“Write an essay (with introduction and conclusion) on the suggested topic.
Your introduction should include the thesis statement – main idea of the paper (here is more detailed explanation – https://essayshark.com/blog/how-to-write-a-thesis-statement-to-make-it-clear/). Don’t include any new information in the conclusion. It should  restate the thesis statement of the paper.
Support your ideas with relevant arguments and examples (in-text citations). List 2-3 sources in the references. Make sure you stick to a required formatting style. Get benefits of these sources citationmachine.net and easybib.com.
MLA format – https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/ https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_in_text_citations_the_basics.html”

Assigned Readings from the Text

World’s Wisdom

Ch. 6 “Christianity” selections 1-36

Other Assigned Readings

Judaism in the Bible: Prophesy and the Apocalypse, 600-165BCE Preview the document

Jeffrey Burton, Christ and the Power of Evil” in The Prince of Darkness.

My dear friends, happy Week 6 🙂

This week will have two discussion boards:  The first one will focus on the reading content and the second one will delve into the main components of our writing projects and aim at offering peer-reviews to each other.

This first board will be assigned a letter grade, and the second one will be graded as complete/incomplete.  To receive full credit, we will need to complete both discussion boards.

Discussion Board 1 Questions:

1. Why do bad things happen to good people? Drawing only on the course content, what is the Christian response, and how does that contrast with a previous tradition in the course? (up to 300 words)

2. Please compare and contrast Jesus and Socrates as wisdom teachers and martyrs for their message. Where do they overlap?  Where do they differ most? (up to 300 words)

Once you post your answers, please use the 3C+Q model to respond to at least one other post.  When you engage with someone elses post, please only address one of their answers.

Love you all!


To complete this assignment, you will choose ONE of the following two questions and write a single thesis-driven essay in response.  The requirements of the assignment are as follows:

You must clearly identify at the top of your essay which question you are answering (1, 2, or 3).
You must take a clear stance on the question you’ve chosen.
You must have an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.
You must incorporate at least two quotes from “The Value of Writing Well” into your essay.  These quotes should follow MLA Format.  If you are unfamiliar with MLA Format, you should Google “Purdue OWL” and search for the MLA guide to learn the ins and outs of the style.  Here is a basic example:
“Writing well is not a gift” (Wax 1).  (Basically, after putting the exact words in quotes, you put the author’s last name and the page number in parentheses and then you punctuate the sentence.

**Beyond these requirements, you may also use personal experience, common knowledge/common sense, and your own analysis to support your claims.  This is not required but is often helpful when strengthening your argument.**

Wax believes that improving as a writer helps you improve as a thinker and communicator.  Where do you stand on this argument?  ( I want you to chose this one)

A British communications consultant named Liam Fitzpatrick once said, “I don’t think being a good writer matters” in the professional world.  Do you agree or disagree with this statement?  Take a position and explain.

Is being a good writer more or less important in the age of digital and social media?  Take a position and explain. 

**Keep in mind: when we talk about “writing” or “being a good writer,” we are NOT talking about handwriting and we are NOT talking about one’s grammatical skills (though this could become part of it) – when we talk about writing, we are talking about the ability to compose a written piece of communication, to get a point across clearly and effectively, etc.**


Also i have attached the reading below 

Choose a prompt for your paper using at least one of the novels from the following 3 novels.Either Harry Potter, The Walking Dead, or Star Wars. You can use two or all three if you choose.  this paper is a review (if you choose to use only one novel).  If you want to you may choose to do a comparison paper if you decide to use more than one text. This paper still requires a thesis argument:

