Response to this blog post:

In response to your point about John Locke, often called the founder of British Empiricism, while Empiricism has both strengths and weaknesses it could be challenged, in so far as It is difficult to claim that what we experience through our senses is the fundamental root of all our perceptions and understanding..  One factor is that Empiricism relies heavily on the senses for attaining truths.  The senses are not always functioning perfectly, surely injury to the brain or alcohol could alter their validity and lead to a distortion of the truth.  A second argument against Empiricism is that the truths arriving need to be organized and not disconnected.  It is difficult to ascertain how this organization can occur.

Traditional empiricist methods need to be supplemented by extra-logical principals that are not strictly empirical.[1] Empiricism cannot provide us with the certainty of scientific knowledge in the sense that it denies the existence of objective reality, ignores the dialectical relationship of the subjective and objective contents of knowledge.[2] Our sensuous intuitions have to be structured by something inherent in our minds. Differing from Locke, Kant asserts that our minds are not originally like blank slates although our minds may be empty of sensory content before experience begins they nonetheless have a prior structure that gives shape to the sensory experience.[3] Another view, generally associated with Plato (Republic 479e-484c) locates the superiority of a priori knowledge in objects known.  What we know by reason alone, a Pllatonic form, say, is superior in an important metaphysical way, e.g. unchanging, eternal, perfect, a higher degree of being, to what we are aware of through sense experience.[4].

In 3 full pages (double-spaced), write the opening of a story in which you place a particular character in a particular situation and setting. (Your situation need not be highly dramatic, but I do expect you to introduce the seeds of conflict somewhere in the first two pages.) If you are having trouble generating material, I encourage you to reflect on a significant incident from your life or the life of a close friend/family member. From there, feel free to invent details and see where your writing takes you. Please engage with the following: concrete, meaningful detail, sensory image, fresh metaphor, active voice, and evocative syntax. (N.B.: There is no need to resolve any conflict in your scene at the end of your three pages; this piece is merely a slice, and you are not expected to create a full story arc.)

Start by choosing another culture youre interested in. It could be ancient (Rome, Maya, Inca, Persia, etc.), medieval (Britain, Italy, the Holy Land), or modern (America or literally anywhere). Do a little research on your own to figure out what the funerary rituals for that culture. Consider, for example, what we know Mayan funerary rituals, how we know that, and what that reveals about Mayan religious, social, and cultural beliefs. Spend at least 150 words writing up what we know about the funerary beliefs of that culture. Then spend at least another 150 words comparing those funerary rituals to those mentioned regarding Homers description of Achilles commemoration of Patroclus. Make sure to note at least 2 similarities and 2 differences.
I also post 2 additional readings might help.



Choose a union with no less than 100,000 members. To assist you, is an expansive list of options from which to choose. 1. Report on the union profile. How many members does the union have? How is the union’s organizational structure designed? In what industry(ies) does the union operate? How long has the union been in existence? Etc. (approximately 250 words for this section). 2. Report on a minimum of three (3) legal disputes in which the union has been involved in the last 10-15 years (approximately 250 words for each dispute). For each dispute, discuss:    a. Who were the parties?    b. What was the nature of the dispute (i.e. what was the conflict)?    c. Were any adverse actions taken by either the union (strikes, etc.) or the employer (ULPs, etc.)?    d. How was the dispute resolved (i.e. mediation, arbitration, litigation, etc.)?    e. What was the final outcome? 

Submission Instructions:

This assignment should at a minimum contain 1,000 words of content (double spaced). Word count does not include headings, cover pages, references, or question text (if you choose to include it in your paper); I am looking for 1,000 words of substance. Your paper should be in APA format including a properly formatted cover page (abstracts are optional) and a reference page with at least three (3) NEW references (“new” here means references that you have not already used in previous assignments in this course). Providing additional references to your assignments demonstrates your desire to conduct additional research on the topic area, and can improve your research skills.

With all assignments, include properly formatted in-text citations within the body of your work for each of your listed references so the reader can ascertain your original thoughts or ideas as well as the portion of your work that is credited to credible sources. It is very important to identify work from other sources to ensure that proper credit is provided to researchers in the field. This assignment uses Turn It In for originality verification.

Submit the weekly written assignment as an MS Word attachment (.doc or .docx format). A recommended font is 12pt Times New Roman. DO NOT include discussion board answers with your formally written assignment submission.


Chapter 28

You are meeting with a newly diagnosed 8-year-old acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) patient and his family to answer their questions about his illness and plan for treatment. They had sought medical treatment because the boy had experienced unusual fatigue, repeated infections, and unexplained bruising over the past few months.

a.            The patient and his family want to know why he has problems with bruising and infections when their understanding is that leukemia is a problem with too many white blood cells. How would you answer their question using lay language?

b.            The parents are very afraid of the chemotherapy regimen that is being planned, stating that their 40-year-old cousin died of ALL despite receiving powerful chemotherapy drugs that

Acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) is a cancer of the lymphocytes, which are white blood cells that are in charge of the immune system. It is the most common type of cancer in children.
In the (ALL), the lymphoblasts provide the bone marrow and crowd out other normal cells, repressing the generation of red blood cells, several other types of white blood cells. If the bone marrow is not working correctly, the child may encounter anemia, simple bruising, bleeding, or infection.

