Summary: This assignment will test your ability to apply the definition of avatars broadly across digital and non-digital media, as discussed in the lectures to your own avatars. You will be graded on the accuracy, clarity and thoroughness of your response.
Building on the content from the course so far, think about the things in your life you can now classify as being avatars that are not traditionally thought of as avatars. This means they are NOT videogame or virtual world characters.
Name one of your non-traditional DIGITAL avatars, post a link to a photo of it (e.g., on Pinterest or in a link-accessible google doc), and describe (in at least 150 words) how it can be classified as a non-traditional digital avatar (use at least two examples from the course material).
Name one of your non-traditional NON-DIGITAL avatars, post a link to a photo of it (e.g., on Pinterest or in a link-accessible google doc), and describe (in at least 150 words) how it can be classified as a non-traditional non-digital avatar (use at least two examples from the course material).
Compare (in at least 150 words) how these avatars differ with respect to attractiveness, personality type, dominance, humanity, agency, and realism.
At least 450 words total

Please read these three articles :

Based on the information red, answer the questions below thoroughly .
Have you ever shared fake news? 
Do you fact check new articles you read on Social Media?
Are you going to keep an eye out for Fake News? 
If someone you know (family, friend or acquaintance) shared fake news would you let tell them?
How would you approach it?

hey, you worked on my essay two days ago. My professor’s feedback is here:As I mentioned in the instructions for this assignment, the purpose of a persuasion piece is to get an audience to buy something a person, a thing, an idea or an action. To that end, youve done a nice job on this piece. Your introduction is compelling, the body of your argument builds on the introduction and supply the necessary facts and your conclusion is solid. The problem is that you were to make one argument for the honor code and one argument against it If you would like to submit another argument to me via email in the next 24 hours (it need only be three-quarters to one page in length), I will give you partial credit for it.

Can you fix that ? She only give me 50/100 pts.

Think about a business you always dreamed about starting. Now, discuss how you would use Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Youtube, and blogs; to advertise it. If you would not use all of these social media channels, why not?

It is paramount that you follow the guidelines, in order to receive full credit for this assignment. The entire idea of these discussions is to broaden our perspective in terms of marketing, through the sharing of information and exchange of ideas. With that being said, it is of high importance that you cite the materials that you have read on our textbook (and possibly other books, or articles) and connect it with the article at hand. It would be incredibly important that you connect the knowledge that you already have, with the materials you are reading this week.

Your email list is performing quite well but you need to segment your audience based on their link interactivity. How will you do this with your current database and what dies this mean for your list?

It is paramount that you follow the guidelines, in order to receive full credit for this assignment. The entire idea of these discussions is to broaden our perspective in terms of marketing, through the sharing of information and exchange of ideas. With that being said, it is of high importance that you cite the materials that you have read on our textbook (and possibly other books, or articles) and connect it with the article at hand. It would be incredibly important that you connect the knowledge that you already have, with the materials you are reading this week.

In a 750-word paper, please describe a SWOT analysis in your own words.  Also, describe the benefits of conducting one, and lastly, conduct a SWOT analysis on your favorite sport entity.

Reference below link to gain insight on SWOT. This is for a sport marketing class. Please use any MLB Team or other large sport team franchise.

I have a document regarding this assignment.
What you are doing, you are just reading the document, you are already distinguishing all the points and then using this document you are making me 5 powerpoint slides using the document I am going to send on word. You put each subtitle directly in the 5 slides using the point of the dumpling and add notes for an explanation using this document.

Jai un document concernant ce devoir.
Ce que vous faites vous lisez juste le document c’est deja bien distinguer tous les points et puis laide de ce document vous me faites 5 diapositive powerpoint en utilisant le document que je vais envoy sur word. Vous mettez directement dans les 5 diapositives chaque sous titre en utilisant le point de la boulette et ajoutez des notes pour une explication laide de ce document.

The description of a sponsorship activation program will be provided by using a companys press releases — students must analyze this sponsorship program. Think of yourself as the head
of sponsorship for the company and the CEO asks, should we continue with this sponsorship? And, why is this sponsorship activation program a good marketing strategy for the company?

I would like you to to read and write 10 questions based on the article with answers
I want 4 questions that i can ask and let my teammates discuss and come up with examples.
i want you to give some example that can relate to this article and in real business. (company)