The specific objectives of this research were:
      To revamp M.A.C. Cosmetics and reposition them.
      To determine if our proposed repositioning is supported or negated among the target market.
      To determine if our proposed IMC ideas are supported or negated among the target market.
      To learn about womens makeup look preferences, purchase intent, and behavior when buying.

– I need the bulleted points to be made into 275 words or so. below is some information about the direction we wanted our research to support or negate ….

We feel that one of the most important factors that influence M.A.C. ‘s targeted consumers purchase decision is effective packaging. M.A.C.s targeted consumer also is looking for safe, healthy ingredients in their products, as opposed to harmful chemicals. Also, consumers are looking for brands with strong ethical values, ethical working conditions for their employees, and cruelty free testing of their beauty products. The targeted consumers are also very concerned with the ingredients utilized in their beauty products. In addition, the majority of consumers are looking for brands with multi purposeful, efficient products.
    In order to effectively reposition the brand, our team believes that M.A.C. should market their products using bolder, more attractive packaging. We feel that M.A.C. should package their products to match different product campaigns they plan throughout the year. For example, if M.A.C. launched a product line inspired by the holidays, we feel that they should create holiday inspired packaging, while still maintaining their brand logo and essence.

Choose answer1 of following 2 questions
Question 1.1 Imagine you are writing a (long!) email to a friend or family about your Human,
Animal, Machine (and the environment) class. In this email, explain 3 of the concepts brought
to you by the Letter A anthropomorphism, avatars, abjection, alterity, animation, aliens,
algorithmic bias/harm, artificial intelligence, the Anthropocene. What critical analysis does each
of these terms bring to your understanding of the relationships between humans, animals,
machines and the environment? Why is it important to understand these concepts? What are
some connections you can make across these concepts? Your answer should be 350-400 words.
Directly reference 3 texts from weeks 6, 7, 10, 11.
You might start your email like this:
Subject: Human, Animal, Machine (and the environment)!
Dear *****,
This semester I am taking a [great, weird, hard, awesome, etc. J ] course called Human,
Animal, Machine (and the environment). Do you know how many core concepts about
the relationships between humans, animals, machines and the environment start with the
letter A?! For example, anthropomorphism is the….
Question 1.2 Across our readings in the past 4 weeks, we have learned many reasons why we
give human characteristics to non-human and more-than-human phenomena, and how humans
have built or programmed human characteristics (gender, racial bias, etc.) into artificial
intelligence. Referencing at least 3 course readings or other materials from weeks 6, 7, 10, 11,
answer the following 3 questions: 350-400 words
a) According to our readings and other course materials, what is anthropomorphism and
why do humans do it? Why is it important to understand this concept?
b) According to our readings and other course materials, what is algorithmic harm and
algorithmic bias and how does it happen? Why is it important to understand this concept?
c) Based on your own understanding of these concepts/practices, what do you think might
be the relationship between anthropomorphism and human bias in AI?

Question 2.1 Answer 2 of the following. Total 350-400 words
a) Define intersectionality. According to Safiya Umoja Noble, why it important to bring
an intersectional analysis to our study of technology?
b) What is the job of commercial content managers? Identify and explain some of the
problems that Sarah T. Roberts raises in her analyses of this new form of digital labour.
c) According to any of the readings or videos and lecture-sodes in Week 9, what is a
cyborg? What is a cyborg imagination? How might the hybrid figure of the cyborg help
us to think beyond binaries between human/animal, human/machine?
Question 2.2 Referencing any 3 of our readings or other materials in Weeks 8, 9, 11 and
drawing from your own experience, write a short essay, lecture, video or podcast in which you
discuss the significance of and draw connections between three of the following concepts:
Coltan Mining, Content Managers, Intersectionality, Cyborgs, Companion Species and the
COVID-19 virus. If you choose, you can record this as a video or podcast and submit the video
or sound file (AND please submit your written script it does not have to be in formal academic
prose). Videos and Podcasts no longer than 3-5 min. Total 350-400 words