So far weve seen the difficulty of classifying novels into distinct genres as many of the novels weve ready so far overlap with one or more genres.  How useful is genre for thinking about literature? Develop an argument that relates to at least one of the books weve read so far and how this book shows either the complexity of genre or its usefulness.
-How useful is the idea of influence for contemporary literature today? Using one of the novels or more so far, is influence as straightforward as it seems, or are these contemporary novels better thought of in another way? For example: derivative; revisionary; critique.
-What is the relationship between modern sci-fi and the earlier 19th-century Gothic genre?  Or, how has todays science fiction transformed since the nineteenth century?  (Using either The Walking Dead or Star Wars if you classify these as sci-fi).
-How has fantasy evolved today from the Gothic, and does it differ radically or is there some continuity between this contemporary movement and its earlier manifestations?  (Using HP, TWD, or Star Wars, you may include film versions).
-If you dont want to talk about the nineteenth century Gothic influence any more, discuss up to all three contemporary novels (HP, TWD, and SW) and formulate an argument around contemporary fantasy/sci-fi fiction & literature. You can choose your own topic here, as you may want to discuss other influences on these contemporary novels that we havent really focused on in this class, such as folklore, the Bible, fairy tales, and/or religion, to name just a few.  You can pick one influence and one novel if you wish (for example: the influence of folklore in Star Wars or fairy tales in Harry Potter–must still have an argument! Not just describing an influence). For example: “The Gothic’s influence in X is overstated and folklore is more influential to the development of X.”

Structure your paper with an Introduction, a few body paragraphs, and a Conclusion at the end.  Start with an introduction that will tell your reader what you will be writing about.  End the first paragraph with a clearly-stated thesis statement. 

Your body paragraphs should do the work of evidence,” consistently citing quotes as evidence in defense of your thesis. 

The conclusion paragraph should not just summarize your main argument, but also answer the question of why this is significant or relevant to the themes we have discussed (in lectures or in your posts). 

Your overall paper should run you at least 3 pages. (does not include your works cited page)

A paper on whether sports move can be patented under the Indian Patent act.
Breifly structure the paper as
(1)First section explains how a patent for sports move could be acquired according to the standards of Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) and examines the viability of the application of patent law to sports move.
(2)The paper in the next two sections reasons on whether granting patent protection to sports move should be acceptable or not.
(3) The next section examines whether, under the Indian Patents Act, a patent for sports move could be granted.
(4) The last section concludes with the opinion that the patenting of sports move in India wouldnt be probable soon.

I have atached one document written by me on the same topic. If possible i would like that paper of 4000 words be reduced to within 2000 words.

HINT:  I would download the MS Word Document and fill it in to make it easy to complete.  You can download the Midterm HerePreview the document

Use A Writers Reference 9th Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers or the Purdue Owl  for MLA Format.  Use MS Word document to complete this Midterm.

Make sure to write the section headings and to number the sections and the questions, so it is clear which questions you are answering.



Sources of Information

Practice finding different sources of information about a research topic using resources available through the Delta College Library.

Modern Language Association (MLA)

In this midterm, you will create MLA citations for various sources of information. If you need help creating MLA style citations, please refer to your A Writers Reference 9th Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers or the Purdue Owl


Examples of topics:

Assimilation in the United States

Bias in the United States

Implicit Bias


Follow these instructions: Use A Writers Reference 9th Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers or the Purdue Owl  for MLA Format.

Start at the Delta College Library home page: https://www.deltacollege.edu/department/library
Click on SEARCH COLLECTIONS Click on Electronic Databases then Click on A-Z DATABASES
Click on All Database Types
Click on Reference Sources
Scroll down and Click on GALE eBOOKS (GALE VIRTUAL REFERENCE LIBRARY) and search for two online encyclopedia articles on your topic.
Use MLA style to cite the two sources for a listing in a Works Cited which are most relevant to your topic.



PRACTICE SEARCHING FOR BOOKS (or e-books) in the Delta College Library

Print Books & Electronic Books

Follow these instructions:

Start at the Delta College Library home page: https://www.deltacollege.edu/department/library (Links to an external site.)
Enter your topic in SEARCH Our Collections in
Go Cat or Go Cat Classic.  If you do not find what you want,  try GoElectronic

Use MLA style to cite the two books (either print or electronic) for a listing in a Works Cited which are most relevant to your research topic.




Start at the Delta College Library home page: https://www.deltacollege.edu/department/library
Click on SEARCH COLLECTIONS to get to the Electronic Databases
Click on A to Z Databases. The databases are in alphabetical order.  Locate the specific databases listed below to locate your three articles.  Cite these articles below in MLA format for a Works Cited listing.

