In this discussion, you will share your thoughts and reactions to the weeks readings by engaging in conversation around a set of prompts. You should discuss at least 2 of the prompts in a meaningful way and contribute at least 3 total posts. You may also discuss any general thoughts or questions about this weeks reading and assignments. As this discussion is intended to be a conversation, try to write posts that respond to others as well as contribute new ideas.

Some general guidelines for online discussion forum netiquette (Links to an external site.) from Peter Connor can be found here. The prompts for this week are as follows:

Discuss some of the misconceptions people have about the law of large numbers.
How does the law of large numbers factor into calculating expected value?
Why are rates more useful than total numbers of deaths or accidents in measuring risk?
What are key differences between arrangements with repetition, permutations, and combinations? How would you decide which formula to use when approaching a counting problem?
From the principles of probability theory, man has created highly effective tools to manage risk, explain coincidence, and handle uncertainty. At the same time, the Bible is clear (see these Bible verses about knowing the future (Links to an external site.)) that God alone is omniscient and sovereign over all past, present, and future events. How might a Christian apply both the tools of probability and the truths of Scripture in managing risk and making life decisions? Reflect on the reading from The Unfinished Game (Devlin) as you discuss.

Please just do your best and give me something to turn in thank you.