I recently came across this new window cleaning product called ‘The Glider’. It is featured on a website called The Grommet which promotes new entrepreneurial products entering the marketplace. You can learn about this product and watch a video by going to this website:  https://www.thegrommet.com/our-makers/the-glider

For this written sales project let us say that the inventors of this product approached you to help them sell their cleaner through a retail chain here in the US market. Your task is to review the product, and determine who you think are the best target markets (customers) for a product like this. Identify one large retail chain that you think should carry this product and write a proposal to persuade them to carry it. Please do not use Amazon as your choice of retailer.

Your proposal directed to the retail chain should include the following components:

1. Introduction and background on the product.

2. Tell us who you consider to be the ideal customer(s) for this product.

3. Assessment of the Features, Advantages, and Benefits of this product.

4. Comparison with other similar products on the market

5. Your persuasive argument for why this product is a good fit with the retailer you chose.

6. Conclusion/Summary.

In addition, you should also research similar products on the market for a competitive analysis.

This assignment should be at least 3-5 pages. Please proofread your work carefully and submit using MLA general format.

For the final discussion question of the class, we will look at sponsorship slide decks and videos that you will get a chance to critique. Sponsorship slide decks are important to recruit resources to fill a necessary gap for an event. It gives the sponsor the information about the event, your request from them, and what they get in return for their sponsorship.

An event video is an additional step to give sponsors extra promotion. It adds production quality and polish to the event to help it stand out from the rest.

The following linked sponsorship decks are from real events with esports activities. Choose one sponsorship slide deck and one video and then answer the questions below for both the sponsorship deck and video. Make sure to not already choose a file that a student has already posted about.


Does this sponsorship deck have all of the elements we discussed in class? If not, what is missing from this sponsorship deck?
In your opinion, what does this sponsorship deck and video do well? Why?
In your opinion, what does this sponsorship deck and video need to improve on? Why?


An informative visual map illustrating: o the current state (no HRIS)
o the future state (HRIS system in place)
o the interdependency and/or replacement of other databases

Capture projected implementation costs of the new HRIS, i.e., hardware, software, software license fees, facility upgrades required (electrical,
mechanical, remodeling), headcount increase to recruit new skill sets, as compared to cost reductions, i.e., employee headcount reductions due to automated data collection, job eliminations, cost savings due to elimination of legacy systems, with the return on investment (ROI) calculated over a four-year period

Context of this assignment:
Covid present a unique change of challenges to marketers and will demand to rethink short-term and long-term decisions
Many business (gyms and fitness centres) try to adapt to a new environment in which consumers can choose form a wide range of alternatives to the more traditional gym membership
The broad of directors of Virgin Active, a leading chain of health clubs, is particularly concerned about this situation
They have to comply with new safety measures, win back existing members, and try to convince new members that it is safe to use the gym
The global pandemic has propelled the diffusion of alternative home-fitness and virtual fitness solutions which are revolutionising the way people exercise

My task:
Virgin Active directors heard that you were nearly finishing your consumer behaviour module and decided to invite you to give a presentation at their next meeting
They want to know how the behaviour of existing and potential Virgin active members has changed and how Virgin might address the challenges lying ahead.
The directors would like you to think about three key aspects:
An assessment of how the behaviour of virgin Active current or potential customers is changing or is likely to change as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic
An holistic assessment of the potential impact of these changes on the heath and fitness sector in general, and on Virgin Active in particular. What key challenges lie ahead for Virgin Active?
A recommendation (1) on what they should do to address the identified challenges

presentation with presenter notes
Presenter notes should be used to complement the slides (not repeat)
The slides should focus on the key aspects and include visuals and diagrams if appropriate.
Presenter notes provided further explanation and analysis of each slide

10 slides for the content
The 10 slides does not include : title slide, executive summary, table of contents and reference list
1500 words: not including cover slide, executive summary and table of contents and reference list

Colgate Latin America has experienced in recent years a strong growth of its competition, which has managed to increase its consumption and preference in markets of which Colgate was the absolute leader before.

The segment of children and adolescents is probably the most affected mainly by promotions and the use of movie characters in the products of the competition.

Colgate will launch a series of child and adolescent care products with the desire to recover the lost market. For which we ask you to present an Advertising campaign focused on said target audience.

Analyze its characteristics and look for which ones may be relevant for the development of the campaign.

Formulate objectives and strategies and show your creative proposal applied in the different media in which you want to advertise.

Explain your media plan according to your CIM

Analyze your campaign and share your KPIs to evaluate to achieve objectives.

Four pages talk about Zoom,(I dont need Intro or conclusion) Follow the structure below
I- Research on competitors( list as much as you can, show me some data support)
        1, focus on what other competitors are doing better and how they could adapt
II-Research on Industries

Four pages talk about Zoom,I dont need Intro or conclusion) Follow the stricture below
I- Research on competitors( list as much as you can, show me some data support)
        1, focus on what other competitors are doing better and how they could adapt
II-Research on Industries

You have been hired to design and conduct a marketing analytics project for a company/organization of your choice. List the big blocks of the tasks that you will need to do (list them chronologically). Outline the big blocks of your plan (the big picture), so do not get into too much detail.

Please use a company/organization/charity/small business that you are familiar with and avoid avoid using big brands such as Apple, Nike, etc. The goal is to see your creativity in applying your learnings to the company. You must focus on one company and avoid making general statements about all businesses. If you are using a small business, add a couple of sentences about it and include the website if available.

just answer the questions below:

1- Describe how each of the following firms product managers should approach the (i) Baby boomers, (ii) Generation X, (iii) Generation Y, (iv) Generation Z (Tweens and Teens)

2- How could your knowledge of social stratification be used to develop a marketing strategy for the following?
2.Expensive jewelry
3.Fishing products
4.Organic food
5.Museum attendance