When the Green Knight is first speaks, he has three main points in his speech.

Summarize the highlighted section from Canto I.

What happens after the green Knights third stroke with the ax?

The Green Knight leaves Gawain alone with his wife for 3 days as a test of his virtue. While Gawain does pass the test, his honor is compromised because of what? (By the way, do you see that this is why the Green Knight makes 3 passes with the ax? With 2 he does not touch Gawain because he passed the 2 tests. But he somewhat failed the 3rd, which is why the answer to your last question happens.)

What did Sir Gawain learn from his second encounter with the Green Knight?

Is chivalry dead today? It is maybe not the way it once was with knights and armor, but modern-day chivalry. Is it alive & well? Should it be? What are some examples of chivalry? What does the Bible say about it?

In a well written essay of at least 400 words, and with meaning examples, please answer one of the following questions. Be sure that at least one body paragraph has a reference to an article.
1.The internet has made speech global. Give three reasons why you think speech should be controlled on the Internet or three reasons why there should be complete free speech.

In Living for the City, Donna Jean Murch explores the rise of an effective and popular black power movement in Oakland, California. For instance, in Chapter 4 she details how, in the words of the Wall Street Journal, black power won in transforming the curriculum and faculty at Merritt College, and in Chapter 5 she traces the emergence and rise of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, which, less than five years after its founding, blossomed into a national social and political movement. The repression the black power movement faced in educational institutions and especially on the streets of Oakland is also a measure of its significance.

With this in mind, these are the questions I would like you to address in your final paper: Why was the black power movement so successful in Oakland? What needs of the citys black community did it meet? In answering these questions, you may choose to focus on the successes of campus activism, the Black Panther Party, or both. To fully answer the questions, you will need to explore the history of Oaklands black community, and how past experiences shaped the communitys needs and its activism in the 1960s.

Your paper should be around 1000-1250 words (4-5 pages, double-spaced) in length and should contain all the elements of an academic paper, including an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement that expresses your answer to the question (including the “because” part); body paragraphs that present and analyze specific, cited evidence in support of your argument; smooth transitions that link one paragraph to the next; and a conclusion that reflects upon the significance of your argument. Support your argument with specific evidence from at least two of the chapters in Living for the City. Cite all quotes and specific information with a simple parenthetical citation, as in (Murch 60), at the end of the relevant sentence. You should have a work cited page so your paper has at least one full citation for Murch’s book. Please double-space your paper and use Times New Roman 12-point font.

Final Essay

This semester we have examined a variety of different ideas about what it means to live a good life.  Select two people/characters from the list below and, in an essay of 3-4 pages, compare and/or contrast what those individuals believe about the good life. You must base your argument upon what these individuals say and do. You should not choose two individuals from the same text.

Your comparison and/or contrast needs to be made on the basis of some criteria (probably two or three) that will allow your chosen individuals to be evaluated; these criteria should provide the structure for your essay.  You will need to provide direct quotations from the sources to support your analysis and a Works Cited page at the very end.

One approach might be to compare two individuals who have remarkably similar ideas about the good life, even though they are very different on the surface (in terms of age, race, historical period, etc.).  Another approach might be to contrast two people who would completely disagree about how to live a good life, emphasizing their points of disagreement.  A third approach would be to choose two individuals who are primarily similar but have one key difference, or who are primarily different but have one key similarity.

Choose two individuals who will allow you to say something interesting about the question of living a good life.  In other words, use the mode of comparison as a way to make a point about the good life, rather than simply offering a random list of similarities and differences. This will shape your thesis.

1.    Socrates
2.    Martin Luther
3.    Caliban
4.    Prospero
5.     Miranda
6.     Ferdinand
6.     Ariel
7.     Gonzolo
8.    Babette
9.    The Sisters Martine & Phillipa (treat them as one character)
10.    Troy Maxon
11.    Rose Maxon
12.     Cory Maxon
13.     Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
14.    The narrator of Tans story (Two Kinds)
15.     Johann Sebastian Bach
16.     Sonny
17.     Sonnys brother
17.    Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Comparison and Contrast
Comparison and contrast is a mode of discourse: a method for developing a particular kind of argument. A successful comparison and contrast essay must begin with a purpose. If you compare two things just for the sake of comparing them, you will probably write either a wandering, aimless essay or a boring and obvious one. If you start by deciding what you hope to accomplish, then you can design an essay that will argue a point about your two subjects.
Common Purposes for Comparing
To show that one thing is superior to another.
To show how two seemingly different things are more alike than they seem.
To show that two seemingly similar things are less alike than they seem.
To explain something unknown by comparing it to something known.
Identifying Criteria
    When we compare two things, we always base the comparison on some kind of criteria. Occasionally an essay can be built around a single criterion, but most comparisons use two or three criteria. An essential early step in the writing process is to identify the criteria that will form the basis of your comparison. Without clear criteria, your essay is likely to wander about aimlessly.
Organizing a Comparison
    The two most common ways of organizing a comparison essay are sometimes called the case pattern and the alternating pattern. The case pattern presents the entire case for subject X, then presents the case for subject Y. The alternating pattern is organized according to the criteria; it alternates between subject X and subject Y, discussing them one criterion at a time. The case pattern has the advantage of keeping the whole discussion of one subject together, but it makes it harder to see the direct comparisons. The alternating pattern chops up each subject, but it makes the comparisons between the two subjects more directly.
The outlines might look like this:

this assignment is divided into two parts
the first part is a project plan
and the second is a report of the project plan
Total of 3000 words for both
kindly find the attached file.
I need a page number and table of content

two-part of this assignment as explained one is a project plan
One plan for the current covid 19 situation
Stakeholders, resources, participants, people involving in logistics, supplies, Tasks (activity)to deliver the classes using alternative methods and how.
Who will do it and how long it will take
What are the risks
( logical common-sense plan)

