In about 200 words for each question answer the following:

  1. How do we learn about objects of interest to intelligence through matter/energy interaction: emission, reflection, refraction, and absorption?
  2. Describe resolution, discuss how this applies to intelligence, and define the principle measures of resolution used to analyze and evaluate collected information.
  3. Describe the four types of satellite orbits and identify what types of collection are principally done from each orbit type.
  4. How does synthetic aperture radar work and what advantages does it have over optical imagery?
  5. Describe the three major branches of ELINT. Provide one real-life example (dates/places) of each–do your research!

Please use the assigned course readings. To earn points you MUST demonstrate that you’ve read and comprehended the content of the material linked below!



Think of a time when you had a different opinion than another person. 
Reflect on personal values evident in encounters/challenges with patients, friends, teachers, and others.
Note what they think and feel about these situations. 
Trace how they developed each value and how their value(s) affected these encounters. 
Identify value differences that may have contributed to conflict or misunderstanding.

No cover page needed.

Six or more references are a must.

Please add Christian values in the paper along with the reference.

8-10 pages..GL and please proofread before sending it.

Some say that narcissistic leaders and narcissistic leadership, albeit annoying to subordinates, get the work of the organization done. Others say that the damage done by narcissistic leaders and command creates an unethical environment that is virtually irreversible. What is narcissistic leadership? What are a narcissistic leaders traits? What are the organizational benefits and pitfalls of a narcissistic leader? Study covenant leadership. What is covenant leadership? What are the characteristics of a covenant leader?

For this project, compare and contrast the traits of a narcissistic leader with that of a covenant leader. What is the organizational impact of a narcissistic leader and a covenant leader? Imagine that you were a recently appointed chief of police in a large local police organization where the former police chief was not only a narcissistic leader but also promulgated narcissistic leadership qualities throughout all levels of leadership within the department. Develop a change plan to develop your organization with covenant leadership principles. Individually, how would you do this in a police organization? Detail changes in your mission, small changes you may make, substantial changes you may make, and the potential pitfalls and successes you may realize.

Write a paper on this subject that is not less than 810 pages in current APA format. The page count does not include the title page, abstract, reference section, or any extra material. To incorporate a solid Christian worldview, you must use 1015 sources with at least one source being the Holy Bible


Provide at least a 150 word  graduate level response to each of the following questions.   

1.   As a student of organization behavior, you have the opportunity to investigate what factor’s lead employees to make certain choices. What can this in turn help you do within your job?

2.  Your are working as a manager of a financial planing office where you require your employees to have a presence on social media.  One of your financial advisors posts to his Twitter account that he needs $500 to pay his rent for the month.  Would you punish him? Why or why not?


  • Provide at least a 150 word minimum response for each question.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations.  If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

The DIA is an all-source defense intelligence agency that is designed to prevent strategic surprise and deliver a decision advantage to warfighters, defense planners, and policymakers.  In this day and age of massive budget deficits and increased Congressional Oversight has the DIA become redundant?  Consider the Intelligence Capabilities of the Regional Combatant Commanders, the individual services and the NSA/CIA in your response.

Also please consult the Chicago Style Guide for the correct format for your citation.  

  • Paper should use Word, 12 pt. New Times Roman or Arial fonts.  
  • No pictures or graphs should be used
  • Paper should be 6 to 8 pages, double spaced.
  • Please include a bibliography if using the footnote/bibliography method of Chicago style, or a reference list if using the author/date method (preferred but not required).
  • You may use as many outside materials to develop your paper.
  • Save your paper as, last name, first initial, PA2  (Example:  Jones, M PA2)
  • The accuracy or your citations is gradable, as is grammar and clarity of writing.
  • All formal rules of writing apply including limiting your use of direct quotes to no more than 10-15% of your text. 

Your final paper must address each of the following elements:

Introduction -Your introduction should give a brief overview of the topic you are going to discuss. The last sentence of your introduction section should be your thesis statement. Your thesis statement should start with The purpose of this paper is to..

Body of paper – The body of your paper should organize how you plan to address each required section of the paper. Each supporting item is then broken down into smaller supporting items.

