The MMIP Project

Please note that you MAY NOT select a COMPANY for the MMIP.  You must select a specific product or service.  From the syllabus: Each student must choose a new or existing product/service to analyze for the Marketing Management Individual Project (MMIP). No two students can work on the same product/service.

For example, you might select AHA sparkling water as a specific product offered by the Coca-Cola Company, but you could not just select Coca-Cola as a company.

A good research paper is built on solid research.  The better your research (targeted, current, credible, etc.), the better chance you have of writing a good research paper.  For the MMIP project, credible business publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Fortune, Ad Age, etc. count as scholarly sources.

To search for specific journals, first head to the main JFL website: and click on Journal by Name under “Research” at the bottom of the page.  This should be right across from the slideshow on the homepage.  From there, they can type in the name of the journal they are looking for in the search bar to see if we have it available.  Once you select one of the journals, you’ll find where it can be accessed under the “View Online” heading.  Selecting one of those options will bring you to the database where you can view the journal.

As an example, I found that the Wall Street Journal could be accessed using ABI Inform.  I went to that site and typed in LG TV and found 356 articles in the Wall Street Journal that dealt with LG TVs.
Length of Weekly MMIP paper

If we assume 200 words per question each week times approximately 5 questions per week , that leads to a 1000 word-count approximation for each weekly paper.  The 200 words per question allows the student to answer the question comprehensively but succinctly.  I’m hopeful that students will learn how to write an initial draft of a paper and then edit that draft to reduce the number of words while improving the clarity of their writing.  It’s a challenge I know, but I think writing succinctly is a great skill to learn especially when dealing with business audiences.  Thus, attempt to keep each weekly MMIP paper to approximately 1000 words.  This agrees with the final MMIP paper rubric (week eight) where the body of the report is to be 5,0007,250 words in length (not counting the title page or reference pages).

Assignment Content

Read the following article.

It shows you how to identify keywords for a website. You can also then run this same report on competitors. Choose a website and enter it into the search tool. Provide a 1-2 page document (feel free to include screen shots) on the keywords of the site you have chosen. Provide your thoughts on any additional keywords you think this organization should include.

Respond to the following:
Provide an example of how marketers use technology to improve customer retention and enhance their bonds with customers? Select a brand or retailer to complete this assignment.

Please use APA formatting. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length.
Please use the textbook or an outside source to research and support your assignment and include a citation.

Paper Instructions:  For this Module 1 SLP Assignment, you are required to apply application to Product/Service- “Women’s foundation Make-up”. Research is required. The written assignment requires an Intro (2-3 sentences), Body, Conclusion (2-3sentences), in-text citations and References, written in third person. Please show clearly in the written report the topics from the Mod1SLP being answered directly & entirely and follow the attached Template. Use the overview attachment for references. There are hyperlinks that requires instruction and Very important, please use schools library as directions Research Instructions state as a MUST requirement. Also, be careful of paragraph construction and using very long paragraphs. Develop a single idea (based off subtitles) in a paragraph rather than multiple ideas, which can impede readability and understanding. “Women’s foundation makeup” is the product selection.

For this assignment, you will utilize the sports product, service, or event that you selected in Unit I, and you will address the prompts below in a two-page essay.
Identify the concepts and strategies utilized in the pricing of your sports product, service, or event.
Identify pricing concepts and strategies that will promote your sports product, service, or event.
Prepare a pricing plan that will explain the various pricing options available in the sports marketing mix for your sports product, service, or event.
Below are other items listed that you may want to include in your paper (you are not required to include all of these items; they are just here to help inspire your paper):
competition: price/non-price;
consumer demand: elastic/inelastic;
cost: fixed/variable;
discounts: quantity/seasonal;
internal/external factors;
price: adjustments/reductions;
social concerns; and
Utilize at least one of the articles below to assist you with this assignment.
Drayer, J., & Rascher, D. (2013). Guest editors’ introduction: Sport pricing research: Past, present, and future. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 22(3), 123128. Retrieved from
Shapiro, S. L., Dwyer, B., & Drayer, J. (2016). Examining the role of price fairness in sport consumer ticket purchase decisions.  Sport Marketing Quarterly, 25(4), 227240. Retrieved from
Your assignment must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title page and references page. Include at least two sources to support your findings; one of those sources must be an article listed above. All sources used must be referenced and cited per APA Style guidelines.

