Writing your reflective essay

Towards the end of the semester you can start to look at constructing your reflective essay and video.

Think about how your understanding of marketing has evolved. Can you identify three illuminating moments, that is ah-ah! moments, that really advanced your understanding?

Using these 3 moments to illustrate reflect on how your personal understanding of marketing has evolved over the semester. Describe the circumstances that triggered the ahah! moment and discuss exactly what it was that the moment illuminated about marketing that allowed you to see new, interesting and important ideas for marketers/yourself.

Assuming Rosewood decides to go ahead with the corporate brand strategy, recommend some initiatives aimed at:

I am expecting actionable/executable suggestions. I strongly recommend that you do a bit of reading/research on how firms build brand awareness before providing your response. The following topics MUST be addressed:

1. Building consumer awareness perception of the Rosewood Brand,
2. Improving booking including cross-property stays, and
3. Ensuring service quality across properties.

1. Marketing activities are often thought of in terms of building a brand. How would you determine whether a marketing activity really contributes to building a brand? Can some marketing activi- ties reduce the value of a brand? What activities could reduce the value of a brand and how would they do so?
2. Unlike tangible assets, brands are not included on the firms balance sheet. Why do you think this is the case? Can you think of any advantages to putting the value of brands on the balance sheet? Any disadvantages?

1. Marketing activities are often thought of in terms of building a brand. How would you determine whether a marketing activity really contributes to building a brand? Can some marketing activi- ties reduce the value of a brand? What activities could reduce the value of a brand and how would they do so?
2. Unlike tangible assets, brands are not included on the firms balance sheet. Why do you think this is the case? Can you think of any advantages to putting the value of brands on the balance sheet? Any disadvantages?

Individually you are required to write an essay about theories in individual decision-making.  You need to identify and compare at least three theories.  For example, extended problem solving, limited problem solving, and habitual buying.  In addition, chose one and critically discuss it and link it to the degree of consumer involvement.  It is recommended to follow a theme which the chosen theory can be applied to a specific industry/organization.  The word limits for this essay is 800. 10% plus/minus is allowed

Identify part 1 and 2 in the paper

* Part1. Focused Reflection: For this assignment you will consider the influence of the media on individuals, organizations and society as a whole from an economic perspective. With this new lens you now have a foundational academic and personal understanding of the whole (media influence) and its parts (culture, politics and economy). You may now take some time to position yourself in the context of those lenses as you think about your professional, personal, and/or political life and the larger economic trends of the media. In concrete terms, how do you imagine moving forward in an economy increasingly influenced by the media as industries? Will the media continue its exponential hold on society with you as a vicarious witness? Ultimately how inspired and committed you are about the current economic possibilities of the media? How do you feel about those who remain skeptical towards these possibilities? Are you determined to resist, embrace, or something in between, and if so, how? (500words).

* Part2.Reading Response: Focus on one or more of the ideas, concepts, and/or arguments presented by Albarran and Rainie. What do you think about the definition of social media industry as opposed to any other type of industry? What makes it unique and why? On the other hand, what do you think about the monetization of culture through global media influence? How do you see the core ideas of these two articles playing out in your own life, profession and/or communities here and now? What possibilities of resistance, if any, can you imagine; or perhaps you primarily see opportunities all around your personal and professional lives, such as… (600 words). 

Watch this video and answer the following questions:

After watching the video, discuss the following:

        Describe how Chic-Fil-A implementation of the 4Ps have led to its success

        How is Chic-Fil-As use of Purpose and People helpful in gaining customers?                                                        Use proper spelling, grammar and capitalization. Post should be at least 250 words with examples and citation. Please do it as a discussion post, thank you 🙂

Your task is to write a two-page report providing comments regarding your CSD results. You may think about it as an executive summary. It is desirable to write it in the third person (using not “I am” but “s/he is”) which is intended to make the report more objective. Describe the results, discuss their accuracy and relevance, and estimate your likely competitive standing in the job selection process.

The CSD is attached
Please use module 4 directions. I have filled out what needs to be for this essay

Standard essay format: introduction/body/conclusion. While you may certainly provide additional information from outside sources, please use attached course textbook pages as your primary source of information  based on the text book Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being Michael R. Solomon, 2017.  Please reference the page number/numbers of this text book or outside sources used.

As far as grading criteria, the maximum points are given for well-organized writing submissions that respond to the assignment clearly and directly.  Please ensure you have the proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style ,etc.