Examine global interconnectedness as it applies to marketing.

Organizations interested in pursuing global markets must consider the external environment. Many of the same environmental forces that relate to domestic markets also apply to global markets (Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel, 2018). You will look at the global marketplace in which, thanks to the Internet, even small companies can participate. The external marketing environment is full of opportunities and threats that can have a profound effect on the success or failure of a company, a brand, or a product in the global marketplace.

In this Assessment, you will practice scanning the global marketing environment (i.e., environmental analysis) for opportunities or threats to expansion I a country of your choice for Persimmon Bakery as the owner.

Scenario: You are the owner of Persimmon Bakery, which is currently located in the city closest to where you live. You specialize in breads and sweets from many different countries and now have operations in eight regions of the U.S. You realize the market has become saturated in the U.S. At a recent international trade show, you were surprised at how many requests you received to license or franchise your concept in other countries.

Your task is the following:

Based on the scenario, identify another country outside the United States to research and determine the feasibility of entering this foreign market for Persimmon Bakery as the owner by addressing the checklist items.


Step 1: Cultural Factors

Identify several cultural factors in the country you are pursuing that may affect market expansion of the bakery, such as: behavior patterns, the concept of time, lifestyle, etc. You can use Commisceo Global Consultancys website to research country cultural factors.
Considering these cultural factors, do you see them as possible opportunities or threats to entering this market? Please explain your response.
Step 2: Demographic Factors

Identify at least four (4) demographic factors in the country you are pursuing such as education, the size, growth, density, and age of the population, etc. Use the U.S. Census International database as a source of reference for the demographic information. It allows you to look up data by country and years.
Explain whether these demographic factors are opportunities or threats to entering this market. Please explain your response.
Step 3: Economic Factors

Access The World Factbook from the CIA and select the country of choice in the upper right hand corner search box.

Identify these economic factors in the country you are pursuing: GDP per capita (see the Reading area), GDP growth rate, and the unemployment rate in your chosen country.
Explain whether these economic factors are opportunities or threats to entering this market based on the country you chose. Please explain your response.
Step 4: Political/Legal Forces

-Go to the World Bank Groups Doing Business website and note the Ease of Doing Business ranking (1= easiest) and Starting a Business (1= easiest) and Registering Property (1= easiest) for your chosen country.

-Then go the World Economic Forums website for country and regional trends from the NRI, scroll down to Table 2, and note the ranking of the political and regulatory environment by country (1 = best environment).

Provide the four rankings for your chosen country.
Explain whether these political/legal considerations represent opportunities or threats to entering this market. Why?
Step 5: Technological Forces

Identify the ranking of networked readiness for your country (1 = most networked) on the World Economic Forum website.
Explain how your countrys networked readiness ranking will present an opportunity or a threat to the success of Persimmon Bakery in the country that you chose. Why?
Step 6: Geographical Factors

Using the CIA World Factbook source, explain whether geographical factors are possible opportunities or threats to entering this market, considering distribution of your product. Please explain your response.
Step 7: Summary

Based on your analysis, explain whether you would pursue expansion into your selected country for Persimmon Bakery abroad. Why, or why not?
Describe the advantages and disadvantages of one (1) of the following means of expansion for the bakery regardless of your decision to expand into the country market or not: exporting, licensing, franchising, or joint venture (see the Learning Activity).
Directions: Adding the audio to your PowerPoint presentation necessitates you having either a built-in microphone in your computer or a headset with microphone to record the audio portion.

Use bulleted points to make your main points (34 bullets per slide) and then explain those bulleted points in the notes section directly under the slide. Provide a minimum of 10 PowerPoint slides with audio and audio notes and an additional title and references slide. Your PowerPoint should be original and submitted to the Dropbox before the end of the unit.

Save your audiovisual presentation (Example: TAllen-MT219M1.pptx), and then submit it to the Dropbox.

Access the MT219M2 Assessment rubric.

