A 12-year-old boy is brought to the office for evaluation of hives. He has no significant past medical history and no history of allergies. He has just joined the middle school soccer team and noticed that he gets hives about 10 minutes into practice. The hives are itchy and consist of irregular blotches on his legs and trunk, about 1020 cm in size, and they persist for about 30 minutes. He does not experience swelling of the lips or oropharynx and denies any wheezing or shortness of breath. His physical examination is normal without skin lesions or oral swelling at that moment, and his lungs are clear. After evaluation, he is diagnosed with urticaria.

1. Discuss the likely cause of the patients urticaria.
2. Describe the cellular mechanism of urticaria and how it leads to the signs and symptoms experienced by the patient.
3. Describe the relationship between the patients symptoms and the concept of inflammation.
4. What pharmacological and non-pharmacologictreatment options are available?
5. Discuss the complications of urticaria.
6. What teaching would be appropriate to provide the parent and child about urticaria?

Each question must have a response of at least 2 paragraphs.

1. After reflecting on this course, share with me the most interesting class topic to you and why. After reflecting on this course, compare and contrast your expectations for this class to what you actually gained. Be sure to use specific examples from course materials to support your thoughts on this.

2. One of your friends is interested in making healthy changes to his/her diet. What are the three most important things you would tell him/her about healthy eating? Please be sure to include the principles related to MyPlate and the Dietary Guidelines for Americans in your answer, as well as specific examples from the course to support your recommendations.

3. Identify and discuss one chronic disease we covered in class. Provide a background on risk factors (modifiable and non-modifiable) associated with this disease. Give at least five recommendations for how diet can lower the risks for this disease and/or manage the condition for those already suffering. Be sure to be specific in your recommendations – using examples from the class to support them.

4. Your friend tells you about this great new product she learned about that is guaranteed to help you lose 20 pounds in 2 weeks. You decided to visit this products website to check it out. Discuss three things you can look for on this site that may indicate whether or not the site is credible? Provide three recommendations for how your friend might research credible sources of information to assist with her weight loss. Be sure to be specific in your recommendations – using examples from the class to support them.

5. Identify and discuss two nutrition problems facing Americans. Give at least two recommendations to lower the risks or health costs associated with these issues. Be sure to be specific in your recommendations – using examples from the class to support them.

NOTE: though some of these questions are asking your “opinion”, you still have to back up your answer with examples from course materials, which is where the source citation requirement comes in. You may put your citation information at the end of each essay. Each essay should have AT LEAST one  source from your learning materials this semester cited to support your answers.

Proper Citation of Sources /Works Cited Page using APA or MLA format – please include in text citations AND a works cited list at the end of EACH ESSAY- 2 pts per essay

Title: Nutrition Concepts and Controversies
Subtitle: Digital Edition
ISBN: 9780357325445
Authors: Sizer
Publisher: Cengage Learning
Publication Date: 2017
Edition: 15th


See below and write an APA formatted essay of between 2 and 4 pages plus a cover sheet. Be sure to reference specific examples from your life, experience, scholarly sources (when appropriate), and course content. 

Prompt 2: One major concern of medical professionals and health educators is when people self-diagnosis. Reflect on the following:

What are the downfalls of seeking information for self-diagnosis?
What are the benefits of seeking information for self-diagnosis?
Do the downfalls outweigh the benefits? Why or why not?

Laxatives, diarrhea, enemas, and constipation . . . Oh, my! Diarrhea and constipation are common disorders that you will see (and experience) during your career. Lets imagine its a normal day in the clinic where you work. A patient comes in with the following complaint:

Taylor Watkins

Age: 24

Diarrhea intermittent with constipation. Patient has been using a daily dose of laxatives for a beauty pageant for the past six months and is now experiencing chronic symptoms.

Describe how treatments such as laxatives, enemas, and stool softeners can impact the normal function of the digestive system. How would you approach the topic of this type of weight loss with Taylor?

For your citation, you might use articles that show examples of beneficial and harmful treatments for diarrhea and constipation. You can also find articles from experts that suggest best practices for remaining healthy while losing weight.

What makes me poop? Learning about the digestive system can raise some interesting questions, especially when someone is unsure if something is normal.

Imagine that you need to explain the process of food digestion to a pediatric patient and an elderly patient. Describe the general process of digestion and how you would modify your approach with each patient. What elements of the process would change with age?

