title and reference page. The body of each analysis will consist of 23 pages and will require a minimum of 23 scholarly references. These can be taken from the assigned reading materials, presentations, or other scholarly references. You must also include Scriptures to explain and defend your stance.


Read this New York Times article on Juuling/Vaping, “Did Juul Lure Teenagers and Get Customers for Life?”
You may need to copy and paste the following URL into your browser to view it: 

Read the attached peer-reviewed article on Juuling/Vaping, “JUULING: What kids dont know will hurt them”
You may need to copy and paste the following URL into your browser to view it: 

1.    The Issues
a.    Summarize the issue of Juuling
b.    What are the health implications for using this substance?
c.    What are the moral/biblical implications of using this substance?
d.    What societal issues are of concern with use of this substance?

2.    Public Health Intervention and Education
a.    Select two additional scholarly articles about Juuling/Vaping and present evidence-based interventions about how to best prevent youth from smoking/Juuling/Vaping

Here is an additional link to the American Academy of Pediatrics Juuling Fact Sheet that provides helpful information and resources.
You may need to copy and paste the following URL into your browser to view it: 

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