Minimum Submission Requirements

Your presentation should be the required number of PowerPoint slides as specified, with an additional title slide and reference slide using APA format.
Respond to all of the checklist items in a thorough and highly organized, logical, and focused manner using Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar, and mechanics.
Your Assessment response should comply with all instructions provided.
Your presentation should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose. Each slide should have no more than 45 bulleted points and the notes section below each slide should provide detail regarding the bulleted items.
Your presentation should be well ordered, logical, and unified, as well as original and insightful.
Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources using proper APA citation style.
If work submitted for this competency assessment does not meet the minimum submission requirements, it will be returned without being scored.

There are 5 Marketing Concepts that you should take into consideration when developing Marketing Strategies.
Production Concept,
Product Concept,
Selling Concept,
Marketing Concept,
Societal Marketing Concept 
In this assignment, you will pick out a company that you choose to do some research on. The 5 Marketing Concepts is what you are looking for in that company.

To complete this assignment answer the concepts on Ford Motor Company

Revisit this week’s case study of Beyonc album launch and respond to the following:
Why was this launch successful?
What were the risks of this launch strategy?
To what degree do you think the success of such a social-media based launch is replicable? (for Beyonc, other artists, or other industries)

please see attached files for case study.


You will be asked to observe your purchases over the duration of two months – these could be products or services you bought for yourself or for a gift (suggestion write down 2 purchases a week in a notebook or word file along with some notes about each purchase). You will not be asked to provide your journal entries to me, but rather use the journal to help you write your assignment. Your task is to provide a brief reflection (800-1000 words) on what was significant, why, and how your understanding evolved over the course of the semester (that is youre expected to apply the concepts and theories examined in the course, not merely talk about purchases you made).

Pick 3 or 4 different purchases to discuss (they don’t have to be big purchases, chances are you may not have had to purchase anything major. It could be anything that you bought which made you think about the purchase, yourself, or consumer behavior in general). When discussing each purchase, apply 3-4 different concepts or theories studied in class per purchase (e.g. attitudes, decision-making stages, cognitive dissonance theory, appeals used in advertising, etc.). You should not only refer to these concepts and theories, but also provide a brief explanation demonstrating your understanding of the concept or theory – this should be in your own words, don’t feel like you need to provide the full definition.

Please highlight each term or theory in italics or bold.

You should apply a minimum of 10 different concepts and or theories total.

While applying the concepts, try not to be repetitive – for example, if you bought a new technology product and engaged in all five steps of the decision-making process (from problem recognition to post-purchase evaluation), don’t discuss the five stage process for other purchases you included in your assignment as they won’t be counted twice.

watch the four case studies. They can be find on Youtube. Here is the title.
1.Coca-cola Contour Digital Campaign- Case Study
2.Google Marketing Platform: adidas Case Study
3.SMALL BUT MIGHTY:a fully integrated digital campaign.
4.5 Social Media Campaign Examples From Big Brands You Want to Be in 2018

You have been given a role as a new Marketing Executive in a traditional company called TradCo. They make all sorts of products which they sell on to OEMs, from nuts and bolts, to fully manufactured washing machines, cookers and even ships! This they have done for their clients who then brand and sell them on. Now, as part of their growth strategy, they are proposing to manufacture and then sell products under their own name to customers and consumers

They have never taken marketing very seriously, nor have they grown fast either in recent years. They are a company dominated by sales, finance and engineering and to say they dont understand or even like marketing would be an understatement.

This is going to have to change if TradCos strategy is to work.

Your first task is to prepare a report, 1,250 words in length – (excluding appendices) – for your CEO. In this report you need to outline a compelling case for why TradCo., needs to take marketing seriously in the future. Your boss would like to see examples or one example in detail from a company (or companies) who are in your view leaders in employing marketing as a tool for business growth, and also, to appease doubters, any academic links to theories and concepts will help with more technically minded people.