Anemia is the result of reduced red blood cells. Anemia symptoms include tiredness, irritation, drowsiness, colorlessness, shortness of breath, and a rapid heartbeat.
When lesions occur it is difficult for blood to clot, so bleeding and bruises may happen more easily since there is a low flow of platelets. Additionally, an infection may happen often if the blood lack of normal white blood cells.
Lymphoblasts may also extend to other organs, including the skin, liver, spleen, the spinal fluid, and a girls ovaries, and a boys testicles

The purpose of chemotherapy in patients with acute lymphocytic leukemia is to achieve remission. As a result, leukemia cells are no longer seen in bone marrow samples, the normal marrow cells respond, and the blood counts become normal.  92% of children begin within a month of induction treatment to then start remission. Patients are required to stay in the hospital for treatment and daily doctor’s check. Complications can be very severe to be life-threatening, but improvements in health care, have made the threat less probable.


 Treatment of Children With Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL). (n.d.). Retrieved from

Pathak, N. (2017, September 8). Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): Survival, Treatments, and More. Retrieved from

   Please make a reply to this discussion post from another student. Please place a reference APA style. 

Botulism is an extremely rare illness of people, but when it happens it could be deadly in case not addressed quickly. The most popular cause is the consumption of contaminated food, as has occurred at the latest outbreak recognized in Girona. The conscientious is a bacterium called’ Clostridium botulinum’, which generates botulinum toxin, among the most harmful substances known. Based on the world Health Organization, this harmful toxin blocks nerve capabilities allowing it to lead to respiratory and muscular paralysis. The meals the majority of probable being contaminated are processed, packaged and fermented at home. In food items which haven’t been prepared properly, bacteria survive as well as create dangerous contaminants (Grossman, and Porth, 2014). This’s since the bacterium responsible for any state just grows when there’s the problem and no oxygen this particular food type is able to be affected during the processing of its, when it’s not done correctly, would be that an area with is generated by them lower oxygen content. Besides foodborne transmission, it could be brought on by intestinal illness of babies, infected injuries or perhaps through inhalation, though it’s really uncommon. The most significant factor is maintaining the hygiene of all the goods as well as the food environment (Grossman, and Porth, 2014). When this’s sure, some suggestions will be implemented that diminish the chance that the bacteria will endure. These consist of separating raw and cooked food items, fully baking items, storing meals in a suitable temperature, utilizing drinking water and making sure the quality of raw food items.

I will persuade the parents to not leave by explaining them that the infant of theirs is showing symptoms of Infant botulism that is a neuroparalytic condition brought on by the neurotoxin grown nearly solely in the colon after the ingestion of the spores. This particular microorganism, Clostridium botulinum, could be discovered with honey, earth, vacuum cleaner dust along with other energy sources. The parents may not understand the severity as well as problems of the Infant botulism; thus, the primary critical factor is providing them with education and teaching (Grossman, and Porth, 2014). I am going to start by explaining the one leading complication is respiratory distress, and that jeopardizes the infant’s life. So, the infant has to be described a tertiary pediatric center equipped to handle ventilation and airway, and also supply the complete array of interventions to reduce problems while awaiting restoration. The prognosis is generally excellent if the required therapy is rapidly provided.

Short Essay Format: (minimum 100 words per answer.)

You must provide the Source(s) of your answers (textbook – WITH SPECIFIC PAGE REFERENCES; websites etc.)

Sorry, but if you do not give your Sources WITH SPECIFICITY you will receive an automatic failing grade. WHY? Refer to the Unit 3 Assignment.

The Questions (Submit the below in one Word document please):

  1. How is a Crime different than a Tort?
  2. Compare Intentional Tort and Negligence.
  3. What is the relationship between Breach of Duty and Standard of Care?
  4. In Strict Liability cases, why does the Defendant try to convince the Court that it is a Negligence case and not a case of Strict Liability?


Please use specific examples to illustrate your points. Write thoughtfully and professionally, this includes providing something original and NOT just resubmitting your self-analysis from the similar assignment in ORGL 3000.

Think about your own social context and social interactions. Answer the following questions. A brief paragraph per question will be sufficient (no more than a page total if possible).

  1. What social interactions, either at work, in volunteer situations, or with family, have shaped my beliefs? [Give example(s).]
  2. When my beliefs have changed, why did this happen?
  3. When I look back on my learning experiences, how have friends or my community helped or hindered my understanding of the world?
  4. Do I have any regrets about how I either connected or did not connect with a social network at work, in my family, volunteering or the community? Note: The refers to social networking in general, not Internet social media such as Facebook.
  5. Describe an example of someone you consider to interact ideally with others. How close are you to living up to this example? (Please do consider someone who is a learner, who has had learning experiences, rather than a somewhat more classic example like your mother, your father or Jesus.)

make it believable and a real eperience that would happen in america

Start by choosing another culture youre interested in. It could be ancient (Rome, Maya, Inca, Persia, etc.), medieval (Britain, Italy, the Holy Land), or modern (America or literally anywhere). Do a little research on your own to figure out what the funerary rituals for that culture. Consider, for example, what we know Mayan funerary rituals, how we know that, and what that reveals about Mayan religious, social, and cultural beliefs. Spend at least 150 words writing up what we know about the funerary beliefs of that culture. Then spend at least another 150 words comparing those funerary rituals to those mentioned regarding Homers description of Achilles commemoration of Patroclus. Make sure to note at least 2 similarities and 2 differences.
I post 2 readings might help.

Forward and backward substitution
Cholesky factorization
Normal equations and polynomial fitting
Regularized image denoising

Jupyter notebook (Anaconda 3) is used and attached is the A1.pynb file where we have to write code only below the comment # YOUR CODE HERE and not allowed to  imports outside the ones given