Part I

In Module 1 you were first introduced to communities. Organisms within communities interact primarily through the following ways: competition, predation, and symbiosis. Read about the unusual relationship documented between Ethiopian wolves and Gelada monkeys at the website below or read about the symbiotic relationship between badgers and coyotes. Chose only one of the articles below to answer Part I using the following questions:

Luntz, S. (2015). Symbiotic partnership between monkeys and wolves discovered. Accessed on IFL Science on August 16, 2016, at

Haemig, P. D. (2012). Badger-coyote associations. Ecology. Info 11. Retrieved from
What type of relationship is found between the Gelada monkeys and Ethiopian wolves or badgers and coyotes?
What are the short-term and long-term benefits for each species you read about in the article you selected?
What are some of the costs for each of the species as a result of their mutual relationship?
Do you think their relationship could change if resources became scarce? Why or why not?
Part II

Now consider the benefits and costs to businesses in the marketplace: Choose one of the following businesses that are now extinct: Circuit City, Pan Am, or Tower Records. Address the following questions in Part II of your assignment:

What were some of the long-run costs associated with operating the business?
Who were their competitors?
What were the factors that contributed to the decision to shut down the business?
Do you think your chosen company could have been successful by adopting a mutually beneficial partnership, similar to organisms in the wild? Why or why not?

Organize this essay assignment using subtitles that summarize the topic from each question above. For example, to answer Question 1, use a descriptive subtitle like the following: Part I: Symbiotic Relationship Between Coyotes and Badgers