The discussion this week is based on the Zoom conference we held a couple of weeks ago.  Years ago, well-known author and management guru, Tom Peters wrote an article for Fast Company titled: A Brand Called You (Links to an external site.) Links to an external site.. From that point forward, we have learned that important branding lessons for products can and should be applied to our personal brands. LinkedIn is one of the best social platforms for personal branding, connecting and sharing, and is regarded as the network for professionals.

For this discussion, lets look at your personal brand.

Before participating in the discussion, please update or create a LinkedIn account to assist in building your professional network. The following infographic will help you get the most from your LinkedIn profile:  Your Ultimate LinkedIn Cheat Sheet (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site..

After you have created or updated your profile, you are ready to participate in the discussion. Please begin your initial post by providing a link to your LinkedIn profile. If you created a new profile, share what information you chose to highlight about yourself and how this information makes your profile more appealing. If you made changes to an existing profile, share any changes you have made and how those changes make your profile more appealing.

Note: if you do not wish to participate in posting your profile on LinkedIn for this discussion, you can instead create some posts on the benefits of LinkedIn.

Your paper should be double spaced and, importantly, contain a minimum of 8 citations from our course resources, applying the principles from these chapters to the material you are presenting.  Remember to link your citations to a list of references which should be the last page of your paper.
If, for instance, if you choose to explore the success of a products new marketing campaign, lets say, Chipotle, your source for background on Chipotle (their own website) would not be one of your two marketing sources, although it should be included in your citations. However a newspaper article on Chipotle would be considered an outside source, as would other news or academic sources. As always, Wikipedia is not considered an academic source.
This research paper should be well-written, contain no grammatical or spelling errors, and should contain (at the very least) an introduction including a thesis statement, 3 supporting sections, and a robust conclusion.
NO Plagiarism

in this assignment, you will be creating a Consumer Privacy Policy for your New Shoes Company based on the insight you have gained this week regarding privacy policies and their importance to business and consumers. This policy will communicate with your potential and existing consumers how you will handle their personal information on your sites and social media accounts.

As you prepare this assignment, please be sure to include the following elements in your Privacy Policy:

Why you wrote the policy
The plan to protect consumers personal information
How you will handle consumer personal information (shared and not shared)
How you will update consumers regarding the policy
How the information attained is used
How the consumer can opt- out

Please submit your assignment using the Privacy Policy Template

for this essay, you need to really do the research and using some academic or marketing report resources to support your writing. The paper should be in detail and convincing.

This is actually a group project, however, you are only required to research and report the advantages (benefits) or disadvantages that this alliance brings to each partner firm. I have attached our group proposal for this project, which provides you the background and related resources of this project. You should read the proposal first. The following two screenshots are the project guideline.

Thank you so much!

How to market yourself professionally? Can you use proven business strategy methods and tools (for example, marketing communication mix, or unique selling proposition, or professional services marketing, or digital marketing strategies) for self-marketing and personal branding? How can you use social media marketing for self-promotion?

In your response, please identify the important concepts, theories, or ideas that you have learned regarding self-promotion through social media marketing.

Why do you think these concepts, theories, or ideas are important? How would you apply what you have learned in this and other marketing courses to successfully promote yourself using social media marketing? Please give a few examples.

Also, what question(s) has your learning of self-promotion through social media marketing raised for you? What are you still wondering about?

Below are some additional resources collected for you by Associate Professor John Beckem.

#1: LinkedIn for Self-Promotion

LinkedIn lets you promote yourself to over 161,000,000 people. It offers a range of tools and strategies to help you turn it into a significant source of professional self-promotion. Simple tasks like completing your profile and connecting to as many people as you can are a good start, but using additional tools like Groups and the ability to search your connection’s network can make it an even more powerful tool.

Please watch the following video LinkedIn for Self-Promotion

In addition, a message map may help you organize and develop your elevator pitch. Carmine Gallo, Forbes Contributor, writes, “If you cant tell me what you do in 15 seconds, Im not buying, Im not investing, and Im not interested.” Here are 3 steps suggested by Carmine Gallo on how you can pitch anything in 15 seconds including yourself.

Build a message map in 3-steps. A message map is the visual display of your idea on one page. It is a powerful and tool that should be a part of your communication arsenal. Building a message map can help you pitch anything (a product, service, company, idea, or yourself) in as little as 15 seconds. Here is the three-step process to using a message map to build a winning pitch.

Step One. Create a Twitter-friendly headline. The headline is the one single overarching message that you want your customers to know about yourself. Ask yourself, What is the single most important thing I want my listener to know about me. Draw a circle at the top of the message and insert the headline. Make sure your headline fits in a Twitter post no more than 140 characters. If you cannot explain your product or idea in 140 characters or less, go back to the drawing board.

