For this assignment, students are expected to conduct a “mini” policy analysis of Head Start policy. The goal of this assignment is help students learn how to apply a policy analysis framework to Head Start policy. To conduct the analysis, students will need to find 3 articles that concern and describe the Head Start legislation.The analysis should address the following points:

Benefit-Allocation Framework: Who, what, how, and how much ($)
Social, Economic, Environmental Justice Analysis/Human Rights framework: How does this policy impact social, economic, environmental justice and/or human rights?Use Gilbert and Terrells notions of Equality, Equity, Adequacy
Policy Effectiveness (When searching for article about effectiveness, please use the term outcomes, effects, or impacts as the search key words).

Start article with head start over view file I attached then follow by these two links of  articles I attached right here for body of paper to answer questions in order as written in instructions and the Gilbert reading attached with the picture files:

Then use these sources for rest of paper:

Conclude with this article: