“Karl Marx first spoke of Conflict theory in the late 19th and early 20th century, he focused on two main groups the bourgeoisie and the proletariat. The bourgeoisie is the ruling class who owns the means of production and therefore have the power over the working class or proletariat. Modern society is still oriented in this fashion but the divide between the two classes is more hidden and harder to distinguish.  As the upper classes gain money they also gain power and the ability to further suppress the working class.  Conflict theory is present outside of just economic theory in the modern world it can be seen in almost every power struggle that exists.  The unrest between police and regular people can be related to conflict theory, the police are the bourgeoisie in this scenario and everyone else is the working class.  As the police become more powerful through increased laws that are signed into being by other members of the power class they are seen to be oppressing the lower working class.  This idea though is constructed by the extreme high end of the upper class as many of the police are living in the same socioeconomic status as the people they are arresting.  This idea is present in Marx’s original idea in the form of using managers as scapegoat targets for the working class. The working class would be angered at their manager or boss for unfair wages or working conditions instead of the actual owner.  Allowing the owner to continue profiting and avoid any of the real consequences of their rules and policies. This idea continues to modern times with police, the public is angered at police and the criminal justice system and are expressing this displeasure by protesting against the police instead of the politicians that make the laws the police have to enforce.  This allows the politicians to continue profiting and continue to look like the good guys when they change or repeal the laws they created in the first place thereby appeasing the working class.”

Comment on this and why do you agreed on this? Tell me why this is also relevant in today’s society.

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