Ethical Analysis of the Issues Surrounding Medical Executions
Is it ethical for medical professionals to be involved in lethal executions

1) Write an overview of the portion of the documentary you want to
primarily discuss [1/2 1 page] 1/2 point The Sandman Documentary/ Dr Russo
2) Apply and discuss how 1 ethical theory applies to this scenario (how
would you work through it with this theory?) [1/2 1 page] 1.5 points

Please assist with Writing parts 3/4/5 and editing part 1/2
3) Apply 2 or 3 ethical principles to the scenario [1 -2 pages] 2 points
4) Apply 1 provision of the ANA (American Nurse Association) Code of Ethics & explain how it applies to
this scenario (think if nurses were involved) [1/2 page] 1.5 points
5) Summarize why ethical analysis is important in nursing to our patient
care [1/2 page] & include a conclusion 1/2 point

Choose 1 of the following Discussion Topics and provide your answers using appropriate medical terminology.
1. A woman presents to your hospital complaining of pain in her left lower leg. You notice the area is tender to touch, red, and swollen. She is diagnosed with a deep venous thrombosis (DVT). This is her fourth DVT within 2 months.

A. If the woman asked you why she had had another DVT, what are some explanations you could give her?

B. If the woman was prescribed anticoagulant drug therapy, how might you explain to her the hemostasis mechanism behind this therapy?

2. A patient with chronic bronchitis is brought into the emergency room with complaints of sudden-onset chest pain, shortness of breath, and coughing up blood. His lab work shows hypoxemia, respiratory acidosis, and elevated red blood cell (RBC) count, white blood cell count, hemoglobin, and hematocrit.

A. Utilizing your understanding of the process of erythropoiesis, why do you think this patient has elevated RBCs, hemoglobin, and hematocrit?
B. What is the most likely cause of the patients acute symptoms? How do you explain this?
3.  A 2-year-old girl with sickle cell disease is admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit for acute streptococcal pneumonia and respiratory distress. She has had repeated hospitalizations over the past 6 months for various systemic infections.

A. Her parents want to know what has changed over the past 6 months to cause her to be so susceptible to infection. How would you respond?
B. Why will pneumonia cause increased sickling?
C. What are the primary goals of treatment at this time? What are the rationales behind these goals?

You are the supervisor of a small cardiac rehabilitation program. The program includes inpatient cardiac teaching and an outpatient exercise rehabilitation program. Because of limited reimbursement by third-party insurance payers for patient education, there has been no direct charge for inpatient education. Outpatient program participants pay $240 per month to attend three 1-hour sessions per week, although the revenue generated from the outpatient program still leaves an overall budget deficit for the program of approximately $6,800 per month. Today, Jane is summoned to the associate administrators office to discuss her budget for the upcoming year. At this meeting, the administrator states that the hospital is experiencing extreme financial difficulties due to declining reimbursements. He states that the program must become self-supporting in the next fiscal year; otherwise, services must be cut. On returning to her office, Jane decided to make a list of several alternatives for problem solving and to analyze each for driving and restraining factors. These alternatives include the following:

Implement a charge for inpatient education. This would eliminate the budget deficit, but the cost would probably have to be borne by the patient. (Implication: Only patients with adequate fiscal resources would elect to receive vital education.) Reduce department staffing. There are currently three staff members in the department, and it would be impossible to maintain the same level or quality of services if staffing were reduced.
Reduce or limit services. The inpatient education program or educational programs associated with the outpatient program could be eliminated. These are both considered to be valuable aspects of the program.
Increase the fee for the outpatient program. This could easily result in a decrease in program participation because many outpatient program participants do not have insurance coverage for their participation.
Step 2 Address the Following

Identify five program goals for the cardiac rehabilitation program.  Discuss how you came up with these goals, using supportive rationale and citation(s).
Prioritize the five program goals, providing supportive rationale behind your decisions.
Based on the priorities that you have established, which alternative would you select?  Provide supportive rationale and citations for your decision.

Background Research (3% due midnight October 4th): You are to prepare a brief summary of key information from 3 research articles related to the ways leisure/recreation can be a resource for coping with stress and/or enhancing health and wellbeing, e.g., for promoting resilience, improving mood, enhancing sense of belonging, etc. Prepare a summary of research evidence for each of the 3 articles, that includes summarized key points/facts from the article that provides evidence of how leisure/rec can contribute to student coping, 2
health/wellbeing. Each summary should: begin with the article citation (APA 6th ed format), use bullet points to summarize key points/facts, be approx. 1/2 page, and 1.15 spacing. (See Appendix B Part 1 for grading rubric) (3%)