Students are required to write and submit a 2500 word essay responding to the following question:

The digital age has rendered copyright obsolete. To what extent do you agree with this and why?

Marking criteria:
– Demonstrated understanding of the essay question

– Demonstrated ability to clearly and articulately structure an argument using academic language

– Demonstrated ability to research, interpret and apply academic sources

– Relevance of sources

– Credibility of sources

– Use of sources

– Evidence of independent research

– Demonstrated ability to conduct independent wider research

– Cited works should be referenced using an established system

– Clarity of expression in line with expected academic standards

– Use of relevant examples

At least three (3) academic books [these can be from the unit readings] – At least four (4) articles from peer-reviewed journals [these can be from the unit readings] Failure to comply with the two points above will result in a maximum mark of 50% for this assignment –

Although cable and satellite television reached market saturation decades ago, they are now seeing their market shrink with the phenomenon of cord cutting, as people cancel both services and instead use over-the-air digital broadcast stations, and streaming services like Netflix or Hulu, for their entertainment programming.
Using the CSU-Global Library to conduct scholarly research, perform an analysis of the contributing factors of cord cutting:
    What contributed to this trend culturally and economically? What are the drawbacks?
    What role does generational identity play?
    What media effects theory could you use to explain this trend and why?
    What do you predict for the cable and satellite industries in ten years and why?
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
    Feel free to use the readings from this or any other module, in addition to incorporating at least two to three scholarly sources not used in this course.
    Make your paper 3-4 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages.
    Format your document according to the APA

For this assignment, you will write a 3- to 4-page argumentative essay explaining, analyzing, and critically assessing a way (or ways) in which the production of content by end-users of new media devices and services expands the opportunities for readers and audiences to contribute to the social construction of reality and the social integration of individuals.
Some obvious sources of analysis include: Twitter, Facebook, and peer-to-peer file sharing. Make sure that you choose a specific media product or service that is peer-produced by users of these kinds of networks and its devices. For example, you might use and the way that the service enables musicians to distribute music, merchandise, information, etc. Make sure that you choose a specific resource for investigation (e.g., an artist or a band).
In the critical phase of your essay, apply the active audience theory to your example in the new media context. To what extent, if at all, does your example help to explain the general potential of the new media to expand the force of audience contributions to the social construction of reality? Address at least two counterarguments in your analysis.
Listen to the following lecture by Professor Cass Sunstein, speaking about “Internet Echo Chambers and Democracy:”
Pakman, D. [David Pakman Show]. (2017, April 4). Legal scholar Cass Sunstein on Internet echo chambers and democracy. [Video file]. Retrieved from Legal Scholar Cass Sunstein on Internet Echo Chambers & Democracy (Links to an external site.)
Minimize Video
A transcript is available for your reading: Under the video, click on “More” >> “Transcript.”
The arguments advanced by Professor Sunstein attempt to demonstrate that even if readers and audiences are able to contribute to socialization and the social construction of reality, they do so in a way that radically isolates them from everyone else, except those persons who are members of a very small community. Address this counterargument with respect to the focus of the activity you describe in your essay. Do you think your example is susceptible to the concerns expressed by the author of this article? Why?
Your paper must:
    Be 3-4 pages in length.
    Be well written.
    Include at least three references from the readings or outside sources, cited in proper APA style

