Find and list all DIRECT competitors that sell hotdog and any INDIRECT competitors ( e.g. Coca Cola and the  water industry) WHO MAY BE ABLE TO ENTER YOUR INDUSTRY AND MARKETS and  for each research the following areas:

* market share
* product lines
* Product/Service features
* pricing
* target markets
* supply chain
* distribution channels
* Marketing, advertising and social media strategies
* Promotions
* competitive advantage in the market place
* return policies
* How/Where do end users purchase the companies products
* Articles written about the company

You are required to call each competitor directly to gather  information. You must document time of call, who you spoke to, their  position in the company and a synopsis of what you learned in the call.  Must make at least three attempts to call, and document each one.

The paper shall be typed, double-spaced with one-inch margins on ALL  FOUR SIDES. All sources of data, quotes, and facts set forth in  researched materials shall be numerically footnoted and each footnote  shall be set forth in seriatim on a separate page titled, END NOTES  which shall be numbered but does NOT count toward the FIVE-PAGE MINIMUM  length of the analysis. A separate bibliography (after the End Notes)  shall be made a part of the analysis but does NOT count toward the  Four-PAGE

Assignment 3: International Taxation and Foreign Tax Credits

Due Week 8 and worth 220 points 

For Assignment 3, assume that you are a CPA employed as an international tax consultant hired to provide advice to a U.S.-based client expanding operations into foreign markets. To complete this assignment please select a U.S.-based corporation that has expanded into foreign markets within the last seven years. 

Using the Internet or Strayer Library, conduct research on the tax impacts for U.S. companies expanding into foreign markets.  

Write a four to six (4-6) page paper in which you:

  1. Based on your research, analyze the major impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the use of controlled foreign corporations to expand abroad. Examine two (2) methods you would recommend to the client to circumvent the provisions of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on subpart F to reduce the clients tax liability. Provide at least two (2) examples to support your recommendations.
  2. Based on your research, create a plan for the client to lower taxes by reinvesting profits and thereby lower the companys tax liability. Provide at least one example to support your plan.
  3. Develop a strategy for the client to neutralize the impact of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the immediate U.S. taxation of deferred income from foreign subsidiaries’ earnings and profits (E&P) over an eight-year period. Provide examples to support your plan.
  4. Analyze the foreign tax credits available to your client. Propose at least three (3) tax credits the client could use and the impact of the credits on other foreign loss income. Provide examples to support your recommendations.
  5. Use at least four (4) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
  6. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    1. Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    2. Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    3. Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow APA format. The reference page is not included in the required page length. 


The summative assessment of 2,500 words requires you to use relevant global marketing and ethical theories, frameworks and concepts from the module to analyse the sector within your chosen organization operates and to produce a consultancy report on the marketing challenges and opportunities it faces both now and in the future. Specifically, the summative assessment requires you to: 

  • Use relevant global marketing and ethical theories, frameworks and concepts from the module to analyse the sector within which the organization operates and the marketing challenges and opportunities it faces both now and in the future.
  • Building on the formative, develop a consultancy report as if for presentation to the Board of your chosen organization. The report needs to cover, amongst other things:
    • Introduction to the organisation, including, for example, the sector and countries within which it operates. Identification of the organisations core capabilities/strengths.
    • Analysis of the global environment of the business using selected theories from this and previous modules (eg market audit)
    • Identification of key threats and opportunities within that environment
    • Analysis of the organisations current marketing activity and ethical stance, using theories and concepts from the module (eg IMC theory, stakeholder-led approaches and so on). This should include details of its marketing approach and an analysis of whether this could be improved to capitalize on the threats and opportunities you have identified.
    • This should include your assessment as to what extent is the company is capitalizing on the available market opportunities, your argument as to whether its marketing strategy is global/local or otherwise, and your judgement on how it is performing in terms of ethical considerations.

Writing in report format: The assessment is to be written in the format of a report. The following document gives a brief introduction to writing and formatting reports, together with some ideas on sources of further guidance. Note that whilst business reports would not normally use Harvard referencing and would be unlikely to talk in depth about theoretical concepts, within the academic context of your assessment Harvard referencing should be used and relevant theory from the module discussed and applied.


have identified a couple of reports written for a different module which I hope will help you. Please note:

  • i) the reports provided here are from a different module and answer different questions to the ones you have been set
  • ii) the reports do NOT demonstrate sample content. However, they do give examples of
    • a) how to use theory within your assessment (note you may well be using different theories)
    • b) how to illustrate theory with examples from the study of a real- life organisation
    • c) use of tables, appendices etc to present extra information
    • d) writing in report format (though there are other ways of doing this see the Guide to Report writing above).
  • iii) both reports provided here would receive above average marks in the context for which they were written. However, it is up to you to use the guidance you have already been given on your assessment including the guide to report writing, the Universitys guide to Harvard referencing and the extra tips document to develop your own reports in response to the questions you have been set.