Step Two. Support the headline with three key strengths. The human mind can only process about three pieces of information in short-term memory. Specifically outline the three or, at most, four strengths that you bring to an organization. Draw three arrows from the headline to each of the key supporting strengths.

Step Three. Reinforce the three strengths with stories, statistics, and examples. Add bullet points to each of the three supporting strengths. You dont have to write out the entire story. Instead, write a few words that will prompt you to deliver the story. Remember, the entire message map must fit on one page.

Please watch this video (this example is of a product, however the same concept can be applied to yourself)

Study both attached readings.  Think strategically about the cost and benefits of doing CSR & Sustainability by corporations.  “Cost” can include cost savings (yeah, this is really a benefit).  There are a lot of benefits (there are triple benefits: financial, social, environmental). 

The content should  be as follows:

1. Outline 1  program, service or product that you believe has a compelling CSR and/or Sustainability benefit that will make a real impact that will help environmentally and/or socially. Also highlight the cost of it and/or challenges.  Please reference appropriate materials from this course and do not choose a product/or service that you have already used/discussed in this course.  Make it a compelling headline of your post and a grabbing introductory paragraph .

2. Research the item above and decide on your focus and what you will say in the post.  Will it be to inspire readers, show a trend or give them directions on how to be green using the product and/or service?

3. Outline the key information you want to share and what they learn from the blog you are posting. 
Link to other blogs, research or landing pages that supports your blog.

4. Tie it all together with a strong conclusion.  You can also put in relevant pictures or graphs that makes your blog even more compelling.

my team member and I have been asked to conduct Competitive Intelligence about the assigned company’s domestic (U.S. only) marketing activities. Create a report reviewing their use of the marketing mix since January 1, 2018.
I have chosen the pricing section, please follow the instructions from the word document attached below ( from p.13 through p.15 ).
thank you.

Please create a social media-only campaign for a new soft drink called Jazz. This is a diet cola only, with a very, very high caffeine count. The soda will be introduced July 1. The social media campaign will kick off Memorial Day weekend and run through Labor Day weekend. The product is only available in a single market, the greater Madison, WI market. You can choose the demo you want to target..

Jazz, at a minimum, will have a main Facebook page called Jazz and a second page called Jazz Dance. The Twitter feed will be @jazzdrink and @jazzdance. There will also be a YouTube channel and a SnapChat filter for businesses that serve Jazz.

Please include what you would put on both Facebook pages, samples of the Tweets sent for each phase, and what type of videos would be created for YouTube. Create a Calendar for the summer showing the mediums used and what will be posted. Include an estimate as to how much this campaign would cost.

Also, please explain how the campaign will be different for a B2C audience and a B2B audience.

It is important to specifically target Jazz to only one persona. Who is that customer? Why did you pick them? Describe their social media usage throughout a typical day.

Note: this is a fictional product. For this project we are only creating a social media plan. In the real world, a project like this would be supported by traditional media as well. So don’t include any radio, TV, billboards and such. Just social media.

Create a presentation (Powerpoint, Word doc or pdf)

Create a social media plan for a bowling alley that is hosting a fundraiser for the humane society to adopt puppies. The event is one day only: April 12. You will need to use exactly 3 social mediums.

1) Pick the 3 mediums and explain why they are relevant for the target audience (and explain who the target audence is).

2) Investigate and estimate how much these ads will cost, based on running one-week before the event.

3) Create the theme of the campaign and explain how you will create the ads in each medium to reflect the event.

4) Create a media calendar that shows what will run on each day leading up to the event (medium, time, message).

5) Explain how you will live promote the event as it is happening (you may use other mediums besides the 3 you are using for the ad campaign).

The term paper will combine what you have learned in the class and apply it to your media intake.  This essay is to involve your favorite form of media (something specific such as your favorite show, your favorite book, your favorite magazine, your favorite Internet site, etc.) and/or your least favorite form of ‘media (something specific such as your least favorite show, your least favorite book, your least favorite magazine, your least favorite Internet site, etc.).  Yes, that was an either/oryou may choose or do both your favorite and least favorite if youd like.  During the essay, you will take one or both of these two forms of media and analyze them.

First, the analysis must provide insight on how your least favorite and/or your favorite form of media has an effect on or in your life

Also, your analysis will include at least one of the many mass communication theories we have gone over (i.e. the agenda-setting theory, the cultivation theory, the spiral of silence theory, the skyscraper analogy, etc.).  You are to utilize a theory or instance youve learned from class (or, if youre feeling brave, you may also utilize a mass communication or media theory outside of the class as wellplease note if you take this route you must thoroughly describe the theory and apply it properly) to effectively analyze your favorite form of media, least favorite form of media, or both.

You may want to explain the theory or theories you choose in your paper (this might be a good place to get some of your necessary sources plugged into your term-paper).  You will examine either or both your favorite and/or least favorite forms of media in relation to one of the many mass communication theories, models, or any other important information you have taken away from the class: