Considering either the Salesforce or the Netflix case, why is data-driven decision making appropriate for this project and what value does it add? (Refer to this week’s reading from the Bartlett textbook to inform this answer.)


Min 300 words
Min 2 references with inline citations (one should be an article about the case, the other should be the book)
Reference list

All-Weather Case Paper

Students are required to write a paper on the reading of the All Weather Case (see attachments).  Students are required to answer a minimum of five questions from chapters 4 and 5.  If the chapter has less than five questions, students are required to answer all the questions listed.  It is estimated that your total page count will be between 4 – 7 pages.  As with most of your writing assignments, your title page and reference page do not count towards the page total.  Please note, the page requirements are estimates only and should not be considered as a minimum or maximum requirement.

APA standards must be followed including proper title page, page setup, headings, in-text citation, and reference page.  This assignment is due Week 2, Day 7 and must be submitted as an attached Word document.  Students are to submit their work under the SafeAssign tab, located beneath this section. 

Ch 4_All Weather Case.docx
Ch 5_All Weather Case.docx

Below is a template showing the proper page format for this assignment:
Each chapter should be labeled using the approved APA Header 1.  Next, students should write out each of their selected question with an APA approved Header 2.  For example:

Chapter one: Succeeding in Business Communications (Header one)

Question 1: What are some specifics stories Doug could use to make his presentation more interesting? Create some likely possibilities. (Header two) – The paraphrased question should be single spaced.

Your answer should be in either paragraph or bullet point form.

Read the Case Study “Redbox Succeeds by Identifying Market Need”  (Ferrell et al., 2020).
Review the concept of SWOT Analysis with TOWS matrix.
Read the article “Creating Strategies from TOWS Matrix” (Aslan, 2012).
Prepare an APA Report addressing the following:
A summary of the case
A critical analysis of the role that both internal and external environments have for organizations to be successful.
An Analysis of the external environments. Use the DeVry Library and other reputable Internet sources (e.g., government, professional associations) to complement your research of the external environments. The external environments can be economic, socio-demographic, regulatory, political, technological, or global.
A SWOT Analysis (two factors per each S-W-O-T category) – Identify two internal factors that can be classified as weaknesses and two internal factors that can be classified as strengths for Redbox based on the case study information. Identify two external factors that can be classified as opportunities and two external factors that can be classified as threats for Redbox based on the case study information.
A TOWS Matrix (one strategy per each SO, WO, ST, WT category)
An analysis critically evaluating the importance of the managerial issues addressed in this paper; use real life examples to explain the importance of these concepts
Integrate to your Case Analysis the template provided for the SWOT and TOWS matrices

All Weather Case Paper

Students are required to write a paper on the reading of the All Weather Case (see attachments).  Students are required to answer a minimum of five questions from each of the first three chapters.  If the chapter has less than five questions, students are required to answer all the questions listed.  It is estimated that your total page count will be between 4 – 7 pages.  As with most of your writing assignments, your title page and reference page do not count towards the page total.  Please note, the page requirements are estimates only and should not be considered as a minimum or maximum requirement.

APA standards must be followed including proper title page, page setup, headings, in-text citation, and reference page.  This assignment is due Week 1, Day 7 and must be submitted as an attached Word document.  Students are to submit their work under the SafeAssign tab, located beneath this section. 

Ch 1_All Weather Case.docx
Ch 2_All Weather Case.docx
Ch 3_All Weather Case.docx

Below is a template showing the proper page format for this assignment:
Each chapter should be labeled using the approved APA Header 1.  Next, students should write out each of their selected question with an APA approved Header 2.  For example:

Chapter one: Succeeding in Business Communications (Header one)

Question 1: What are some specifics stories Doug could use to make his presentation more interesting? Create some likely possibilities. (Header two) – The paraphrased question should be single spaced.

Your answer should be in either paragraph or bullet point form. 

Select one of the two options (Narrative or Description) and begin to tell your Miami Story. The key here is to capture a moment in as much detail as possible. Use the rhetorical structures you have learned so far.

Narrative (1 page, typed, double-spaced) FIRST PART:

Tell a story of significance to your family. Tell it in a scene.

For Miami Stories Event:

Theme — Tell us your story:

What it’s like to live in Miami. . .
Give us a scene about living in Miami now. Give sounds, colors, names of place and people. Give us a year, the season, the weather. Include dialogue, setting, gestures
The story you tell could be one that you witnessed or one that was told to you. Do not state the storys significance. It must emerge from the details or actions narrated. Tell the story as it comes to you, but tell it in a scene, moment to moment. It could be a memory or a story of when you were a child or a story told about a relative or sibling or a parent.

Be sure to have:

setting/ location
time of day,
gestures (people sit, stand, move),
dialogue (one line per speaker, tags;he/she said;)

NOTE: Use past or present tense but be consistent.


Which one is a scene? A or B? Remember that your stories need to be on scene. Create a movie in the mind of the reader, moment to moment.


I remember when my sister announced she was getting married. It was New Years Eve in 2004. She was very young and our family was concerned. My mother cried and my father got upset.


