Evaluate the ethics of any legal or ethical issue in the news. Analyze the dilemma or issue. Thoroughly evaluate the appropriateness of applying at least two ethical frameworks reviewed in the course, and suggest an approach that might help to avoid such dilemmas/issues in the future.

In your paper, be sure to address the following items:

Evaluate the ethics of any legal or ethical issue in the news.
Analyze the dilemma or issue, including a discussion of personal ethics in relation to the situation.
How, if at all, do your personal ethics impact your analysis?
How do personal ethics impact the behavior and actions of the parties/organizations involved?
What is/are the ethical framework(s) of the parties or organizations involved?
Thoroughly evaluate the appropriateness of applying at least two ethical frameworks reviewed in the course and suggest an approach that might help to avoid such dilemmas or issues in the future.

Recommended Topics
Ethics and management
Ethics and reasoning
Ethical relativism
Kants moral theory
Virtue ethics
Natural law
Ethics of care
Equality and discrimination
Economic justice
Environmental ethics
Globalization and emerging ethical challenges
Incorporating ethics into business life

For this final paper, provide an in-depth case analysis of the legal or ethical issue.

Your paper should:

Be 8 to 10 pages in length.
Include a title page that has your name, the title of your report, date, course code, and name of the course mentor.
Include an introduction to the case analysis.
Include a main body that clearly explains the analysis and details of the issue or dilemma. Remember that the focus is on demonstrating a strategy to address real-world circumstances.
Include recommendations for approaches that might help to avoid such issues or dilemmas in the future.
Follow academic research approaches and APA citation format, including in-text citations and a References list.
Be well-developed and convey your understanding of the readings and concepts.
Be organized, coherent, and unified.
Be free of spelling, structure, and grammatical errors.