Question 3.1 Referencing at least one course reading from Weeks 6-11 and one of the following
assigned films, answer the following question: How does this film engage with you one of the
following key concepts that we have developed in Human, Animal, Machine (and the
environment)? Remember: Do NOT use outside readings. 300-400 words
Films (Choose 1)                                                    Key Concepts (Choose 1)
Dirty Computer                                                                      Algorithmic Bias/Fairness
Coded Bias                                                                          The Anthropocene
The Anthropocene                                                                            Cyborgs
                                                                                              Artificial Intelligence
                                                                                                    Feminized AI
                                                                                                Algorithmic Harm
                                                                                              Intersectional Analysis
Question 3.2 Remember all the way back in Week 1?! In your Introductory Discussion Post for
this course, you were asked to write about your favourite movie, novel, comic, game, piece of
visual art or other kind of media that thematizes the intersections of Human, Animal, Machine
and to discuss how it to course themes. Referencing at least one key concept and one course
reading from this course, reconsider your answer: How does this movie, novel, comic, game,
visual art, etc. relate to course themes? Build an analysis based on one key course concept. What
does what you have learned in this course, add to your understanding of this movie, novel, etc.?

Read the attached case study and answer the question down below with some secondary research:

Turning to the financials, should CJ E&M be pleased that KCON was more or less self-sustaining after five years of steady growth? Or should they be disappointed that the convention business still had lower margins than most other CJ Group operations?

This is related to digital media.  Understanding they would have somewhat limited knowledge, the candidate should prepare a 30, 60, 90-day plan/proposal on how they would go about evaluating and implementing a Yield Management process across the Stack Exchange sites. 

*  Stack Overflow Site:
*  Stack Overflow Product Offering: 

Potential Questions

1.Do similarities/differences in Hofstede’s principles affect the success of marketing across cultures in the gaming industry?

2.How does culture impact the pricing strategy for a gaming company? (You can ignore this question if you don’t have any reference to this)

3.How effective is (extended self theory) in cross cultural marketing of the entertainment/gaming industry?
1.Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. …
2.Consistency Theory. …
3.Elaboration Likelihood Model. …
4.The Extended Self. …
5.Flow (or Optimal Psychological Experience) …
6.Network Theory. …
7.Planned Behavior. …
8.Institutional Theory.
(choose one or two theories above to expand) more prefer #1

4. How the customer behavior (culture differences) shaped the marketing strategies in each company?

I have uploaded an article you can use as references and you also need to find some others which related to Game/entertainment company marketing strategy in global content

Tencent official website is

please tell me if you have any questions about the topic

We often look through our magazines without really paying attention to some detail that is inevitably inside those magazines.  With this in mind, find three (3) magazines of your choice (Sports Illustrated, Field and Stream, Cosmopolitan, Better Homes and Gardens, etc.).  Look through your three chosen magazines and answer the following questions about each magazine you have chosen (please state the name and issue or volume of the magazine you in which you are describing or have chosenafter signifying the magazine and issue, please answer all of the questions or respond to the statements below about the magazines you select):

1)What is the name of the magazine?
2)What is the volume/issue of the magazine (be specific with date)?
3)Briefly describe your magazine.
What type of magazine is this (i.e. a sports magazine, a fashion magazine, a fishing magazine, a general interest , magazine, etc.)?
4)Who is the target audience of this magazine?
5)Does this magazine utilize the ideology of sex sells or “violence sells” to sell?
6)Are ads placed in proximity (or not) to editorial content of a related topic (e.g., suntan lotion or sunglasses ads next to an article about beach vacations)?  If so, give examples (give at least two (2) examples).  If not, give examples (give at least two (2) examples).
7)How aesthetically similar (or not) are the ads and editorial content (e.g., the style of a magazines photo shoot and its fashion ads, the color of the ad and the editorial contentin other words, are the ads similar in color, font style, etc. to the editorial content)?  Give examples (give at least two (2) examples).
8)Are there ads that seem to be at odds with the editorial content (e.g., cigarette ads in youth oriented magazine)?  If so, give examples.  If not, please state ads seeming to be at odds with the editorial content is not applicable.
9)Do ad pages and/or ad space outnumber editorial content pages?  Count the ratio (approximately).  In other words, how many ads are there compared to actual stories or editorial content.
10)Do ad pages make it hard to find the magazines table of contents and the actual article(s)?  If so, give examples (give at least two (2) examples).  If not, please state the editorial content, actual stories, and table of contents were easy to find.”