An overview of the issue
Why is this issue a concern from a health care economics perspective?
Who are the major parties involved in this issue?
Which market forces have an impact on this issue?
How is demand illustrated in this issue?
How is supply illustrated in this issue?
How has the affordable care act impacted this issue?
How are health disparities demonstrated in this issue?
How has this issue been improved in other global markets?
What is your recommendation for making improvements based on economic principles? 

Conclusion The conclusion of your paper should summarize your thesis statement and the supporting items discussed in your paper. In this outline, please indicate what you expect the finding to be.

References You must include seven (7) references. (You may use your textbook as one of the required references and you must include a minimum of six (6) current,  academic outside references including 3 peer-reviewed journal articles.

 Assignment Content

  1. Cyber security tools are available to organizations requiring integration of its problem management, configuration management, and incident management processes. 

    The CEO and CIO need you and your team to create an IRP and change management plan. These plans will help the organization choose the appropriate cyber security tool.

    Part I: Incident Response Plan
    Incident response is a disciplined methodology for managing the aftermath of a security breach, cyberattack, or some other security incident. An IRP provides an organization procedures that effectively limit the impact on the data, system, and business and reduces recovery time and overall cost. 

    Create a 1- to 2-page IRP Microsoft Word for an organization of your choice. In your plan, ensure you:

    • Discuss roles and responsibilities.
    • Discuss the critical activities for each of the 5 phases in the incident response process.
    • List at least 3 cyber security tools that work together to monitor the organizations network for malicious and abnormal activity.
    • Part II: Change Management Plan
      Change management plans define the process for identifying, approving, implementing, and evaluating necessary changes due to new requirements, risks, patches, maintenance, and errors in the organizations networked environment.

      Create a 1- to 2-page Change Management Plan in Microsoft Word for your chosen organization. In your plan, ensure you discuss:

    • Roles and responsibilities
    • The use of swim lanes and callouts
    • Who should be involved in developing, testing, and planning
    • Who reviews and signs off on the change management requests
    • Briefly describe how a change management plan reduces the organizations risk from known threats.

      Part III: Cyber Security Tool Comparison
      Create a 1- to 2-page table that compares two of the industry standard tools that integrate incident management and change management. 

      Recommend the best tool for the organization to the CEO and CIO. Explain how it maintains compliance with the organizations regulatory requirements.

      Format your citations according to APA guidelines.