My sister Katya walked into the kitchen, where wed gathered Mom, Dad, Tio Alberto and his second wife– to bring in the New Year. Mom had handed out the champagne glasses. Katya said, Im getting married. It was 2004. She was sixteen. Tio Alberto, who was already drunk, raised his empty champagne glass to her. Dad held his close to his chest. Sure, my love, he said. Youre getting married. Someday.


Pick one of the following terms for your research: Moral philosophy, justice, white-collar crime, differential association, or power.

Journal Article Analysis Each student will select one of the key terms presented in the module and conduct a search of Campbellsville Universitys online Library resources to find 1 recent peer-reviewed academic journal article (within the past 3 years) that closely relate to the concept. Your submission must include the following information in the following format: 


DEFINITION: a brief definition of the key term followed by the APA reference for the term; this does not count in the word requirement. SUMMARY: Summarize the article in your own words- this should be in the 150-200 word range. Be sure to note the article’s author, note their credentials and why we should put any weight behind his/her opinions, research or findings regarding the key term. DISCUSSION: Using 300-350 words, write a brief discussion, in your own words of how the article relates to the selected chapter Key Term. A discussion is not rehashing what was already stated in the article, but the opportunity for you to add value by sharing your experiences, thoughts and opinions. This is the most important part of the assignment. REFERENCES: All references must be listed at the bottom of the submission–in APA format. 


Be sure to use the headers in your submission to ensure that all aspects of the assignment are completed as required. 


Any form of plagiarism, including cutting and pasting, will result in zero points for the entire assignment. 


You are an data scientist working for Salesforce or Netflix. The project in the case you’ve chosen is being launched. Your manager sends you to a multi-team kickoff meeting with executives leading the project. In the meeting you learn about the project’s objective(s) and context. (Information you will learn, in real life, from the Salesforce/Netflix articles.) After the meeting you write your manager an email describing:

the objective(s) of the project
the context for the objective (why this objective?)
a list of questions you think the data science team needs to answer to make recommendations for the project
The video assigned this week, Learning Data Science: Asking Great Questions, provides good advice and strategies for asking great questions in data science. Please review before you write this email.


Minimum 300 words
Minimum 1 reference with in line citations, as appropriate
Reference list

 Think of a time when you had a different opinion than another person. 

Reflect on personal values evident in encounters/challenges with patients, friends, teachers, and others.

Note what they think and feel about these situations. 

Trace how they developed each value and how their value(s) affected these encounters. 

Identify value differences that may have contributed to conflict or misunderstanding. 

Due 1/11 7 p.m EST

Be on time & Original work & GRAD LEVEL WORK

Please read carefully

Data Attached


Assignment 1: Repeated Measures ANOVA in SPSS

Earlier this week, you practiced using repeated measures ANOVA models with SPSS and, ideally, used the Collaboration Lab to ask, answer, and otherwise address any questions you had. In this Assignment, you apply what you learned to answer a social research question using Repeated Measures ANOVA.

To prepare

Review the datasets provided. (ATTACHED)

Construct a research question based on one of those datasets.

Pay attention to the assumptions of this test, and ask, Does it make sense to interpret the mean of this dependent variable?

 Assignment 1

Use SPSS to answer the research question you constructed. Then, compose a 1- to 2-paragraph analysis in APA format in which you answer the following questions:

1. What is the null hypothesis for your question?

2. What research design(s) would align with this question?

3. What dependent variable was used and how is it measured?

4. What independent variable is used and how is it measured?

5. If you found significance, what is the strength of the effect?

6. What is the answer to your research question?

7. What are the possible implications of social change?

Be sure to include your data output with your analysis. See page 996 in your Warner textbook for an excellent APA-compliant write-up of a repeated-measures ANOVA.


Assignment 2 Explanation

The practice of quantitative research not only involves statistical calculations and formulas but also involves the understanding of statistical techniques related to real-world applications. You might not become a quantitative researcher nor use statistical methods in your profession but as a consumer, citizen, and scholar-practitioner, it will be important for you to become a critical consumer of research, which will empower you to read, interpret, and evaluate the strength of claims made in scholarly material and daily news.

For this Assignment, you will critically evaluate a scholarly article related to repeated measures ANOVA.

Assignment 2


Search the Library for a quantitative article that applies repeated measures ANOVA.



Write a 2 page critique of the research you found in the  Library that includes responses to the following prompts: Use Subheadings

Why did the authors select repeated measures ANOVA in the research?

Do you think this test was the most appropriate choice? Why or why not?

Did the authors display the results in a figure or table?

Does the results table stand alone? In other words, are you able to interpret the study from it? Why or why not?


Notes from Professor:

Make sure I can find the interaction terms and the coefficients or sums of squares for them. We need this information to determine whether the interaction term is statistically significant and the effect sizes. Writing: 14.02. Each table gets its own page at the end of the paper.

This week is the same routine but a different statistic–we are looking at repeated measures ANOVA. The videos on this topic are pretty good, and using the technique is pretty easy. (OK, I think it’s easy.) Outside of attention to content, I want to remind everyone that every week I am getting stricter on the grading of output. I don’t expect you to create new tables, which is a lot of work, though a few students are. However, let’s stick with APA on other points. Each table should be properly referenced and titled and get its own page at the END of the document. The penalties for noncompliance are getting higher the further into the quarter we go.