Use the multi-disciplinary database Academic One File or Popular Culture Collection to find an article about your research topic. Use MLA style to cite the article.

Use the Opposing View Points in Context database to find an article that is relevant to your research topic. Use MLA style to cite the article.

Use a database of your choice from the Library Databases page to find an article about your research topic. Use MLA style to cite the article.



Using one or more readings from Fresh off the Boat by Eddie Huang, Mindset by Carol S. Dweck, or any article from our in class handouts, select five brief segments of texts to quote with proper signal phrases and in-text citations that demonstrate the following five types of quotations. To locate the formatting use A Writers Reference 9th Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers or the Purdue Owl MLA Format.

A full-sentence quotation with author’s name in lead-in phrase.

A short segment of a quotation which is “embedded” into your own sentence.

A quotation using brackets in one or more areas.

A quotation using ellipses in one or more areas.

A long/block quotation of more than four lines of text. Make sure to include a lead-in phrase in order to show the proper indentation for the block quotation. Make sure to correctly punctuate the long/block quotation.

Part III:  MLA To locate the correct answers, use A Writers Reference 9th Edition by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers or the Purdue Owl  for MLA Format.

Describe 5 ways how you can uses sources to support an argument

What is plagiarism? Give an example of plagiarism and how to fix the borrowed language.

What are the 3 basic parts to the MLA citation system?

When should a writer use quotation?

When does a writer use ellipsis marks and brackets?

How does a writer set of a long quotation?

What does it mean to mark Marking Boundaries in your paper?

What is a dropped quotation? Give an example and how to fix it.

How does a writer introduce a summary or paraphrase?

What does it mean to put source material in context?

What does it mean to synthesize your sources?

Give examples of in-text citations for
Author named in signal phrase
Author named in parentheses
Unknown author
Page number unknown
Website or other electronic source
2 or more work by the same author
Encyclopedia or dictionary
Work in an anthology

Create a Works Cited page with a listing for each type of text or medium below, make sure it is alphabetical order and in MLA format. Locate each of the types of texts below and create entries for each of the texts using A Writers Reference 9th Edition ( Documenting Sources) by Diana Hacker and Nancy Sommers or the Purdue Owl for MLA Format. Remember your Works Cited should in alphabetical order (see page 432 for an example of a Works Cited Page)
Book in print form
Article in a journal
Article in an anthology
Book with an editor
Sacred text
Book with a translator
Work from a database.
Film/Television Program

Can Technology End Poverty?, by Kentaro Toyama


Laptops Work, by Nicholas Negroponte


The Shiny New Gadget that Works, by Jenny Aker


Evaluate, by Dean Karlan


You are required to read all four articles.

The assignment for the week is to write a two-page (double-spaced) essay based on these readings. The essay should have the following structure:

– 1-2 paragraphs (1/2 page) with the most important similarities/differences between the readings. They were all written as part of the same special issue for the Boston Review, and are supposed to offer different views around the same broad topic.

– 1-2 paragraphs (3/4 page) highlighting the parts of the readings you most agree with or found most interesting.

– 1-2 paragraphs (3/4 page) with elements of the readings you disagree with or elements you would have liked the readings to expand on.

The format and reference do not count the length of the page


The resource has to be from the website I provided,
Notes- You can choose any text you feel comfortable writing about but it has to meet the professor’s needs. And can we communicate throughout you writing the essay? I never used a writing service before, I am kinda nervous.

PLEASE WATCH the VIDEO & READ the FILES before doing the work.
Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgmY2P-xT_Y&feature=emb_title
Files: (three files attached).

After watching the video, please write a response in 2 paragraphs that uses specific quotations from the articles by Houston (first attached file) and Masumoto (second attached file). When using these quotations, be sure to “frame” them, which means introduce and explain the quotes. Each article below must have at least one quotation.

Here are the central questions that you need to answer: How is the preservation and study of these historical events relevant to the present day? Why should these places and memories be preserved?  (You must not use other sources, and only use the sources given (PDF file and a YouTUbe video). You can also see some examples to be your preference when writing the response. Citation is necessary, not a must.