You will write a flowchart, and C code for a program that does the following:

1. Uses a while loop.

2. Prints the numbers from 1 to 10 with a blank line after each number.  (You’ll need to use the newline character n).

Here is what the program looks like.

File Submission

Upload your Flowgorithm file, your .c file, and a screen shot of your code output saved in a Word document including the path name directory at the top of the screen into the dropbox for grading.  


The following program uses an if…else structure.  The program flow is determined by whether or not the “if” condition is true.  If the user’s selection is greater than 0, one line of code prints, and, if not, a different line executes.

Here’s the Flowchart:

And here is the code:

And here is the output:

Now, re-create the flowchart in Flowgorithm and run the code in your Dev C++ compiler.

Upload your flowgorithm file, .c file, and a screen shot of your code output saved in a Word document including the path name directory at the top of the screen into the dropbox for grading.


Write out the logic to the following problems.

Example: Represent the logic of a decision whether to wear a coat if the temperature is less than 60 degrees Fahrenheit, and not to wear one if the temperature is 60 degrees or greater.




        integer temperature

output “Enter temperature: “

input temperature

if (temperature <60)

        output “Wear coat.”


       output “Don’t wear coat.”

end if


  1. Represent the logic of a program that allows the user the decide if an employee is eligible for overtime pay.  If the employee is hourly, then output “Eligible for overtime,” and  if the employee is salaried, then output “Not eligible for overtime.”
  2. Represent the logic of a program decides which award to give an employee based on years of service.  Someone with more than 25 years of service gets a gold watch, and someone with 25 years or less of service receives a pen and pencil set.
  3. Represent the logic of a program that allows the user to enter a value between 1 and 100. The program determines if the value is even or odd, and outputs either “The number is even,” or “The number is odd.”

Put your solutions in a Word document,


One conservative argument against Medicare andSocial Securitystates that calling these programs entitlement programs is a misnomer and that they are actually the biggest income redistribution programs from the rich to the poor in the United States. Other conservatives state that stronger entitlement programs are nothing more than schemes for younger taxpayers to fund retirees. Proponents argue that Social Security benefits matter in the overall federal deficit reduction, and still others support privatization as the key to stabilizing the troubled system.

In a four- to five-page paper, address the following federal and state issues with entitlement programs:

  1. Are Social Security taxes a good investment?
  2. Evaluate the current funding process for Social Security and Medicare.
  3. In looking through the National budget entitlement programs such as Medicare and Medicaid represent the biggest threat to the U.S. budget deficit. What reforms do you suggest to help avoid an unsustainable increase to the debt?
  4. Do you think the federal government should increase spending on Social Security and Medicare for the elderly? If not, should the elderly fund retirement and medical costs?
  5. Do you believe government efforts to manage Social Security and Medicaid has made things worse or better? Provide research support for your position (in the summary of the paper).
  6. Discuss your recommendations to deal with the rising costs of Social Security and Medicare as well as the Welfare Reform Act of 1996.

Assignment Resources:

  • to gain some background and history on the Social Security Program

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Include an Abstract and Conclusion in the four- to five-page count. Your cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


“General Taxes” Please respond to the following:

  • Review the following scenario and then analyze the impact of tax holidays on the budget.
    • Scenario: Several states have declared sales tax holidays for which the state does not collect sales tax on selected items for those day or days. In most instances, the holiday has applied to purchases of clothing and the period has been a week to 10 days in August. The primary reason is to provide a back-to-school discount as families get ready for the upcoming year; however, in recent years, some states have proposed or enacted holidays for hurricane survival supplies, gasoline, Energy Star appliances, and guns and ammunition. 
    • You are the State Economic Director. Analyze the economic impact of tax holidays of up to 10 days in your state (Arkansas).

