Reaction paper: Introduction to Mental Health Nursing: Video Critique (10 Points)
Watch at least one of the video listed in (section A 1 or 2) of your video resource sheet, then answer the questions listed below:
Instructions: [1]
Not more than 200-300 words
Typed word document
What stood out the most as being appealing or disturbing? [2]
Do you believe in 2020 things have improved significantly or not ? [2]
How has this impacted your initial thoughts about mental health disorders and management approaches? [4]
Each student is required to do a peer review using the attached rubric . [1]
[Feel free to watch both but you are only required to review one then answer the above questions]
Mental Health Video_Other Resources
A. Introduction to psychiatric mental health disorders:
Children of Darkness is an Oscar nominated 1983 documentary-Richard Kotuk (1Hr)