Use the terms learned to write this essay, all the meaning of the terms are in media study field.

don’t write it too complex!!

For your cumulative writing assignment, you are asked to create a cohesive essay that serves as an introduction to media studies via the topics weve covered throughout the semester. One way to do this is to act as though you are the author of a media studies textbookhowever, this is only one of many ways in which this could be accomplished. The bulk of the text for this assignment will be made up of the chapter assignments you have written throughout the semester. In addition to the texts that you pull from your chapter assignments, you are asked to write an introduction, conclusion, and transitions between each of the assignments. Your introduction (2 pages) will introduce readers to the field and to the concepts youll be covering in the text. Your conclusion (1-2 pages) will summarize the key concepts from your text and highlight what you think are the most important ideas for readers to understand. The transitions you write between chapter assignments will draw readers from one section to the next and should help readers see the threads that connect the various areas of media studies covered in this class.
All pre-existing assignment feedback should be incorporated into your revised chapters. Your writing will be graded according to the same criteria used to grade your assignments.
Assignment text should not explicitly refer back to the prompts found in theeTextbook.
o The first rule of the assignment is not to talk about the assignment.
o The second rule of the assignment is to act as though your reader has not read the
Your writing must be expository and demonstrate deep engagement with the readings and
other materials covered in the course.
o The requirements for all previous assignments must continue to be fulfilled
Your transitions should smoothly connect one assignment to the other. Typically, transitions should include at least three sentences.
You must give your paper a title.
All sourcesincluding the textbookmust be cited using either APA, MLA,
Chicago, or Turabian guidelines, both in-text and with a bibliography at the end of the essay.
Grading Criteria
You will be graded based on the following criteria:

Coherence of writing, as outlined in the above requirements and enforced on previous assignments
A strong thesis and/or argument related to media studies in general that is carried throughout the entirety of the paper
Incorporation of previously-given feedback Introduction and conclusion lengths (as above) Length of each section (at least 350 words per section) Engagement with key course concepts
Smoothness of transitions

terms learned:
-Glass ceiling
-Individual level of analysis -Organizational level of analysis -Institutional level of analysis -Encoding

Political Economy
Culture Industry
Commodification Spatialization/ContemporaryGlobalization Structuration
Vertical Integration Horizontal Integration Neoliberalism
Content Analysis Correlation
Percentage Operationalized Intercoder Reliability Symbolic Annihilation Representational Analysis Encoding
Decoding Genre

Dominant Reading
Negotiated/Resistant Reading
Correlation A
lternative Media
Niche Market
Dialogic Model
Participatory Media
Community Media

Make the script of this video for me and find some pictures for me to help me make the video.
The attachment is the textbook that you will need to use.

Digital Analytical Assignment (Video Project) Instructions
You will select one of the nine chapters from the E-Text and produce a video that makes a critical argument using the concepts from that chapter. You may briefly incorporate concepts from other chapters into your argument, but must frame your argument primarily around the concepts in the chapter youve selected. I recommend choosing a specific media structure, text (video, movie, game, etc.) or topic for your video.

Your video must be between 1.5 and 3 minutes long.

Video Requirements
Your video project should have a title.
You must upload a summary of your video to YouTube in the description.
Your video must have a clearly understandable narrative and argument.
Your video must meaningfully engage concepts from the chapter you selected.
Your video and audio must be of sufficient quality so as not to detract from your
argument (in other words, it must be audible, clearly viewable, and legible).
Your video and audio must be relevant to your argument.
Your video must cite all external sources (including video and audio sources) at the end
of the video; this time does not count towards your 1.5-3 minute running time.
Videos may consist of either original footage with original audio, of meaningfully re-mixed video with original audio, or of some combination of the two. If you use existing video, it must be relevant to your argument, it must be meaningfully remixed, and it must be accompanied by original audio. Grading will be based on the following:
Coherence of your argument.
Engagement with concepts from your chosen chapter.
Presence and relevance of citations.
Video and audio quality.
Adherence to assignment guidelines and due dates.
Discussions of racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, and/or religious intolerance must make it clear that they are analyzing and/or criticizing these constructs, not replicating them.