Portfolio Assignment
The final Portfolio Project for this course requires that students select and critically evaluate a research topic. The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity to synthesize many of the issues about the sociology of media discussed throughout the modules and in the textbook.
For the portfolio project, choose a media text to analyze. A media text includes:
    Television show
    News event
    Film or film franchise
    Radio show or even radio format
    Book franchise
    Video game franchise
    Advertising campaign
    Social networking used for activism (e.g., Flashmobbing)
    Twitter used for newsgathering
The purpose of your final paper is to critically evaluate a mass media text by applying at least three or more of the major issues or concepts explored by the textbook and course content. These issues or concepts include:
    Economics of the production and distribution of the media text
    Laws and policies that regulate the production and distribution of the media text
    Ways in which structural power constrains individuals and institutions that produce the media text
    Ways in which dominant ideologies are transmitted by the media text
    Opportunities that exist for individuals and audiences to use the media text in unintended ways
    Influence of technology in the production and distribution of the media text
    Issues that arise when the media text is distributed globally
A recommended organization of your paper should include:
    Thesis paragraph
    Description of the media text
    Description of the focus of your paper
    Application of the concepts/issues
    Critical analysis of the text in light of the application of the concepts/issues
    Engagement of possible solutions to a problem or problems (if applicable)
Your well-written paper should also meet the following requirements:
    8-10 pages
    Formatted according to the APA
    Including a minimum of three outside sources, citing in proper APA style.

Important! Read First
Compare how ONE media story within the past five years has been covered by news outlets from three different parts of the world. Find three news items (one from each source) focusing on the same event:
One of these outlets should represent what is typically considered mainstream news in the U.S., such as a major daily newspaper, a network-affiliated local news broadcast, or a national network news broadcast.
The other two outlets should represent news sources based outside of the U.S. in two different regions of the world.
Even though some of these sources may overtly favor a particular political perspective, please do not focus on opinion pieces or editorials. Instead, you should compare the journalistic news reporting among the different outlets. NOTE: The news items you are analyzing do not count toward your required sources and should be properly cited.
Address the following questions in your paper:
Do these news outlets rely on different types of sources?
Do the writing or presentation styles differ among the outlets?
Do they all attempt to present an objective point of view?
For each source that does attempt to appear objective, describe what it is that makes it seem objective. For non-objective sources, describe what it is that indicates it is not trying to be objective.
What are the main differences in the ways these three outlets present the story?
Do they offer different emphases on how the story affects certain groups of people?
Do they use different words or phrases that indicate different attitudes towards their subjects?
Does one source present the story as more important to their news agenda than the others? If this is the case, how is that conveyed?
What cultural factors do you think might account for the differences among news outlets? What cultural factors account for their similarities?
What emphasis does the U.S. source place on foreign sources and perspectives? What emphasis do the foreign sources place on U.S. sources and perspectives?
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
Feel free to use the readings from any module, but also incorporate at least four to six scholarly sources not used in this course. NOTE: The news items you are analyzing do not count toward your required sources and should be properly cited.
Make your paper 8-10 pages in length, not including the cover and reference pages.
Format your document according to  APA Requirements
NOTE: An academic research paper is a formal project based on research and, therefore, it is not appropriate to use first person voice or pronouns, which can lead to opinion insertion. Instead, use third person voice or pronouns for academic writing. Write clearly and logically, as you will be graded on content, analysis, and your adherence to the tenets of good academic writing, which should be succinct where possible, while also exploring the topics appropriately.

Read this article: (Links to an external site.)
Then watch this clip from the Nov. 28, 2011 episode of The Colbert Report, about CNNs layoff of editors and photojournalists in favor of the crowdsourcing iReport feature: (Links to an external site.)
Discuss the points that the academic article and Colbert were trying to make regarding the social newsgathering concept, while addressing the following questions:
    What are the risks of relying too heavily on the public to produce content?
    Where do you see this happening in the media, and what is your opinion of it?
    Is social media-produced content reliable?
    Is this a positive or negative trend for the media overall?

Note; Well written paper and APA will be expected.

