Charts and graphs can be more attractive if some creativity is used. A bottled water company wants to show how much water a person needs per day based on weight and activity level (light activity, moderate activity, and strenuous activity).

Create a rough draft, either freehand or on a computer, of an infographic that would show this data attractively. You can also find examples of the type of visuals that you would like to use in the infographic to make it as clear as possible.
Explain the objectives in the infographic and why you think that it would be both successful and ethical.

Watch Fan Art: An Explosion of Creativity (2012):
Fan Art: An Explosion of Creativity | Off Book | PBS Digital Studios

    How are fan art and fan fiction meaning-making?
    What compels artists and writers to generate creative products using their talents that respond to corporate media creations?
    What is the nature of the conversations taking place between the media and its users here?
    Are fan art and fan fiction just an extension of the original media that inspire them, or new and original media in and of themselves?

You have been named the marketing director of a large pet supply company. Your company makes pet food, toys, and supplies that are sold in retail locations and via its online store. While the company has a robust website, it is not on any social media websites and prefers traditional media channels to promote its products.
Your first job is to help the company launch a new pet food line. This line will be for both cats and dogs, and the company is excited because the product is made of all natural ingredients. The new pet food will be sold for about 10% more than its competitors pet food product. You will need to make some key strategic decisions about how to launch and promote this new product line. Assume you will have the budget that you need.

3 details for each of the letters

2 paragraphs on why is it important for a company to use this type of analysis & how does the company benefit from such an exercise?

Natural ingredients
High quality
Made for all species of pets
High competition in pet food market
Supply of natural ingredients

Read the three assigned text and pose a discussion question for each of them (not a question that can be answered with a simple Yes/No). Explain your reasoning for the questions you wrote.

The three assigned readings are attached below. Please have them written in the following format. Just write three separate paragraphs for the three different readings (does not have to be too long). First paragraph to answer the first reading, second paragraph for the second reading, and third paragraph for the third reading. For each of those paragraphs, create a discussion question and write down the reason for that question or why you wrote that discussion question/why you are interested in it.

First reading: Carruthers & Ariovich Sociology of Property Rights
Second reading: Boyle Why Intellectual Property
Third reading: Corrigan Colmcille and the Battle of the Book

Harvard referencing

The dissertation needs to include some sort of data collection, either qualitative or quantitative. So far, I opted for a qualitative research method of data collection which consists in adapting an existent experiment without the use of technology and comparing the results. However, I am not sure and still working on it.

I have also attached a document containing an initial plan I drafter, as well as a draft of my introduction, a plan for my literature review and other additional info. However, these are all just drafts and ideas. Any recommendation for changes is more than appreciated.

You are a business owner. Explain how you would use Search Engine Optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your odds in capturing costumer exposure. Use examples to support your answer.

It is paramount that you follow the guidelines, in order to receive full credit for this assignment. The entire idea of these discussions is to broaden our perspective in terms of marketing, through the sharing of information and exchange of ideas. With that being said, it is of high importance that you cite the materials that you have read on our textbook (and possibly other books, or articles) and connect it with the article at hand. It would be incredibly important that you connect the knowledge that you already have, with the materials you are reading this week.

Please, make sure that you write at least 3 paragraphs while responding to the prompt. Cite what you have learned from our textbook; cite what you have learned from other textbooks, and academic articles. Cite information from newspapers and magazines as anecdotes, to reinforce and make your point.

You need to write a speech of about 800 words in word form, with making one page flyer or up to four slides, and make a flowchart to show your thinking process. Slides should not be full of words and the speech is more colloquial as it is an elevator pitch. The detailed assignment guidance is shown in the assignment task document. The other three slides uploaded are relevant lecture notes that should be useful. Go through all these slides and document before start it, please. Please note this assignment is really important to me, so please ensure you can really do that.

For option 2, you will pick a topic of interest that relates to media coverage, reception or consumption (e.g., media coverage of police shootings, of the Middle East or of war; changes in news consumption among teenagers and young adults, the influence of Snap Chat on conversation patterns, the influence of advertising on self-image, mythic news etc.). You will then use tools and theories from class to analyze the topic and draw conclusions on its deeper eaning:
my essay is on MISINTERPTATION OF THE MIDDLE EAST. use the links and asnswered questions i have done that is attached below . main theme is misinformation of the middle east

    The purpose of this report is to investigate the topic you have chosen for the Extended Project through secondary research and analysis of information from a variety of sources.  In your report you should:

Include a complete list of references used in producing the Project Report.

1.    Abstract / Summary (max 150 words)
2.    Introduction (400 words)
3.    Exploration of Sources through Description of key Issues/Discussion/Development/Analysis (please note: this part of your report should have more than one section. The way you structure this should be decided by you, with support from your tutor. Your structure will depend on the topic you have chosen and the story you want to tell Secondary Research Review (2250 words)
4.    Conclusion (250 words)
5.    Reference list (not included in word count)
6.    Appendices (e.g. any data sets you have used not included in word count)
You can propose your own titles for sections and sub-sections within part 3.