Select one of the following articles to review for this assignment.
Burnett, J., Menon, A., & Smart, D. T. (1993). Sports marketing: A new ball game with new rules. Journal of Advertising Research, 33(5), 2135. Retrieved from>
Fink, J. S., & Parker, H. M. (2009). Spectator motives: Why do we watch when our favorite team is not playing? Sport Marketing Quarterly, 18(4), 210217. Retrieved from
Tokuyama, S., & Greenwell, T. C. (2011). Examining similarities and differences in consumer motivation for playing and watching soccer. Sport Marketing Quarterly, 20(3), 148156. Retrieved from
After reading the article, write a review of the articles main ideas, and share marketing strategies from the article that you might utilize to tap into the spectator and participant market in an effort to increase your own marketing techniques and profit margin.
Also, include the items below in your review.
Explain an instance where consumers may be both participants and spectators.
Explain consumer needs that impact the marketing process.
This article review must be at least two pages in length, not counting the title page and references pages. Include at least two sources on your references page to support your findings (one source will be the article you choose to use). Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, and make certain to include in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.

This will require some synthesis of politics, policies and power that undergird the role of AI, robotics and machine learning in our current moment. We will use this reflection to situate our own work in a broader understanding of cyborgs, science and the public.

First – identify your representatives in Congress by determining:
        Who are your Senators?
        Who is your Representative in the House

Then, for each, ascertain:
        ++ What party are they from?
        ++ On what committees do they serve?
        ++ About what policy issues are they most passionate?
        ++ Is there any evidence about how they feel about funding for AI? for higher education? If so, what is the evidence?

Lastly, write a letter in one paragraph or more that could be read by your Representative and/or Senators, describing your research for the final paper and its importance. Submit this session quiz to the Discussion Board by the deadline for the final paper.

NOTE #1: This assignment asks you to identify members of your state government. If you are not based in the US right now (many of you!), please select a representative from your local government (for example, county or country). If you are currently living in an area that does not have any division of leadership between your local city government and your national government, then you may indicate this in your submission and select either city government or national government at your discretion.

NOTE #2: If a student has already posted your answer (I imagine this may be true for the many of you who are still in Michigan), then in your post please refer to the student whose answer you are building from by adding their full name (e.g. “Lin Li found that the Senators for Michigan are: __________”) and add additional information to their post, particularly to the answer to the final question “Is there any evidence about how they feel about funding for AI? for higher education? If so, what is the evidence?”. Then, add your letter.

The purpose of this project is to give you practice applying the principles of the class as you write a create and write an advertising plan.

The product is OREO’s
*Ad Campaign idea is a mom packing Oreos into a kid’s lunch box with a cute note. *

Objectives of the Advertisement. The objective of the advertisement is to get our target market which is 22-35-year-old married women living in the suburbs. We are going to persuasive advertising. Getting the audience to buy Oreo in the store is our main objective. It needs to be Time-Based and measurable. SMART Goals. Theis only needs to be one page.

This portion is the execution plan for our objectives. This too only needs to be 1 page long. The objective of this section is How does this execution help you to meet the objectives for your campaign? Basically a detailed description of how we will hit our objectives from our ad.

Total of 2 pages. 1 page is Objectives we wish to achieve with our ad. 1 page is the execution plan to achieve those objectives with our ad.

Please let me know if you have questions, please!

*I have attached my week 3 paper for you to build on.
The first advertisement that was written about was the Coca Cola share a coke campaign.

In Week 3, you analyzed an advertisement for a global product based on a set of advertising concepts. You are going to use your week three assignment and build on that in your final paper.

For your Final Paper, locate one additional advertisement for the same product, using the same medium, but targeted for a different country (e.g., if you chose a print ad for Pepsi in the United States for Week 3, you might choose a print ad for Pepsi in Japan for this assignment).

Although these two advertisements were designed for the same product and the same medium, you should notice a few differences, based on the target market. Examine the similarities and differences between the two advertisements.

In your eight- to 10-page paper,

Provide a brief overview of the two countries selected (e.g., location, general characteristics, etc.), the company, and the product being advertised (note: this should be the same product for both advertisements).
Describe the segmentation strategy of the target market in each country.
Describe each of the four types of segmentation strategies (i.e., demographic, psychographic, geographic, and behavioral).
Describe which type(s) of segmentation strategy is used in the two advertisements and why.
Identify where the product is in the product life cycle curve.
Discuss the companys marketing mix strategies of the product (based on where the product is in the product life cycle curve).
Describe at least five elements of the creative strategy statement you identified by looking at each advertisement (refer to pp. 195-196 in your textbook, in the Writing the Creative Strategy section.).
Describe the medium used for both advertisements (both advertisements should use the same medium).
Discuss some of the pros and cons of medium used (i.e., was it an ideal medium for the product, based on the FCB grid on p.139 of your textbook?).
Examine how both advertisements reflect the two cultures, specifically in relation to color scheme, general design, and imagery.
Explain the ethical considerations that should be kept in mind when advertising for each of the two countries.
Describe what concerns, issues, and societal impacts might result if each of the two advertisements were presented to the opposite countries.
Explain the legal and cultural aspects of each advertisement.
Recommend additional suggestions that would make these advertisements more effective for their targeted countries based on the concepts above (imagine you are the advertising manager for this product for this section).
The Evaluating Advertisements Paper

Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages (approximately 2,400 to 3,000 words) in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
Must include a separate title page with the following:
Title of paper
Students name
Course name and number
Instructors name
Date submitted
Must use at least three scholarly sources in addition to the course text.
The Scholarly, Peer Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

#1. Use only references from websites on the internet:
#2. These must be websites with articles that are free for me to access to read
#3. These cannot be websites where I would have to buy a book to see read the reference.
#4. These cannot be websites that require paid subscriptions to read the reference (such as journals)
#5. I have to be able to open the webpage and read the reference.