Pick a retailer in your community where you have previously shopped. This must be a location you can visit as part of this assignment, and the company must have a web presence. Do not select a retailer that is only Brick or only Click. What you are looking for is consistency in branding, messaging, and communications intent between the Brick and Click options. For purposes of this exercise, do not pick a restaurant or bank. You dont need to buy anything, but if you can, thats fine. Answer the following questions in relation to this retailer.
Prior to Your Brick Visit:
1. What marketing communication and media messages did you see or hear? What types of media were used and what was the message? Here are some examples, but you are not limited to these: a. Broadcast Ad – Television or Radio b. Print Media Newspapers, Magazines, Direct Mail, Catalogs, Coupons c. Sale Promotion Novelty Ads T-shirts, Pens, Mugs, Shopping Bags d. Transit Ads on Buses, Trains, Billboards e. Online Emails, Websites, Social Media, Wireless f. Store Credit Cards and Related Offers; Sales and Discounts g. Sales People h. Publicity, Public Relations, Newsletters, Media Coverage
During Your Brick Visit:
2. What marketing communication and media messages did you receive at the store? Notice everything. Were they consistent with what you heard in advance? Bring this list with you if you like. Again you are not limited to these: a. Outdoor and Indoor Signage b. Directional Information c. Displays and Display Signage, including Sale Information d. Deals and Weekly Specials e. Merchandise Tags f. Employee Uniforms and Nametags g. Helpful Employees h. Shopping Cart Display Ads i. Kiosks to Get to Online Catalog j. Music Playing and Any Ads Within It k. Store Announcements over the PA System l. Option for Lay-Away, Gift Wrap, and other Services m. Sales and Discounts At the Brick Checkout:
3. As you completed your purchase, which marketing communication messages did you observe? Elaborate on these and any you observed not listed. a. Greeting by Cashier b. Bagging by an Employee, or not c. Store Name on Badges, Uniforms, Shopping Bags d. Thank You from Cashier e. Offer to Return, like Coupons f. Frequent Visitor Membership Card, Loyalty Programs g. Option for Impulse Purchases at the Register or While in Line

Company: Coca Cola
Product: Original Coke

Consumer Analysis, Market Segmentation, and Market Coverage

Q1. Describe and discuss the cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors that influence the purchase of the product/service.

Q2. Explain the needs that are met for each of the firms target markets.

Q3. Explain how potential global markets will be evaluated for potential entry. Discuss the most likely mode or modes of global market entry

Q4. Describe the variables (demographic, psychographic, and behavioral) used to segment the firms target markets. Explain how the firm evaluates the attractiveness of each identified market segment.

Q5. Should the firm pursue full market coverage, multiple segment specialization, single-segment concentration, or individual marketing? (Choose one and omit the others)

Boeing’s  7 Series Commercial Airline

Module 3– Consumer Analysis, Market Segmentation, and Market Coverage

Q1. Describe and discuss the cultural, social, personal, and psychological factors that influence the purchase of the product/service.

Q2. Explain the needs that are met for each of the firms target markets. (

Q3. Explain how potential global markets will be evaluated for potential entry. Discuss the most likely mode or modes of global market entry

Q4. Describe the variables (demographic, psychographic, and behavioral) used to segment the firms target markets. Explain how the firm evaluates the attractiveness of each identified market segment.

Q5. Should the firm pursue full market coverage, multiple segment specialization, single-segment concentration, or individual marketing? (Choose one and omit the others)

Students will develop a 4-6 slide ppt presentation that is an assessment of a luxury brand. Students can select any brand of personal interest for the assignment. Brands selected for this assignment must be approved by the professor on a first-come basis. Duplicate requests will not be allowed, no exceptions. Students must notify the professor of their brand preference for this assignment by Week 2.

Luxury Brand Voice Guideline

For this assignment, students will select a luxury brand for which they will produce the necessary brand voice guidelines. The information below provides instructions for preparing the 4-6 slide presentation.

Brand Voice Guideline: students will identify and interpret the (1) brand personality and (2) visual style. The investigation should include the name, logo, slogan/taglines, colors, images and other elements that characterize the brand in the marketplace. Students should think about how to creatively use the limited space allotted for communicating the Brand Voice Guidelines. (2-3 slides)
Marketing Communications Sampling: students will identify a sample of brand communications across multiple communication vehicles currently in use and evaluate their effectiveness in supporting the brand voice. Students will recommend actions to correct major discrepancies between the newly compiled Brand Voice Guideline and actual brand messaging activities. (2-3 slides)
An appendix containing summary descriptive or visual content is permitted. (3 slides max)


APA 6th ed. style referencing