In Unit V, you selected your favorite brand( JORDAN BRAND) and described the reasons why this brand is so appealing to you. For this assignment, you will use your favorite brand to create an analysis that identifies the strategic direction of price and promotion.
In this assignment, you will research and provide pricing examples that compare and contrast various factors that influence promotional strategies for each of the five pricing strategies: premium pricing, penetration pricing, economy pricing, psychological pricing, and promotional pricing.
Next, you will determine which pricing strategy is represented by your brands price and discuss why (or why not) the pricing strategy is effective.
Finally, you will discuss if the pricing strategy is aligned with the messaging strategy in the promotions. For example, if the pricing strategy is premium pricing, do the promotions communicate the high value of the brand?
You must reference at least two articles from business-related or news websites. All paraphrased and quoted material must be cited and referenced. You will create a four-page Word document, not counting the title and reference pages.

Sports Sponsorship Program
For this assignment, you will write an essay with a strong introduction to propose and plan a sponsorship program that will promote the sports product, service, or event that you selected in Unit I.
Utilize Chapter 11 and Figure 11.1 on page 442 of the textbook to describe and explain the elements of the promotional mix for your proposed sponsorship program:
sponsorship objectives,
sponsorship budgeting,
sponsorship acquisition, and
sponsorship implementation and evaluation.
Make sure you complete the steps listed below.
Explain the impact that sponsorships have on the globalization of sports.
Address the relationship between ethics and sponsorship that may impact the sponsorship program.
Utilize elements of the promotional mix in a sponsorship program.
Remember that you will be using this sponsorship program to further promote your sports product.
Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title page or references page. Include at least two sources in your essay to support your findings. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and make certain to include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.

You must answer any 2 questions of the 4 questions provided by Marketing Management. Approximately 1000 – 1250 words per question. If needed, use in-text citation.

Question 1
Critically discuss the benefits that building brand equity brings to the customer and the company marketing the brand. Illustrate your answer with examples.
Question 2
Explore the value of auditing of the variables in the marketing environment from the perspective of the Marketing Manager.
Question 3
Marketers need to plan their marketing communications strategy effectively. Critically assess the different stages of communications planning that are essential to the delivery of an integrated marketing communications strategy.
Question 4
Critically discuss how a firms marketing strategy is influenced by the process of segmenting, targeting and positioning.

Given recent events, many activities, including education, is shifting towards digital age. You are invited as a guest blogger to share your expertise on one of the marketing-blogs. Your task is to choose a short video advertisement of a global brand (Apple, IKEA, Nike, etc.) related to Covid-19 pandemic and provide a consultation of the used promotional mix elements in the advert from an international marketing perspective. 

Please find the full description as well as a sample blog post and the corresponding feedback.  So far I haven’t decided on which ad to focus, yet Apple’s “Creativity Goes On” seems like a plausible choice. You can find the full list of ads in the attached file. Please also check through the sample paper and the corresponding feedback. It is imperative that the focus is on the marketing mix elements that are emphasized by the brand in the ad.

Come with a detailed marketing plan for our unique “Smart Smoke Detector”

Product : A smoke detector that can be turned off using voice recognition. Most smoke detectors go on when it detects the slightest abnormal sign of smoke in its vicinity. This problematic behavior is always unpleasant when the smoke is not an emergency. To manage this and stop the alarm, especially when cooking, we would develop a voice recognition system that controls the alarm when you shout, “Stop, I am Cooking.” But in the problem description it would need to be more specific with unique features and the problem description as well