European Colonies: Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz Loa for The Divine Narcissus
AND Marc Lescarbot’s Le Thtre de Neptune en la Nouvelle-France   

    ASSIGNED READING: Norton Anthology of Drama 1517-1532; Benson translation of Neptune in Wasserman pp 74-83

        Both of these short pieces are written by European settlers and emerge out of 17th century colonial contexts. Citing specific examples from both texts, compare and contrast the representation of Indigenous and European characters in Marc Lescarbot’s Le Thtre de Neptune en la Nouvelle-France and Sor Juana Ins de la Cruz Loa for The Divine Narcissus. How do these representations affirm (or, if applicable, challenge) imperialist values, assumptions, and world views?

        [Optional] Offer additional thoughts on one or both of these short plays.