#1. Use only references from websites on the internet:
#2. These must be websites with articles that are free for me to access to read
#3. These cannot be websites where I would have to buy a book to see read the reference.
#4. These cannot be websites that require paid subscriptions to read the reference (such as journals)
#5. I have to be able to open the webpage and read the reference.


1. What is integrated marketing communications?  Why is this important to marketers and the organization as a whole?

2. What is publicity?  How can publicity be used in marketing?  What is public relations?  How can publicity and public relations be used in marketing?

3. When we say that salespeople are the critical link between the firm and its customers, what does that mean?

The marketing mix is used within the implementation of the marketing strategy. Please select one of the industries listed below, and search for information about the marketing mix used by at least two companies in your selected industry:
soft drink,
fast food/restaurant,
cell phone provider,
airline, or
Provide an example of the four areas of the marketing mixproduct, price, placement, and promotionused by each of your selected companies.
Discuss where their marketing mix strategies are similar and where they are different. Explain why.
Identify the product positioning and brand strategy used by your two chosen companies. Relate the importance of product positioning to their brand strategy.
Also, consider the element of ethical promotion and social responsibility toward consumers.
In addition to company websites, and are excellent resources to find information about markets and individual companies.
Your research project must include an introduction. You must also reference at least one journal article from the CSU Online Library and two articles from business-related or news websites; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least three sources. Your research project must be at least four pages in length and double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Use APA style guidelines for formatting. An abstract is not required.

Access the following resource by clicking the link below:
North Americans feel better about hotels than ever. The goodwill is unlikely to last: Future reservations (2016, July 18). The Economist. Retrieved from
Based on the article and this unit’s other reading assignments, examine how value proposition in the hotel industry has evolved to change guest behavior across generations. Provide examples that support your analysis.
Your essay must include an introduction, be at least three pages in length, and be double-spaced, not counting the title and reference pages. All sources used, including the article, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

1: my part is marketing research objective and project schedule
2: please follow by my group instruction
3: follow by our research problem
4: our group topic is Starbucks that we want to suggest them to have Asian food
5: schedule should have chart and our schedule: the minimum number of respondents: 10,000 people.
lengths: February 1st, 2021 to  July 31st, 2021 (6 months)
6: you need to follow questionnaire that I send to you

This exam covers material from Class. To complete the exam, respond to the three essay-response items presented. Each item is worth 33 points (you receive one bonus point for completing the exam). Your responses may be based upon any of the material covered in the course, as well as any outside-of-class material that you believe to be appropriate.

1. Amos Washington would like to sell his urban sportswear line abroad but knows
nothing about shipping his goods to markets outside of the United States. He is
struggling with the task of choosing a foreign market channel that is most
appropriate for his company. Examine alternative intermediary (sometimes termed
middleman) choices and suggest an option that you believe to be appropriate for
Mr. Washington. Compare this option with other potential options.

2. Assume that you are the communications manager for a company that is seeking
to begin a communications effort targeting buyers in a foreign market. Which of
the steps in the international communications process will probably present you
with the greatest challenge? Explain.

3. Explain why “time” is such an important variable in international negotiations.

Directions:  Read the following two articles:
1.    Csutoras,Brent. (2018, June 7).  Is Your Social Media Marketing Strategies Effective?  Heres How Youll Know. Inc.. Retrieved December 19, 2018 from
2.    Council, Y. E. (2019, September 25). 11 Surprising Social Media Tips That Really Work For Businesses. Retrieved from

Find at least two (2) additional articles (less than two years old) on how marketers are effectively using social media. 

Type a 250 word short essay in Arial 10 point double-spaced format, titled How Marketers are Effectively Using Social Media. 
    At the end, include the sources of your information for each article using APA format.

product: electric bicycle similar like the e-scooter

Individual project, each student will be assigned a different brand- product. you may consider their brand from a global perspective or from their own
countrys perspective.

Each question should be clearly identified as a headline and answered as a separate
section of the paper.


You need to prepare a new launch for your brand (remember it has to be based on customer needs), Develop and explain the steps of New Product

Describe the strategic decisions that you will apply to the marketing mix.
o Product
o Distribution
o Price
o Communication (IMC)

the outcomes of this should include:
Demonstrate understanding of the principles of Marketing and their applicability.
Understand the processes of interaction between key stakeholders in the domain of Marketing.
Identify and analyze the major forces in the marketing that impact business operations.
Illustrate the impact of effective marketing programs and marketing plans

Each person should post a comment in BLOG form and choose to talk about  a “green Company that sells sportwear” and their program, products and services”.

The content should  be as follows:

1. Outline their  program, service or products that you believe has created a green market/sustainability  impact to the environment. It cannot be one that you have already used in this course.  Make sure the BLOG post has a compelling headline  and a grabbing/interesting introductory paragraph .

2. Research the item above and decide on your focus and what you will say in the post.  Will it be to inspire readers, show a trend or give a compelling reason why this green market has been developed.

3. Outline the key information you want to share and what they learn from the blog you are posting. 

4. Link to other blogs, research or landing pages that supports your assertions.

5. Tie it all together with a strong conclusion.

You can also put in relevant pictures or graphs that makes your blog even more compelling.

“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources and
MLA format –”

The answers should be in essay form,

The format of the responses should be as following:
    Clear essay structure: Introduction, body of analysis and conclusion
    Use and explain theories and concepts to serve your statements
    Case studies from folder will be required as examples, as well as complementary information collected during your research.

1)The development of digital technologies introduces new paradigms in marketing, advertising and content production. Thoroughly explain three of the major differences between analogue and digital, bringing examples.

2)The consumer journey has drastically changed before and after internet. Explain on details their differences, and critically analyze what influences today the path to purchase, and how it impacts a business model