The objective of paper 3 is to synthesize research youve summarized in the Annotated Bibliographies and add three additional scholarly references to make the literature review more robust.

This assignment will allow students to gain experience identifying key concepts/ideas/data found in the course of researching. You will learn to compare/contrast/critique the insights from secondary sources. In so doing, you will develop your own point of view, theoretical perspective and methods as you examine how others have attempted to answer your research question. 

My other request will be uploaded as a file.

Standard essay format: introduction/body/conclusion. While you may certainly provide additional information from outside sources, please use attached course textbook pages as your primary source of information  based on the text book Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being Michael R. Solomon, 2017.  Please reference the page number/numbers of this text book or outside sources used.

As far as grading criteria, the maximum points are given for well-organized writing submissions that respond to the assignment clearly and directly.  Please ensure you have the proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style ,etc.

Standard essay format: introduction/body/conclusion. While you may certainly provide additional information from outside sources, please use attached course textbook pages as your primary source of information  based on the text book Consumer Behavior Buying, Having, and Being Michael R. Solomon, 2017.  Please reference the page number/numbers of this text book or outside sources used.

As far as grading criteria, the maximum points are given for well-organized writing submissions that respond to the assignment clearly and directly.  Please ensure you have the proper use of grammar, spelling, punctuation, citation style ,etc.

This is a marketing course called Consumer Behavior, so please write an essay based on this perspective. The essay is focused on critical evaluation of literature including the 4 provided ones, and a list of ones you find yourself. Do not just list references but develop 3 arguments from this literature on the topic of commensality. The 4 literature given should be the core material to develop arguments and find more literature to make the argument stronger. Please make sure there is a strong link between the 3 arguments so that the essay is coherent. The structure of the essay should be 10% intro, 80% 3 arguments body, 10% conclusion.

Please start by reading this blog: https://blog.hootsuite.com/how-to-create-a-social-media-marketing-plan/

Now create and 8-step (following the blog steps) for a suburban pizza place that offers family size pizzas for delivery only.

Make sure you clearly set SMART goals, create detailed audience personas, do a competitive analysis, create a content calendar, and decide which networks to use.

This project is a mini-version of your final campaign project that will be assigned next week.

Read the following brief regarding the Wet ‘n Wild waterpark chain, and then answer the questions below to reflect on your reading.

Wet n Wild is a chain of waterparks that are operated across Australia, the United States, and now China. The first waterpark in the chain was opened on the Gold Coast in Australia in 1984. Since that time they have expanded to eight locations, including Hawaii and Las Vegas. In 2013, they opened a new water park in Sydney, Australia. Despite Sydney being a major international city with a population of over 5 million, it does not have a major theme or amusement park. Therefore, the new Wet n Wild facility was able to obtain a virtual monopoly in the Sydney area.

Obviously, Sydney is relatively well known for its famous beaches, including Bondi Beach. To counteract this indirect competitor, Wet n Wild located their new waterpark around one hour inland, away from the beaches. This location was still within large residential areas and easily accessible by road. Because Sydney was lacking a major theme park, Wet n Wild was able to attract significant publicity and media attention prior to opening, particularly as the park was promoted as the largest waterpark in the world. This was supported by significant advertising expenditure, which was primarily focused on selling season pass tickets.

The pricing structure for the new Wet n Wild waterpark was designed to sell season passes, rather than individual visits. For example, a season pass cost $120 as compared to a one-day visit pass of $70. This meant that there was a significant incentive to buy the season pass. As a result, these season passes were enormously popular. The Christmas period in Australia is in the middle of summer, so these season passes became popular Christmas gifts as well.

As you can imagine, as consumers have paid for multiple visits many of them want to get great value for money which means as many visits as possible. As a consequence, the park become very crowded at times. On several occasions, in the middle of summer, the waterpark was at full capacity. That means that season pass holders, who had paid for their tickets, were unable to enter the park because it was full. The other contributing factor to this overcrowding situation was that Wet n Wild was not open every day. Although their season ran from September to April (the warmer months in Australia), they were not open seven days a week sometimes only being open on weekends.

With a waterpark operating at full capacity on a hot day, you can imagine that the lines were quite long and uncomfortable. It was not uncommon to wait 1 to 2 hours for a waterslide. This resulted in significant customer dissatisfaction that was expressed through social media, including Wet n Wilds own Facebook site.

Answer the following questions:
1. As a new facility, Wet n Wild was keen to recoup their infrastructure investment as quickly as possible. Therefore, do you agree with their pricing strategy or would there be a more appropriate approach to pricing?
2. As the number of season passes sold was significant, do you think that is ethical of the company to keep promoting these passes or do you think that they have a responsibility to their shareholders to maximize profitability?
3. Given that season pass holders paid for a service that was not always available (that is, the park was full), do you think that they should be entitled to some form of refund or compensation? If so, how could this be implemented given thousands of people could have been affected.
4. As there were reasonable numbers of dissatisfied season pass holders, what do you think would be the long-term implications of Wet n Wilds objective to sell as many season passes as possible?

2-3 pages please

Can Technology End Poverty?, by Kentaro Toyama


Laptops Work, by Nicholas Negroponte


The Shiny New Gadget that Works, by Jenny Aker


Evaluate, by Dean Karlan


You are required to read all four articles.

The assignment for the week is to write a two-page (double-spaced) essay based on these readings. The essay should have the following structure:

– 1-2 paragraphs (1/2 page) with the most important similarities/differences between the readings. They were all written as part of the same special issue for the Boston Review, and are supposed to offer different views around the same broad topic.

– 1-2 paragraphs (3/4 page) highlighting the parts of the readings you most agree with or found most interesting.

– 1-2 paragraphs (3/4 page) with elements of the readings you disagree with or elements you would have liked the readings to expand on.

The format and reference do not count the length of the page

For this Assignment, you will need Adobe Illustrator!!! Assignment Overview What: Every artist through history has tackled the “Still Life” (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Still_life). This week I’ll show you how to create a stylized version of a still life using the vector object, path, and point tools in Adobe Illustrator. I want you (ideally before class so you can start on your assignment with me) to download a “Still Life” image of your choice (https://www.pexels.com/search/still%20life/) from Pexels.com. I’ll show you how to import your image of choice into Illustrator. From there we’ll trace the photograph, and I’ll show you tools and techniques for working with color, light, shadow, and arranging objects to make a vector version of the still life. From there, your assignment is to complete your image. To complete this assignment, please upload your Adobe Illustrator (.ai) file. This will help me see how you organized your file. Why: The assignment is designed to help you get to grips with Adobe Illustrator, particularly by working with the basic shape tools, alignment, and the concept of moving objects “backward” and “forward”.

-Students are required to find one (1) current or a recent event that connects in some way
to a marketing topic we have or will cover in our course.

–  Students will be asked to write a summary of no less than 500 words

-Introduction of topic
Background and context
Connection to a specific topic (or topics) discussed this semester
What impacts does this story/event have on the marketplace?
What are some key takeaways you want for your readers to have?

What if Ferris Valley Foods could develop an employment policy for the hiring of ex-offenders? What are some of the factors does your group feel that the company should consider?
What do you think Larsen should do? What recommendations should he make to his strategic management team?
If that employment policy came to fruition.does your group feel that Mitton should be considered for a position? Justify your answer. Remember the open job description. Do you completely trust Lori Mitten? Would she be better suited for the field rep position?