Write 400 word response paper(roughly 1.5-2 pages) focusing on the selected readings. You must refer to specific page numbers and very brief quotes in response to demonstrate engagement with and sn understanding of the material.  You are encouraged to write using first person perspective, but please be sure to use academic prose (avoid contractions, etc…..Must use MLA format for citing page numbers or quotes from the reading. See additional materials

read the document that I will upload and
Write a 300-word (minimum) post in first person addressing your struggle with the reading material. Write about what you dont understand, or what you half-understand, or how the material connects to the previous week, or what about the material fascinates you and why. Do write in proper English; however, do not write anything that resembles formal writing.

What to do:

1. Seek, find, and visit websites and YouTube channels associated with coding and creativity; e.g., https://scratch.mit.edu/ http://www.blackgirlscode.com/ https://girlswhocode.com https://hourofcode.com/ https://processing.org/ https://www.youtube.com/user/CodeOrg  (Links to an external site.)

2. Watch a bunch of the videos that promote or advertise the cause. Consider who appears in the videos and what that reveals about the intended audience for the videos. Take some screenshots and some written notes as you watch. Record the URLs of the videos you watch.

3. Watch and do one of the Hour of Code tutorials (https://hourofcode.com/us/learn), or one of the talk throughs on computer programming at Khan Academy (https://www.khanacademy.org/computing/computer-programming). Lets call these tutorials interactive videos. Document your progress for this step as you did for the last: take notes, screenshots, and remember the URLs for everything you look at or play with.

4. As you select a tutorial to do, you will notice that they are targeted at different audiences — sometimes explicitly, like in terms of recommended age group; sometimes implicitly through their reference to images or sounds from popular culture that appeal to certain audiences.

5. Research who made these videos, who appears in these videos, and who financed these videos (both the promotional videos and the interactive videos). Start this process by Wikipedia surfing the profiles of these people; e.g., with respect to Mitchel Resnick (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mitchel_Resnick) you will find out where and with whom he works, where he got his degree, what he used to do before he was a professor. Follow links to co-workers, personal relations (e.g., brothers, sisters, wives, husbands, etc.), places of employment, etc. To find more than the basics e.g., to find out that Resnick serves on the board of the Computer Clubhouse Network (http://theclubhousenetwork.org/board) and the Scratch Foundation (https://www.scratchfoundation.org/who-we-are/) you will need to broaden your search beyond Wikipedia. Keep track of the connections you find by drawing a social network diagram.

6. Consider the history of the creativity movement. The OED can be a place to start, just looking at the etymology of words like creative (http://www.oed.com.oca.ucsc.edu/view/Entry/44072#eid8014684), but a real history will take some more digging (e.g., https://www.ias.edu/ideas/van-eekelen-discipline-creativity); and, finding the apt intellectual predecessor of specific ideas about creativity will entail even more study; e.g., Resnicks Creative Learning Spiral seems to be a vulgarization of philosopher Hegels dialectic spiral of sublation (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aufheben). Wikipedia can be of some help for this step too, but to make claims like I have just done connecting Resnick to Hegel requires a reading of the original sources, if you are going to be academically respectable.

7. Consider the cultural, business, and political context of creativity and code. For example, is the code and creativity cause motivated by a view of economics like the creative class (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creative_class) notion advanced by business school professor Richard Florida? Is it a plot by the billionaires who appear in those Hour of Code videos? What does coding and creativity have to do with bigger movements, like the Maker Movement? Is it all just a natural outgrowth of the coupling of hippies and the military that spawned Silicon Valley as detailed in Fred Turners history, From Counterculture to Cyberculture: Stewart Brand, the Whole Earth Network, and the Rise of Digital Utopianism (University of Chicago Press, 2006)? You might also want to consider coding and creativity as it appears in academia and the university (e.g., The biannual ACM Creativity and Cognition Conference: http://cc.acm.org)  (Links to an external site.)

8. Outline a way to tie all this stuff together: Who appears in the videos? Who is behind the videos? Who are the videos designed to appeal to? What are the money and the power behind the videos or, more generally, behind the code and creativity movement?

9. Now you are ready to write. Pick a position: Are you for this coding and creativity thing, or against it, or are you going to point out both positives and negatives? Youve looked at a lot of videos and consulted a lot of biographies: For your argument, who agrees with you? Who disagrees and why? What would it take to convince someone otherwise? To figure out what would be convincing, you need to consider the audience for your paper. Start with the other students in class. How can you convince them? Include both big picture stuff, e.g., what creativity and coding is in the mass media, education in general, etc. And, include close readings of specific arguments and promotions you have seen or read in the videos or texts, like Resnicks text. What do those videos or texts do to you to convince you, or not? Include a screenshot or two if it helps you make your point. List, in your bibliography/references URLs, videos, books, etc. you discovered in your research for this project and that you incorporate into your paper. Usually, it is the case that the more references you include the better. In contrast, a paper that hinges on just one or two references is usually too fragile to withstand a close reading or critique.