Use APA 6th Edition Format and support your work with at least 4 peer-reviewed references within 5 years of publication. Remember that you need a cover page and a reference page. All paragraphs need to be cited properly. Please use headers. All responses must be in a narrative format and each paragraph must have at least 4 sentences. Lastly, you must have at least 3 pages of content, no greater than 4 pages, excluding cover page and reference page. If Any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Chronic Stable Angina

E.H. is a 45-year-old African American man who recently moved to the community from another state. He requests renewal of a prescription for a calcium channel blocker, prescribed by a physician in the former state. He is unemployed and lives with a woman, their son, and the womans 2 children. His past medical history is remarkable for asthma and six heart attacks that he claims occurred because of a 25-year history of drug use (primarily cocaine). He states that he used drugs as recently as 2 weeks ago. He does not have any prior medical records with him. He claims that he has been having occasional periods of chest pain. He is unable to report the duration or pattern of the pain. Before proceeding, explore the following questions: What further information would you need to diagnose angina (substantiate your answer)? What is the connection between cocaine use and angina? Identify at least three tests that you would order to diagnose angina.

Diagnosis: Angina 

1. List specific goals of treatment for E.H.

2. What dietary and lifestyle changes should be recommended for this patient?

3. What drug therapy would you prescribe for E.H. and why?

4. How would you monitor for success in E.H.?

5. Describe one or two drugdrug or drugfood interactions for the selected agent.

6. List one or two adverse reactions for the selected agent that would cause you to change therapy.

7. What would be the choice for the second-line therapy?

8. Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed first-line therapy.

9. What over-the-counter and/or alternative medications would be appropriate for E.H.?


Part 1: Research discrimination and tokenism in the workplace. Then, write an essay that explains those terms and how they may apply in the workplace. Support your response with examples of how various forms of discrimination can impact organizations. Your essay should be two pages in length.

Part 2: Read the case titled, Ethical Dilemma Voiding the License to Discriminate Then, write responses that address the questions (212, 213, and 214) found below the case. Use examples to support each of your answers. At least one of your responses to the questions should be supported by a peer-reviewed journal article. Use an article that has been published within the past five years that focuses on tokenism and/or discrimination. Your responses to Part 2 should be a total of two pages in length.

Submit the two parts into the same document for submission. The total length of this essay should be four pages, not counting the title page and reference page. Headings should be used to clearly identify each question or topic area. Use APA format for this assignment.


Assignment Questions: 

1. Read the attached article titled as Are You Solving the Right Problems by Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg, published in Harvard Business Review, and answer the following Questions: 

  1. Summarize the article and explain the main issues      discussed in the article. (In 600-700 words) 
  2. Discuss the seven practices for effective reframing of      the problems. (In 100-300 words)

c. What do you think about the article in relations to what you have learnt in the course about identification of problems for decision making? Use additional reference to support you argument. (In 200-400 words)

Describe one internal and one external method for the dissemination of your EBP project results. For example, an internal method may be the hospital board, and an external method may be a professional nursing organization. Discuss why it is important to report your results to both of these groups. How will your communication strategies change for each group?

Are there individual differences in how much someones decisions will be affected by social norms meaning some people will be more affected by social norms than others? Are there, in other words, people who conform to social norms more than others and does it matter whether the norms are positive (such as helping others) versus negative (such as cheating or bribing)?


This is a Collaborative Learning Community (CLC) assignment.

The purpose of this assignment is to create a quality improvement plan for a public health organization.

Identify one public health organization around which your group will build a quality improvement plan. Ensure that enough accessible information exists on the services the organization provides, its patient base, its invested stakeholders, and how it impacts the community.

Create a 15-20-slide PowerPoint presentation with detailed speaker notes that addresses the following components:

  1. Describe the purpose of the organization, what value it offers to the community, why it is focused on quality, and how this plan will help it to better meet patient or customer needs.
  2. Describe the leadership structure of the organization, including the roles and responsibilities of involved stakeholders. Explain how these members of the organization will help to manage and monitor the quality improvement program.
  3. How is the organization financed? Why is understanding this important when building a quality improvement plan?
  4. What types of training or support resources does the organization possess for quality improvement initiatives?
  5. What types of innovative partnerships does the organization possess that allow it to provide quality public health care? What partnerships could the organization forge to improve the outcomes they can provide?
  6. How will the organization use the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) tool to assist in improving and monitoring quality?
  7. What are the goals and objectives the organization is setting out to achieve with the implementation of this quality improvement plan?
  8. How will the organization monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of its quality improvement strategies?
  9. What do continuous quality improvement initiatives like this quality improvement plan offer to the overall field of public health?

Cite at least four references, including the textbook.