As a psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner, it is essential for you to have a strong background in foundational neuroscience. In order to diagnose and treat clients, you must not only understand the pathophysiology of psychiatric disorders, but also how medications for these disorders impact the central nervous system. These concepts of foundational neuroscience can be challenging to understand. Therefore, this Discussion is designed to encourage you to think through these concepts, develop a rationale for your thinking, and deepen your understanding by interacting with your colleagues. 


Post a response to each of the following:

  1. Explain the agonist-to-antagonist spectrum of action of psychopharmacologic agents.
  2. Compare and contrast the actions of g couple proteins and ion gated channels.
  3. Explain the role of epigenetics in pharmacologic action.
  4. Explain how this information may impact the way you prescribe medications to clients. Include a specific example of a situation or case with a client in which the psychiatric mental health nurse practitioner must be aware of the medications action.



Remember, that the purpose of this discussion is not to answer my initial or follow-up questions. The purpose is to engage with the assigned readings and integrate them with other ideas and into your daily (or future) practice. Please do use terminology from the assigned readings, cite the textbook with at least an in-text citation (Dipboye, 2016), and bring in current events (provide a URL) to add to the conversation and to support your points. These discussions are the main learning and assessment tool in this course.

Question: Think of the groups you belong to; why are some successful while others struggle to be productive? Can you think of similar famous examples?

**Minium of 250 words and textbook attached**


*this is not a paper just questions keep each separated by references*

1.  One of the goals of ethics instruction/training is to promote in public managers the reasoning skills necessary for ethical leadership, in hope that they can then transfer those skills to their subordinates. Please describe how and what your current organizational leadership does to transfer those skills to the rank and file membership of your organization? 

500 words 3 references Keep Separated 

2.  Please describe how and what your local elected officials are currently doing to “adopt and implement policies” that promote inter-generational fairness?

500 Words 3 references Keep Separated 

3.  The GAO report on information sharing concluded that the current information sharing process is not perceived as effective.  What are its shortcomings?  What improvements can be made to increase its effectiveness?

500 Words 3 references Keep Separated 

4.  The Office of University Programs within DHS sponsors security research efforts by coalitions of US universities in Academic Centers of Excellence (COE).  One such center is the Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events (CREATE) headed by the University of Southern California.  One CREATE study addressed the question Should We Protect Commercial Airliners Against Surface-to-Air Missile Attacks by Terrorists?  What did the study conclude?  Do you agree?  Why or why not?

500 Words 3 references Keep Separated 


You are the manager in charge of leading the new data-driven quality improvement initiative in preparation for a Joint Commission (TJC) accreditation visit for AKT Hospital. In preparation for this visit, you will create a 3-4 page newsletter for your staff discussing the purpose of health care statistics. The newsletter will be a creative approach to presenting staff with the new data-driven quality improvement initiative in preparation for the TJC accreditation visit.

The newsletter should include the following:

  • A summary of at least 2 real-world articles related to quality improvement initiatives in health care in the United States.
  • A discussion on TJC and why organizations seek accreditation in general.
  • An example of the types of data that will be considered as part of a data-driven quality improvement initiative for health care entities (specifically hospitals).
  • The role that descriptive and inferential statistics play in the data analysis process for improving quality of care. Use real-world examples.


  • Use a newsletter template to complete this assignment.
  • Ensure that article summaries and discussions for each section are a minimum of 250 words.
  • Use proper APA citations and reference guidelines.
  • Include any references for each news article at the end of the article.
  • The newsletter should be creative, colorful, and include pictures.

You will discuss with your class mates how your field observation is going. you will answer the following:

Practicum Experience is going……..

Something I’ve learned new so far..

something I would like to share with the class that could be useful to them…

Something I would like to change if given the opportunity…

An experience where I have had to enforce the NAEYC Code of ethical conduct or seen enforced…..


The project involves depicting a Security Architecture for one of the following businesses: 

Financial (Bank, brokerage, Insurer, etc.) 

Hospital/Medical Services 


Social Media Company 

Energy Company (Electrical Utility, Oil Company, Solar, Wind, etc.) 

Manufacturer (Automobile, Computer, Consumer Electronics, etc.) 


Project Abstract, Goals and Approach (Words limit: 800-1000)

Identify the business type you have selected for your paper.