Critical thinking, logic, real-world integration, and marketing concepts are the backbone of this assignment.Marketing Plan for Startup Business
A.  Target Market & Positioning
a.  Describe a clear target market based on geography, demographics, psychographics, and benefits sought
.b.  Describe the positioning of the business as it relates chosen adjectives and existing/potential competition.
B.  Product Strategy
a.  Describe the core and supplementary products being offered. You will want to describe in detail the items and how they are different than the competition
.C.  Pricing Strategy
a.  Describe the costs of goods (materials, supplies, inventory), the pricing model chosen, and potential profit margins on the products.
D.  Distribution Strategy
a.  Describe the location of the business, hours open, and accessibility by customers.
E.  Promotion Strategy
a.  Describe the ways the business will be promoted. General costs should be included (e.g. deciding to advertise on tv will cost money and vary depending on the time and channel)
.F.  Startup Budget
a.  List in a table (with references) some of the basic startup costs associated with the business. This is money that must be spent before the doors even open for business.
G.  Overall synergy of target market, positioning and 4 Ps.
a.  This is a summary area of the other sections but how each area works and ties together. If there is a disconnect, please explain how/why the disconnect is there and how it is being overcome. This may cause you to have to go back and re-evaluate a certain section as it is not working well with the other sections. b.  For example, choosing to sell high-end sports cars a low price in a perceived dangerous neighborhood does not work together.
H.  Appendices, as needed
Source your information.

You are to take the role of a newly appointed marketing research consultant at a research agency in London. The agency has two different clients of different sizes and types.
The research director is giving you a choice to pick out one of the accounts, and your task will be to conduct a marketing research project for one of those two new clients.


Please look at the model so that you will see how to proceed well

project: Increase our brand (Integrating marketing program)  awareness. (school program)
Need to do the “CONTENT marketing” 4 types of content marketing (supplementary content)
1.Blog Content Marketing
By and large, blogs still account for the vast majority of content marketing out there (86 percent according to The State of Content Marketing Report 2019: Global Report)
2. Infographic Content Marketing
Of the many different forms of content marketing, infographics are one that can really throw a big curveball for digital marketers. It is a shame because a good infographic can get a lot of attention in the form of shares and inbound links.
3. Video Content Marketing
Consumers like it because it’s easy to digest, entertaining and engaging, and marketers like it because it can give a potentially huge return on investment (ROI) through many channels. Video is also very accessible to anyone with internet access, both to watch and to produce.
4.Social Media Content Marketing
Social media plays a fundamental role in content marketing performance and success, allowing content marketers to build brand awareness, influence prospects, and ultimately drive return at every stage of the sales funnel.

First, choose a car manufacturer that you want to analyse. Based on thorough research, present a critical analysis of the strategic public relations position of your chosen company, including the PR strategies/approaches it is employing. In your analysis you are likely to consider the companys mission, vision, corporate identity and image, its Corporate Social Responsibility activities and policies, its social media strategies, and any issues (or crisis) that the company has been facing, and any other communications activities the company has been engaged in and have had an impact on its reputation.  (This part should be about 80% of the entire essay.)
Next, based on the above analysis provide recommendations about how the companys management should address some of the issues identified in the first part. Recommendations should be specific, avoiding generalizations, and justified. You should devote to this part about 20% of the essay.