What do they do and what is their mission? 
How long they have been in business?
What is a brief description of their background? 
Who are some of their key customers?

American Express

Create a list of AMEX’s external benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and social sustainability initiatives. These can be put in a table format.  This includes the benefits that can accrue to stakeholders, society and as well as the company in doing these programs.

Citing the key readings are very important here, as they discuss many benefits.
For example, one benefit is a charitable donation. The benefit provide a tax deduction, hence the company reaps a financial benefit. It also possibly garners some good will by consumers (if it is reported by the media).  There may be other benefits as well that are strategic and related to effective management.

Explain how a CSR strategy fits the firms management culture that values employees.

INTRO: writing to inform, summary of findings, our mission & how is this beneficial for the company,
Based on our research, and SPSS test results, use (Exh. 1) then our recommendations.
According to results
What we conclude

Market Research Team 1

I need to write project report and my part is intro part.
I attached presentation and progress report that we did. Also I attached instruction of project report but the part I need is intro part. “INTRO: writing to inform, summary of findings, our mission & how is this beneficial for the company,
Based on our research, and SPSS test results, use (Exh. 1) then our recommendations.
According to results
What we conclude “

Thank you

P.S. I don’t think that you need to check up the data file we got but I attached just in case.

INTRO: writing to inform, summary of findings, our mission & how is this beneficial for the company,
Based on our research, and SPSS test results, use (Exh. 1) then our recommendations.
According to results
What we conclude

Market Research Team 1

I need to write project report and my part is intro part.
I attached presentation and progress report that we did. Also I attached instruction of project report but the part I need is intro part. “INTRO: writing to inform, summary of findings, our mission & how is this beneficial for the company,
Based on our research, and SPSS test results, use (Exh. 1) then our recommendations.
According to results
What we conclude “

Thank you

We probably all have read a newspaper at some point in time.  Maybe at some point you have wanted to be a journalist; well, heres your chance.  You will write a print journalism news-story for this assignment with some information that will be given to you below.  You are to write this story as if you have done investigation (as if you were the investigative reporter); and, remember, the information below is what you have found out through your investigation.  You are required to utilize the following information to write a news-story (that is, take the following information and create your story):

This is some of what you found during your investigation..The following information is from a police officer by the name of John Stanton (all of this information is from his filed report):
Michael Jenson was arrested for drunk driving and for running into an elementary schools playground.
The accident happened in a school zone during school hours.
The school was Diane Winborn Elementary School.
The vehicle was traveling east on Prince George Lane when the driver literally drove off the road and into the school yard.
The silver vehicle was a Chevy Silverado.
The accident happened this morning at 9:30 a.m.
The truck has been impounded.
The truck was traveling approximately 55 mph in a 20 mph school speed zone.
Michael has been charged with a DUI (received citation).
Michael has been charged with speeding in a school zone (received citation).
Michael has been charged with reckless driving in a school zone (received citation).
Other information you found in your investigation:
Nobody was hurt from the accident.
The vehicle struck a swing set.
Stanton said: We were very fortunate to not have anyone hurt during this freak accident.
Jensons bail has been set at $3,000.
If convicted, Jenson could face up to five years imprisonment or up to a $75,000 fine.
A teacher form the school witnessed the accident.
The teachers name is Michelle Fogerty (the witness).
Fogerty said: If it wasnt for that swing set, he probably would have driven right into a classroom.  I guess the swing set literally saved some kids lives today.
Fogerty called 911.
A school official, Bob Mitchel (Assistant Principal),  mentioned with a smile: Were gonna have to rebuild that swing in the exact same place.
Helpful Hints:

When we write a news-story, we try to tell the story in present tense.
Most stories are written in the inverted-pyramid style of reporting (see the diagram for clarification/help).  Try to write your story in this style (you will not be penalized if you are unable to successfully write your news-story in this style).
You will have to decide what the more important information is and what the not so important information is.  Consequently, you probably would want to write this news-story by keeping the main information you found in your investigation (which is listed above) as the top element of the inverted-pyramid style of reporting (that is, the most important, newsworthy, or dramatic information).  See the diagram for more information.
Be as accurate as possible.
Be objective, and do not be opinionated.
You will want to check out the following sites before you start writing to get an idea how journalists have to virtually write an everyday basis (the links include tips on lead writing, writing in AP Style, and writing in inverted pyramid format): (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.)
The following is an overall model breakdown of the inverted-pyramid (your story should definitely include this format):
Model of The Inverted-Pyramid Style of Reporting.