I must have ORIGINAL work with up to date REFERENCES only…

Assignment 4: Compensation PlanDue Week 8 and worth 200 pointsSelect a company for which you would like to work, and determine the necessary components to an attractive compensation plan.Write a five to seven (5-7) page paper in which you:Briefly describe your dream job with an organization for which you would like to work.Create a rewards and compensation package for this position that would attract skilled workers, yet control costs at the same time.Create a benefits package for this position that is competitive, yet advantageous to the company.Speculate on how the negotiating and collective bargaining of this specific position would contribute to the achievement of organizational goals. Provide a rationale for your response.Use at least five (5) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia does not qualify as an academic resource.Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the students name, the professors name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:Assess the effectiveness of human resource planning and performance management systems.Assess how negotiating and collective bargaining contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.Use technology and information resources to research issues in employee and labor relations.Write clearly and concisely about employee and labor relations using proper writing mechanics.

Write a Discussion post reflecting on your past experiences as they relate to the learning outcomes of this course.

1.  Research the stated Learning Outcomes of this ORGL course. Briefly list/describe the outcomes in your response.

The Learning Outcomes of this course are listed below:

 describe past experiences that involved learning

 analyze past events and their personal feelings about those events

 summarize actions or feelings that are part of their past learning process

 record events in coherent written work

 discuss situations using conceptual frameworks for reflection

2.  Describe experiences (such as work, volunteer, church, social, academic) you have had that resulted in learning these outcomes. Be as specific as possible with your examples. Attempt to tie your experiences directly to the learning outcomes. [If you haven’t had learning that connects to a particular outcome, that’s OK – explain any gaps.]

3.  Discuss the reflective concept in the course which best describes your learning up to this point.

4.  How might you document the learning you achieved in that context? For instance:Training evidence, Certificates? Papers or projects you’ve completed. On-the-job evaluations? Letters from people in a position to evaluate your learning at work or in volunteer activities? Artifacts, items you designed or created? Photographs or scanned items? Mention how you plan to collect the items if you do not have them on hand.

*Good strong paragraph for each question. See rubric attached* 

 Business analysts working in the City of London, and you were asked by your manager to prepare a report on a Listed fashion company (Nike) 

Selected Brand: NIKE

Include an Introductory paragraph, that includes a share price chart (for the last 1 year) and its performance analysis. 

Identify the biggest market for this brand and conduct an analysis of the External Macroeconomic factors affecting it. This should be supported with data, graphs, charts and explained in the report. 

Conduct an Internal Analysis of the organisation. You could look at the following factors: – Objectives, mission, and Vision – Business Legal Structure – Organisational Structure – Financial Performance (Debt, Profit, and Revenues) 

Based on the results of your analysis you need to highlight the risks (critical issues) that could face the organisation now and in the future. 

Finally, you are required to come up with realistic recommendations to improve or sustain performance. 

You need to include appendix pages that include a list of the financial statements of the company which are usually found in the Annual report of the organization and that can be downloaded from its website. 

You should also include a list of References that are used to collect information; all the referencing should be done according to the Harvard referencing system 

Word Count: 2000 words

PowerPoint File is due by 11:59 PM on Febr 29, 2020 via Bbl

Presentation during Live Collaborate #4 on Tuesday, March 3, 2020

As stated in the Syllabus, students will present their Research Proposals during our final Collaborate Session. As the Research Proposals may not be complete, students should use this opportunity to garner any last-minute feedback before submitting the final version of their assignments.

Students should construct their presentations to include the following:

1 Slide on your Problem Statement (10 points)

2 Slides on your Literature Review (20 points)

2 Slides on your Research Proposal (20 points)

1 Slide on your Limitations (10 points)

1 Slide on your Conclusion (10 points)

Spelling/Grammar (15 points)

Design/Presentation (15 points)

Students shall submit their presentations via Bbl, which will then be uploaded by the Instructor into the final Collaborate Session. Students presentations should last between 3 to 4 minutes each.

Security professionals need to understand that compliance, along with strong security policies, can make organizational security stronger, but not completely hacker-proof.

In 500-750 words, explain how compliance with governing standards can fail to provide security even when using the Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis or Cyber Kill Chain model. Where does the use of the model’s tools (e.g., relating to HIPAA, DOD, etc.) still make an organization vulnerable even though the organization is compliant with industry regulations and standards?