Summarize the basic components of a marketing strategy.
Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items based on the Reading and Learning Activities.
Your instructor will assign a business type or industry to students at the beginning of the unit.
Introduction: Examine the four marketing strategies and read about the importance of doing viable marketing research before you begin planning strategy. Based on what you learn, you will begin this Assessment by examining the mission statement and then move on to address the situation analysis based on where you live. You will first address the background marketing research based on the business type that will be provided by your instructor.
Read the scenario and respond to the checklist items based on the Reading and Learning Activities.
Scenario: Lee is the owner of Lees [business type selected by your instructor], which is located in the city closest to where you live. Lee has now hired you to design the basic components of a marketing strategy for his business. You must use the industry selected by your instructor.
Checklist: Summarize a marketing strategy for Lees business, addressing each part.
Part 1 Mission:
Redefine Lees mission. Lees current mission is more of a product-oriented mission statement. For example, We sell flowers or We make pizza.
        Write a marketing-oriented mission statement for Lees business.
Part 2 Situation Analysis:
Organization Strengths and Weaknesses:
        Describe methods that Lee could use to identify his internal strengths and weaknesses information. For example, some businesses use secret shoppers to identify an organizations strengths and weaknesses. Explain your response.
Environmental Scan:
        Who are the direct and indirect competitors for Lees business located in your area?
        Using sources like the U. S. Census Bureau (go to Browse by Topic), describe the demographics affecting Lees business in your area.
        How is technology being utilized in the industry assigned that might have a positive or negative impact on Lees business?
        Identify Lees competitive advantage against his direct and non-direct competitors in the city nearest to where you live.
        Finally, define the term sustainable competitive advantage and explain what advice you would give to Lee in his quest to build a sustainable competitive advantage.
Part 3: Marketing Objectives
        Set marketing plan objectives for Lees business (see page 25 of your text).
        Identify at least two S.M.A.R.T. goals (i.e., Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to the mission, and Time-bounded).
Part 4: Marketing Strategy
        Describe the target market strategy for Lees business. Paint a very clear picture of who Lee will be targeting for his product. For example: Appealing to an entire market, concentrating on one particular segment, or multiple market segments.
        Explain the four strategies for growth: market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification. How can Lee use market penetration to increase his sales? Explain.
        Briefly describe your marketing mix strategy: product (size, colors, packaging, use, etc.), place or distribution method, pricing, and promotion.
  Part 5: Implementation
        Using the concepts from the text, explain how you will turn your plan into a reality. For example: Detailed job assignments and activity descriptions.
    Part 6: Evaluation
        Using the concepts from the text, describe how you will evaluate your marketing strategy.
Respond in a minimum total of 3 pages: 1 pages (350 words) for Parts 13 and 1 pages (350 words) for Parts 46 in a Microsoft Word document with additional title and reference pages using the current APA format and citation style. Your paper should include headings, an introduction, and a conclusion.
Submit the Assessment to the Dropbox.
Minimum Submission Requirements
        Your Assessment response should be the required number of pages as specified, in a Microsoft Word document, with an additional title page and reference page using APA format.
        Respond to all of the checklist items in a thorough and highly organized, logical, and focused manner using Standard English and demonstrate exceptional content, organization, style, and grammar, and mechanics.
        Your Assessment response should comply with all instructions provided.
        Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose.
        Your writing should be well ordered, logical and unified, as well as original and insightful.
        Be sure to cite both in-text and reference list citations where appropriate and reference all sources

This assessment utilises concepts learned in Module 3 (Chapter 4 Needs, motivation, personality and self-concept), Module 4 (Chapter 5 Consumer perceptions), Modules 7 and 8 (Chapters 913 Family, social class, culture, sub-culture, cross-culture and consumer behaviour) and Module 9 (Chapters 14 and 15 Consumer decision-making).

Create a consumer diary by chronicling three purchases from three different retailers (e.g. a take-away coffee from a local caf, a downloaded video from iTunes, etc.)

For each purchase, note your perception of the retailer and of the service and/or product offered (use theory on perception to frame your discussion).
What influenced your decision-making process? (Consider your needs, motivation, and personality coupled with the theoretical model on decision-making.)
Did family, social pressure, culture, stimuli (advertising, etc.), customer service, word-of-mouth and country-of-origin play a role into your decision-making?
Analyse your customer experience and for each purchase, make recommendations that you believe would increase consumer quality perceptions, satisfaction, trust, and consumer retention. (Hint: consumer loyalty.) Base your recommendations on your analysis and on the consumer behaviour literature.
Base all your answers on consumer behaviour theoretical frameworks and ensure that your recommendations are ethical.

