- Overview of the town:
- Population: 32,434h
Population Growth: +4.7%
Elevation: 56 ft. above sea levelAvg. Low Temp (Jan.): 25 F
Avg. High Temp (July): 64FAnnual Rainfall: 71 in.
Annual Snowfall: 80 in.
Sunny Days Per Year: 86Drinking Water Source: groundwater and river
Urban Area: 14 sq. mi.
Main Power Source:natural gasAverage Commute:15.6 minutes
% Taking Mass Transit: 5.3%
Top Occupations:
public administration (23.8%)
health care (12.3%) - educational services (8.1%)
retail trade (8.7%)Overview:
The community of Ashfordton is located at the base of a mountain, on a secluded
ocean inlet, surrounded by rugged, forested land covered with spruce and fir
trees. The only access to the city is by ferry or plane; no roads connect it to other
communities in the region. Winters are wet, mild, and long, with limited sunlight
due to its location so far north. The city serves as the capital for the state of New
Grammarly. The city is renowned for its scenic beauty; tall mountains capped by
glaciers can be seen from the downtown. Tourism is a significant source of
revenue. Fishing is still important to the community, although it is an occupation
for only a very small fraction of the citys residents. - Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read Chapters 3 and 4 in your course textbook.
- Now that you have cast your votes for the Ashfordton Food Resilience Plan, it is time to explain your choices to the class. Please make a post of at least 150 words in which you
- Identify (briefly) the plan elements on which you voted.
- Explain why you selected each one.
- I voted on the following two:
- Ashfordton is a smaller area with a growing population, with the rapid growth I would recommend greenhouses more so then crops. The crops take up more space; then the city has to offer. Also, with the colder temperatures, the crops would have a stronger chance to survive. Also, with the main eater source being a river, I recommend having a water tower to store fresh running water. With the freezing temps and snow, the water will freeze, making it hard to retrieve the water.
- Implement growing cold climate fruits and vegetables. Some examples would be carrots, kale, cauliflower, spinach, apples, and sweet cherries. Harvesting this produce would create jobs for the community as well as inrich the citys food wealth