1.    Discuss the similarities and differences in the proteome profile between the LTLT-Ca and MCF7-LR cells? See Tilghman and Townley publication from 2013
2.    Summarize the implications of estrogen-dependent vs estrogen-independent letrozole resistance (ie., what therapeutic options are available? Is estrogen dependent resistance associated with metastasis or not?)
3.    What is the clinical significance of upregulation of P4HB and downregulation of FKBP4?
4.    Significant findings from Antibody array (ie., Is it significant that most phospho proteins were decreased? And that phospho-p53 was decreased (P4HBs relation to p53 mutation) See if you can find anything in the literature that discusses the relevance of this pS15 site on p53 since that is the residue included in your array.