Then the report which is
how will you measure that the plan was successful
The key performance indicator for participant satisfaction
If you will continue with this plan what will you improve to enhance your satisfaction and student satisfaction

Please make sure include academic references  and please see the uploaded file

kindly find the attached file

Answer one of the following in 2-4 Typed Pages (1000 word minimum). Include in your essay a well formed introduction with your main idea (hypothesis), a body of evidence to support your interpretation and a conclusion which summarizes the main points of your essay and explains your overall argument. You can use material from any of the sections of the course. Be specific in your evidence and explain how it fits with an overall interpretation based upon what the question requires.

1. Mary Wollstonecraft wrote in the 1790s that women were deflected from understanding their true possibilities by a socialization that kept them fascinated with shoes instead of rights. Explore Woman’s Culture in Modern America. Is Wollstonecraft right?

Part 1 Defining concepts (approx. 1,500 words)

Provide a critical definition and understanding of each of these concepts, using reading from the resource list:
1.Bureaucracy in public services
2.Markets in public services
3.Networks in public services
Warning: you should only define these concepts by citing the material from reading in the resource list that I gave (especially in two required books), no other channels’ resources are allowed.

Part 2 Applying concepts (approx. 2,500 words)

1.Identify a public service challenge facing in China.
2.Show how one of these concepts has been used by public managers to address that challenge.
3.Evaluate how successful this has been (successes and problems).
Draw on reading from the resource list.  You also need to find new sources on case studies or examples from your country.
Note: Using one of three concepts to analyse your chosen case and disucss appropriateness of that concept

Choose a grammar topic and design a unit of lessons. It should incorporate the 4 Ps presentation, problem solving, practice and production:
(1) Contextualised presentation;
(2) Corpus-based learning activities to raise learners language consciousness (problem
(3) Controlled language practice;
(4) A task which allows learners to use the target grammar structure more freely for
meaningful communication (production).

Your submission should include the following:
(1) Cover sheet with the student name, student number and the chosen grammar topic
(2) Target student level (e.g. upper primary, junior secondary)
(3) Lesson objectives
(4) Lesson duration
(5) A description about the methods used and the rationale behind (about 300 words)
(6) Procedures and student worksheets with clear instructions

Research Question:
– Is the marketing and dispensing of hearing aids by audiologists necessary to the development of the audiology profession in Ontario and what are the ethical considerations/principles that must govern this decision?

Background Information gathered so far:
– Common questions & perceptions regarding audiologists in the healthcare industry:
Why should I get a hearing test from an audiologist who is selling me a hearing aid? The
person determining my need for a hearing aid also sells me the hearing aid (Staples, 2019).
Audiologist are often seen a retail salespeople rather than trained healthcare professions due
to the association with hearing Adi manufacturers. Majority of private practice audiologists
rely on the sale of hearing aids in order to sustain their practices (Ng, 2019).
– In comparison to other healthcare fields, Audiology still functions in a paternalistic manner,
where the audiologist knows best and the patient is expected to follow what the audiologist
says. Most patients have no background information, thus are relying solely on what their
audiologist tells them is the correct path to follow.
– The Speech-Language and Audiology Canada (SAC) and the Canadian Academy of
Audiology (CAA) both are against hearing aid manufactures selling directly to consumers
without using audiologists.
– Quebec is the only province in Canada and North America where Audiologists are not allowed
to sell hearing aids. 60% work in the public sector in comparison to Ontario where only 30%
work in the public sector (Fournier, 2017).
One of the main reasons cited for this difference is the permissibility of selling hearing aids.

Assignment: Developing Organizational Policies and Practices
Competing needs arise within any organization as employees seek to meet their targets and leaders seek to meet company goals. As a leader, successful management of these goals requires establishing priorities and allocating resources accordingly.

Within a healthcare setting, the needs of the workforce, resources, and patients are often in conflict. Mandatory overtime, implementation of staffing ratios, use of unlicensed assisting personnel, and employer reductions of education benefits are examples of practices that might lead to conflicting needs in practice.

Leaders can contribute to both the problem and the solution through policies, action, and inaction. In this Assignment, you will further develop the white paper you began work on in Module 1 by addressing competing needs within your organization.

To Prepare:

Review the national healthcare issue/stressor you examined in your Assignment for Module 1, and review the analysis of the healthcare issue/stressor you selected.
Identify and review two evidence-based scholarly resources that focus on proposed policies/practices to apply to your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
Reflect on the feedback you received from your colleagues on your Discussion post regarding competing needs.
The Assignment (4-5 pages):

Developing Organizational Policies and Practices

Add a section to the paper you submitted in Module 1. The new section should address the following:

Identify and describe at least two competing needs impacting your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
Describe a relevant policy or practice in your organization that may influence your selected healthcare issue/stressor.
Critique the policy for ethical considerations, and explain the policys strengths and challenges in promoting ethics.
Recommend one or more policy or practice changes designed to balance the competing needs of resources, workers, and patients, while addressing any ethical shortcomings of the existing policies. Be specific and provide examples.
Cite evidence that informs the healthcare issue/stressor and/or the policies, and provide two scholarly resources in support of your policy or practice recommendations.