Follow the news related to American government response to the Coronavirus out break in the U.S. Consider the relationship between the U.S. National Government, State Government and Local Government, as we discussed related to the “Marble Cake” of Federalism. Review material from the two course textbooks and news reports (see suggested sources listed below). (In addition to the Governing California textbook you are currently reading from the syllabus assignments, review earlier readings from We the People, Chapter 3 on Federalism, with emphasis on the Cooperative Federalism (Marble Cake), Figure 3.2 on page 81.

Grading Criteria:  Students will follow the 5 Step Essay Format listed below.

Title of Essay:  3 points are possible for the title of the essay.  Students should develop a title that is a reflection of their theme and approach to the essay, rather than just state the topic.

11 points will be possible for each of the 5 paragraphs. (Each paragraph should have, at least, two sentences.)

1.  Introductory Paragraph:  State 3 subtopics of essay in a thesis statement.  Underline thesis statement.

2. Discuss first subtopic listed in thesis.  (National Government)

3. Discuss second subtopic listed in thesis  (State Government)

4.  Discuss third subtopic listed in thesis (Local Government)

5.  Conclusion, restating thesis.

In addition to using text readings and class lecture material on the concept of Federalism,  it is suggested students review information from media sources such as newspapers articles, television news reports and internet searches for updated information about the Coronavirus.