Marketing Myopia Essay
As discussed in the Unit I Lesson, the marketing concept consists of elements that concern market segmentation and how it relates to target markets. Also, recall that promotion is used to reach those target markets.
In this essay, define the marketing concept and summarize its relationship to marketing myopia. Give an example of marketing myopia that you have seen.
Your essay must include an introduction.
You must also reference at least one journal article from the CSU Online Library and one article from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least two sources.
Your essay must be at least three pages in length and double-spacednot counting the title and reference pages.
All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

The instructions for this assignment are in the first link please please follow them INSTRUCTIONS LINK:

Below are links to some examples of what the assignment should look like. LINK 1


It was about 20 years ago that most banks typically only used one distribution channel (their branches). However, since that time they have dramatically expanded the number of channels that they use (in person, online, phone, and mobile). Below is a list of common distribution channels for a bank. Answer the following questions regarding your thoughts on how the distribution channels have changed how people do their banking.

Develop a response to the following questions in paragraph format to identify your thoughts on distribution channels in banking.

1. What are some of the banking direct and indirect channels you use most? Why?
2. How have these distribution channels changed the way you do your banking over the last 10 years?
3. In your opinion, which distribution channel from the list above has had the largest impact on consumer behavior? Why?
4. What changes do you think will be made in the future to add/change distribution channels in banking?

After watching the videos Under Armour | Rule Yourself | Michael Phelps and Michael Phelps’ reaction to Rule Yourself in: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following:

On March 8, 2016, Under Armour ran a promotional add on the Olympic swimmer, Michael Phelps, revealing the intense and rigorous effort that goes into being the most decorated Olympian of all time. View the videos in the link above, which include the promotional advertisement, and a follow-up video showing Michael Phelps and his wife Nicole’s reaction.

Share your thoughts on Under Armour’s marketing direction. What do you think of the end caption, “Its what you do in the dark, that puts you in the light”?

Your initial post should be at least 300 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources

Reference the attached article to specifically answer the following 2 questions:

1.  The article describes programmatic marketing and discusses the transition from swim lanes analysis to attribution, optimization, and allocation.
Explain the core principles and ideas of this article.

2.  Programmatic marketing is becoming an important driver of the shift to data-driven marketing in many companies.
Are these AI related processes likely to reduce autonomy and creativity in marketing decisions – why or why not?

The company to write about is a Conceriage Covid 19 testing firm that targets people who work in production and need same day or 15 min rapid results so they can return to work and anyone unable to leave their home to get tested.

Please answer ALL these questions:

1. How do you intend to vary the marketing of your product or service if you have identified
more than one demographic group to target? Describe no more than 2 different target
2. Describe how important differentiation is to your firms success in regard to (a) the
product or service you are marketing, and (b) the manner in which you present the
marketing to your targeted groups.
3. Describe your pricing plan/strategy in regard to how it fits into the marketplace and how it
will be attractive to your targeted consumers.
Explain what you would you do if immediately after initiating the marketing of your firms
product or service to the marketplace, another firm lowers its price for a competing product to
your offering?

What will you do in response to this competitive action?

Readings:  Castells Networking minds, creating meaning, contesting power
Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education, ACRL.

Focused Reflection:  For this project, youre being asked to reflect on the following kind of questions as you articulate your experience/views on media influence: What are examples of activities individuals can apply to resist the influence of media? What are key ideas from thinkers examined in the course that resonated the most with your own views on media influence and why? How do you manage to hold onto values that are important to you personally, or in your view, socially, in the face of the unfolding of media influence? To what extent do you see yourself as an active participant within the current media trends? How do you feel when you think of the future of information technology and its new professional markets? How would you like to influence the development of your professional, relational, community, and/or social practices? (550 words).