  1. Which type of property is item A?
     A ring Hugh received from his grandmother several months before she died
    • mislaid property
    • abandoned property
    • gift
    • inherited (bequeathed) property
    • purchase
  2. Bookmark question for laterWhich identifier describes the nature of item A?
     A ring Hugh received from his grandmother several months before she died
    • tangible property
    • intangible/intellectual property
    • realty
  3. Bookmark question for laterWhich type of property is item B?
    A motorbike Ned got from the Harley-Davidson store for $53,000
    • mislaid property
    • abandoned property
    • gift
    • inherited (bequeathed) property
    • purchase
  4. Bookmark question for laterWhich identifier describes the nature of item B?
    A motorbike Ned got from the Harley-Davidson store for $53,000
    • tangible property
    • intangible/intellectual property
    • realty
  5. Bookmark question for laterWhich type of property is item C?
    A motorless army jeep left on the plot of land Corey bought
    • mislaid property
    • abandoned property
    • gift
    • inherited (bequeathed) property
    • purchase
  6. Bookmark question for laterWhich identifier describes the nature of item C?
    A motorless army jeep left on the plot of land Corey bought
    • tangible property
    • intangible/intellectual property
    • realty
  7. Bookmark question for laterWhich type of property is item D?
    A pair of high-quality cleats that Candace found on the football field after a game
    • mislaid property
    • abandoned property
    • gift
    • inherited (bequeathed) property
    • purchase
  8. Bookmark question for laterWhich identifier describes the nature of item D?
    A pair of high-quality cleats that Candace found on the football field after a game
    • tangible property
    • intangible/intellectual property
    • realty
  9. Bookmark question for laterWhich type of property is item E?
    A Sony Walkman that Mary left in her will for her nephew, Zeppelin
    • mislaid property
    • abandoned property
    • gift
    • inherited (bequeathed) property
    • purchase
  10. Bookmark question for laterWhich identifier describes the nature of item E?
    A Sony Walkman that Mary left in her will for her nephew, Zeppelin
    • tangible property
    • intangible/intellectual property
    • realty
  11. Bookmark question for laterWhich type of property is item F?
    The lyrics to an unpublished song that famous rapper 11 Nickels gave to his daughter when he retired
    • mislaid property
    • abandoned property
    • gift
    • inherited (bequeathed) property
    • purchase
  12. Bookmark question for laterWhich identifier describes the nature of item F?
    The lyrics to an unpublished song that famous rapper 11 Nickels gave to his daughter when he retired
    • intangible/intellectual property
    • realty
    • tangible property
  13. Bookmark question for laterWhich of the following is not true of offers?
    • An offerees silence may be counted as an agreement.
    • If a counteroffer is accepted, the original offer is terminated.
    • An offer may be terminated immediately if the offeree refuses it.
    • An offeree may reject an offer and present a counteroffer.
  14. Bookmark question for laterWhich of the following constitutes grounds for canceling a contract?
    • mutual mistake of value
    • bilateral mistake of value
    • mutual mistake of fact
    • unilateral mistake of fact
  15. Bookmark question for later_________________ damages are designed to punish someone for breaching a contract and are usually only available in fraud or bad faith cases.
    • Nominal
    • Punitive
    • Consequential
    • Compensatory
  16. Bookmark question for laterWhich of the following contracts is required to be in writing?
    • a contract for the sale of a bicycle for $200
    • a contract for the lease of a motorcycle with payments of $500
    • a contract for the sale of a bed for $350
    • a prenuptial agreement
  17. Bookmark question for laterA valid contract must include all of the following except which one?
    • mutual respect
    • legality
    • agreement
    • assent
  18. Bookmark question for laterThe __________ rule states that an offer made by one merchant to another may remain open for a set time during which it cannot be revoked.
    • firm offer
    • main purpose
    • mirror image
    • parol evidence
  19. Bookmark question for laterA person who owes a duty under a contract is called a(n) _________________.
    • assignor
    • delegator
    • obligor
    • offeror
  20. Bookmark question for laterA person who is owed a right under a contract is called a(n) _________________.
    • delegatee
    • offeree
    • assignee
    • obligee


Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

An incident response plan (IRP) is a set of procedures to help an organization detect, respond to, and recover from security incidents.

List the roles and responsibilities that are included in an IRP.

Discuss how an organization of your choosing may respond to at least one cyberattack. The organization should have a response in accordance with the IRP.


Option #1: Coastlines

The coastlines of the world are constantly being impacted by waves, currents and tides. Choose your favorite coastline (or least favorite) and describe how it is affected by those factors. How might these factors affect the coastline as sea level rises? You should include introductory information about how those processes are formed.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-4 pages in length
  • 1-2 outside sources
  • Formatted according to the

It is strongly recommended that you submit all assignments to the TurnItIn Originality Check prior to submitting the assignment to your instructor for grading. If you are uncertain how to submit an assignment to TurnItIn, please review the TurnItIn Originality Check – Student guide for step-by-step instructions.

Option #2: Oceanic Impacts

Humans have been utilizing the ocean for millennia, but also causing problems in the oceans. Choose one of these negative issues, such as overfishing, plastic trash, marine dumping, habitat destruction, acidification, dead zones, or other, and describe what the problem is, how humans caused the problem, where the problem is, and how is it destructive. Suggest possible solutions for this problem.

Your paper should meet the following requirements:

  • 3-4 pages in length
  • 1-2 outside sources
  • Formatted according to the

It is strongly recommended that you submit all assignments to the TurnItIn Originality Check prior to submitting the assignment to your instructor for grading. If you are uncertain how to submit an assignment to TurnItIn, please review the TurnItIn Originality Check – Student guide for step-by-step instructions.