All references  (minimum 9) must be from credible sources such as books, industry related journals, magazines, company documents and recent academic articles.

Wk4 DQ1
DQ (C) – Discussion Question 1 (CDQ directed at the upcoming CLA1) Graduate Level

Prior to reading this DQ, read the CLA1 assignment to understand what the assignment is asking you to complete. Once you understand the CLA1 assignment, continue to the paragraph below to complete DQ1.

Using the Library Information Resource Network (LIRN), JSTOR, or any other electronic journal database, research one (1) peer-reviewed article that can be used to answer your upcoming CLA1 assignment. Your discussion should summarize the article in such a way that it can justify any arguments you may present in your CLA1 assignment and should be different than the abstract.  In addition to your researched peer-reviewed article, you must include an example of the article researched as it is applied by industry (company, business entity, etc.).

Please note: This article summary should not be the only article researched for your CLA1 assignment. You may (and should) have several other articles researched in order to fully answer your CLA1 assignment. The concept of this DQ is to allow students to be proactive in the research necessary to complete this assignment. You may use your article summary, partially or its entirety in your CLA1 assignment.

Important: Please ensure that you insert your citation for the article as your reference in your discussion post. Depending on which electronic database you use, you should see a Cite selection for your article. In addition, there should be a variety of articles summarized and as such, students should have different articles summarized. Your summary MUST include ALL of the following (include every item in the bullet list below to potentially receive full credit):

Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose
How the article and/or author(s) support your argument(s)
Most important aspects of the article
Any findings and conclusions
Approximately 250 to 350 words in length
Include the article Abstract in your posting (your summary should be original)
Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched article
IMPORTANT – Include the citation for the article

CLA 1 Comprehensive Learning Assessment CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4

Part 1 of 2:

Prepare a four-page competitive analysis by examining one to two competitors to your product or service. Identify the direct competition to your product or service and analyze their strategies, objectives, strengths, and weaknesses. Conduct a competitive analysis on both the industry and market of your chosen product or service. See the CLA1 Part 1 of 2, GUIDE TO COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS. (Provide at least 2 references in addition to the textbook.)

Part 2 of 2:

Prepare a 4 page marketing strategy based on the elements of the 4 P’s used in your chosen product or service. Review the CLA 1 Part 2 of 2 GUIDE TO THE MARKETING MIX ANALYSIS, which can be found in the GAP portal in the course resources. Write about the product you selected in Week 2.

The marketing mix is the 4 Ps (product, place, price, and promotion) and each element should be addressed in the report. You may use the 7 Ps if applicable to your service selection.

Use sources in addition to your textbook, and provide citations. For example, reference The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and other major news/business publications that contain articles about your chosen product or service. Please make use of other business books and sources that deal specifically with your product, industry or market segment. Additionally, is a great resource for demographic information.

* use the book as one of the reference.
* use the CLA paper I’m gonna upload for guide on how to make the paper. double spaced, etc..
* use the ALA paper I’m gonna upload as additional reference too.
* the product I want you to research on is Uniqlo’s heattech collection
*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Comprehensive Learning Assessments (CLAs) on page 11-12 of the syllabus for specific guidelines and expectations.

which is this one- Grading Criteria for Comprehensive Learning Assessments (CLAs):
CLAs are comprehensive assignments that provide evidence of how well students have
mastered the course content and test the students on all the Course Learning Outcomes.
CLAs measure student achievement of CLOs in a way that goes beyond rote memorization
and gauges true understanding and mastery of course content. CLAs can include assignments
such as case study analyses, research papers, and/or student presentations. The answers
provided to graduate level CLAs must demonstrate a broad view of organizational
performance factors from the general management perspective that demonstrate concepts
pertaining to effective leadership and management in the 21st century globalized business
economy. One of the grading criteria requirements is that answers provided exhibit skills that
promote and integrate program outcomes and should include decision-making, strategic
management, creativity and innovation, leadership, problem-solving and real-time business
application. Answers must also demonstrate the students ability to research and demonstrate
a graduate writing level.