How Cultural Difference Affects Projects

The contrast between culture has greatly impacted the flow of activities of a project therefore, affecting the results of the project. There are many ways in which peoples customs have interfered or assisted with their work or tasks and these ways will be explained in this essay.  For one, the difference in culture brings about the obtrusion of the communication process. Culture comprises language, beliefs and practices which differ from other people. Hence, a certain culture will have its own language and this will not be understood by an individual from another culture. Therefore there will be difficulty in communicating. For example, as an international student from China, it might be difficult to converse with another student from another part of the world and especially one who does not understand English. This will make my project strenuous and negatively affect the end results.

Another effect that tradition distinction has on a project is that it increases the performance level of a multicultural group working on a project. A team consisting of individuals from different cultures will learn how to deal with ethnic or semantic barriers and this strengthens their cooperation and enable them to deal with other parties efficiently. For instance, when conducting a school project, I was paired with people from different cultural backgrounds. We learnt to associate together and relate to each others ways of living and languages. This came in handy for our project since we were able to include the right point of view for various cultures and thus submitted an accurate project.

In addition, customs and traditions hinder the human resource department processes like hiring of employees. Studies carried out in Latin America and Africa showed that these countries barely hired local professionals since their profiles lacked in a certain sector particularly their education section which was considered insufficient. This will most definitely affect a project due to the minimum workforce. If they employ these individuals, then they will have to train them and these might cause delays and negatively affect the deadline of the projects. As an international student from China, my culture has made it difficult for me to get hired in some organizations since they do not agree with some aspects of my culture and imply that it will obstruct their activities or policies(Rodrigues & Sbragia, 2013, p. xx).


Rodrigues, I., & Sbragia, R. (2013). The cultural challenges of managing global project teams: A study of Brazilian multinationals. Journal of technology management & innovation, 8, 7-8. doi:10.4067/s0718-27242013000300004

Please read the article I wrote and answer the following questions

Studies carried out in Latin America and Africa showed that these countries barely hired local professionals since their profiles lacked in a certain sector particularly their education section which was considered insufficient.

as you stated training costs a result the problem continues and is simply perpetuated..should companies look aboard to perform these tasks?..and if so what are the benefits?