Provide a brief overview of the business

Provide the goals and approach to the project


Architectural diagrams and annotations (Words limit: 1000-2000)

Milestone 2 will include all materials from Milestone 1 and 

Architectural diagrams and annotations


How does workplace stress affect employees and the productivity of the workplace?

What types of conflict contribute to stress in the workplace?

Be sure to include a minimum of 2 academic references in your answer.

 1. Identify the facts surrounding the case. 2. List the symptoms revealed in the case. 3. Identify the problem or problems presented in the case. 4. List the alternative solutions. 5. Recommend a solution giving the reasons for your choice. 6. Formulate a follow-up procedure. 



Compare and contrast the major characteristics of the U. S. healthcare delivery system with the systems of other developed countries.


You are the new Director of the International Relations Division of the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and have been tasked with researching and creating a draft healthcare delivery model for the U.S. As you work with your team, you discover that other developed nations have very interesting components that make up their healthcare systems. Before you complete a proposed U.S. healthcare delivery model that can be viewed as sustainable and crafted strictly for the U.S. given the healthcare climate and rules and government, you thought you should first compose an ideal healthcare delivery system composed of the best components from the world’s developed nations, including the United States.

The United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Global Affairs is the diplomatic voice of the Department of Health and Human Services that fosters critical global relationships, coordinate international engagement across HHS and the U.S. government, and provide leadership and expertise in global health diplomacy and policy to contribute to a safer, healthier world ()


Create a proposed healthcare delivery model based on a combination of developed nations’ health systems (including the U.S.) using the best parts of each: Outcomes, costs, and processes. The proposed model should include a full report that has the following elements:

  • A detailed definition of healthcare in the U.S. under this proposed model.
  • A SWOT analysis per country (minimum of 5 countries) from around the world. One country from each quadrant of the world is required (north, south, east, and west) and one country must be the U.S.
  • Each country should have a minimum of two strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats regarding their national healthcare systems’ outcomes, costs, and processes.
    • For example, Country 1: two strengths on the outcomes, two weaknesses on the outcomes, two opportunities on the outcomes, two threats on the outcomes. Two strengths on the costs, two weaknesses on the costs, two opportunities on the costs, two threats on the costs. Two strengths on the processes, two weaknesses on the processes, two opportunities on the processes, two threats on the processes.
  • A comparison chart of the costs of healthcare in the U.S. with the costs of healthcare in other developed nations.
  • A comparison chart of the U.S. health outcomes to the health outcomes of the other developed nations.
  • Recommend strategies you believe would be best to use in a healthcare delivery model for the U.S. only using the best parts of models from other developed nations.

The report should include two pages for each country, as well as a cover page and reference page.

The final requirement of a valid contract is that it must be made for a legal purpose. Consider the following situation:

You and Tommy made a $100 bet on the outcome of the Super Bowl. After your team won, Tommy refused to pay you the $100.

Based on the information that you have learned in your reading, write a 150-word paper that answers the following questions about the situation described above:

  1. Could you legally sue Tommy?
  2. Why or why not? Be sure to support your conclusion with facts, definitions, and/or examples.
  3. If you have not already done so, clearly explain what constitutes legal and illegal gambling. ***Please use APA formatting.  Also please use quotes from the text/resources.  Please see example of APA formatting below:
    APA Textbook In-text Citations  


  • Course Text: Goldman, A., & Sigismond, W. (2014). Business Law: Principles and Practices (9th ed.). South-Western: Cengage Learning.
    • Chapter 10, “Legality”In this chapter, you will examine the last requirement of a valid contract: Legality. You will explore the nature of illegal agreements and the exceptions to the rule that courts will not enforce illegal agreements. Finally, you will be introduced to the agreements that are generally recognized as being illegal in most states.
      Focus on the definitions and concepts provided throughout the chapter. Review and think about the examples and short cases in the chapterthat demonstrate the major ideas being conveyed.
    • Chapter 11, “Memorialize Contracts in WritingStatute of Frauds”

Don’t all contracts need to be put in writing? The answer, actually, is “No.” In fact, the law requires that only a few specific types of contracts must be written in order to be enforceable in court. In this chapter, you will explore the categories of contracts required to be in writing, the validity of oral contracts, and the advantages of creating a written contact. Finally, you will be introduced to the parol evidence rule.
Focus on the definitions and concepts provided throughout the chapter. Review and think about the examples and short cases in the chapter that demonstrate the major ideas being conveyed, and consider the prevalence of oral contracts and the advantages of written contracts.