10. Grading:

The paper will be graded according to the following criteria:

(a) Spelling and grammar count! We will take off points for poor proofreading;

(b) the quality and extent of your research;

(c) the clarity of your argument: Make your point right up front and then extend your argument in the body of the paper;

(d) the skill with which you weave your references into your argument; Just listing references is not convincing; you need to consider the point (or ancillary point) you are trying to make by citing a reference; e.g., some references are there to convince the reader that you know what you are writing about; others are there to represent adversaries: ideas or people against whom you are arguing; other are positive citations, references to ideas or people who back up or give further depth to the position you are arguing.

Stefan Heidemann, et. al. The Large Audience: Life-Sized Stucco Figures of Royal Princes from the Seljuq Period. Muqarnas 31 (2014): 35-17.
– make sure that the work is not too advanced for me, basic reflection.

Create a thread with an appropriate heading for yourself.
Write a 300-word (minimum) post in the first person addressing your struggle with the reading material. Write about what you dont understand, or what you half-understand, or how the material connects to the previous week, or what about the material fascinates you and why. Do write in proper English; however, do not write anything that resembles formal writing.

Initial 300-words minimum post due by Wednesday, January 15 at 10 PM

The proposed project will involve an investigation into the relationship between photographic practices and the body in the digital age. Photography has undergone a major shift since the emergence of digital technologies. The mobile phone camera in particular has democratized access to photography, transforming it into a widely used form of communication practiced across the globe. In parallel to this shift, the platforms on which photographs are shared have grown exponentially: Instagram is now one of the most popular social media sites today. These shifts have had a profound impact on the way that female, male and non-binary bodies are presented, defined, critiqued and disseminated online.

The ubiquity of the camera combined with the profound role of social media on everyday life has had a wide-spread impact on the way that we see, understand and relate to the body. The opportunities for further research and critical analysis are vast. This is a quickly shifting territory making this a timely and much needed research project. The research would build on theories on the softimage (Hoelzl & Marie, 2015), the evolution of the image between digital and analogue spheres (Bohr & Sliwinska, 2018) as well as burgeoning work on transnational and cosmopolitical approaches to bodies, identification and the circulation of lens-based images (Meskimmon, 2010; Arnold & Meskimmon, 2016).

Writing an essay based on Hollywood and World War II, no particular topic needed, just make sure the theme of paper is connected to HOLLYWOOD and WWII.

e.g.: you can list some of the famous films and directors from Hollywood emerged in WWII and analyze them. Also you can introduce the history and discuss the development of films at WWII in Hollywood.

I’m taking the course Film Art, its about film history, so just make sure the paper is stick to the course content.

compare the images attached below.
consider their significance
what the artist trying to say

links to use or find others :
The Story Of Damien Hirsts Famous Shark

Breaking Down the Concept Behind Damien Hirst’s Shark

Jeff Koons controversial sculpture of Michael Jackson & bubbles

1) Select an artwork from the Romantic Period to discuss
2)Provide basic descriptive materials regarding the work
3)criticize the artwork specifically referring to the presentation of oppositions/dramatic contrasts in the work
NOTE: not all works of the period are well suited for this exercise
4) identify any reference materials used in the creation of this original assignment as appropriate and in proper citation format. NOTE : use at least one source.
5) complete the tasks herein in an original composition appropriate.

Write a clear, coherent, well-organized, well-supported paper
stating and proving a specific, focused thesis about some aspect of one or two of
the visual texts (films, movies, painting, photographs) that have been discussed
in class so far, or about some other US visual text of your choice. If you choose a
text or texts that have been discussed in class, be advised that your paper must
not simply repeat or summarize class discussion. If you choose a text not
discussed in class, you must have your choice approved by one of the instructors
before you submit your paper. Also, whatever text(s) you choose, be sure that
your paper deals in some way with the visual aspects of your subject. These
instructions apply to both papers (short, midterm and long, final).

1) Analyze a particular scene in terms of how it visually (and otherwise, if you
wish), reflects or contributes to or comments on a particular US cultural myth,
theme, or ideological formation.
2) Compare and contrast two images in terms of how they relate to such a myth,
theme, or ideological formation.
3) Analyze how the visual portrayal of a character or landscape contributes to the
overall meaning(s) of the text in which it appears.

Write a clear, coherent, well-organized, well-supported paper
stating and proving a specific, focused thesis about some aspect of one or two of
the visual texts (films, movies, painting, photographs) that have been discussed
in class so far, or about some other US visual text of your choice. If you choose a
text or texts that have been discussed in class, be advised that your paper must
not simply repeat or summarize class discussion. If you choose a text not
discussed in class, you must have your choice approved by one of the instructors
before you submit your paper. Also, whatever text(s) you choose, be sure that
your paper deals in some way with the visual aspects of your subject. These
instructions apply to both papers (short, midterm and long, final).

1) Analyze a particular scene in terms of how it visually (and otherwise, if you
wish), reflects or contributes to or comments on a particular US cultural myth,
theme, or ideological formation.
2) Compare and contrast two images in terms of how they relate to such a myth,
theme, or ideological formation.
3) Analyze how the visual portrayal of a character or landscape contributes to the
overall meaning(s) of the text in which it appears.