For this assignment, you will compose an essay of at least two pages in which you discuss the following issues:

  • various types of person-focused pay plans,
  • reasons why companies adopt person-focused pay plans, and
  • advantages and disadvantages of person-focused pay plans.

Please use the databases within the CSU Online Library to locate scholarly resources to support your essay. You should utilize at least two sources, one of which may be your textbook. All sources used, including your textbook, must be cited and referenced using proper APA formatting.

Your essay should be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages.

 After reading about person-focused pay plans in your textbook, would you prefer to be employed by a company that utilized a person-focused pay plan or by a company that utilized an incentive pay plan? Explain your reasoning.  Your journal entry must be at least 200 words. No references or citations are necessary. 


Martocchio, J. J. (2017). Strategic compensation: A human resource management approach (9th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Pearson.

Create a 12-page assessment description that includes the rationale for the chosen assessment strategy (Part One) and the related grading rubric (Part Two).

Note: The assessments in this course build upon one another and you are required to complete them in the order in which they are presented.

Nurse educators need to be able to develop strategies within a course to evaluate the learners’ competency with the material. Assessment is sometimes synonymous with evaluation. Nursing education deals with the process of documenting in a formal way that the student has acquired the knowledge, skills, attitudes, or beliefs. Rubrics are used in education to create a standardized way of evaluating performance.

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

Competency 1: Apply principles of assessment and evaluation for use in nursing education programs.
Describe processes that can be used for determining the validity and reliability of an assessment.
Competency 2: Apply a variety of strategies to assess learning in the cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains.
Assess learning in multiple domains (for example, cognitive, psychomotor, and affective).
Competency 3: Engage in the development of a classroom examination.
Determine how grading expectations should be communicated to learners.
Provide a brief description of an assessment that will be used to evaluate specific learning outcomes.
Explain the steps in assembling and administering tests for specific learning outcomes.
Create performance-level criteria that are distinct and progress in a clear and logical order.
Competency 6: Communicate as a practitioner-scholar, consistent with the expectations for a health care professional.
Write clearly and logically, with correct use of spelling, grammar, punctuation, and mechanics.

Note: Assessments in this course must be completed in the order in which they are presented. You must complete Assessment 1 before beginning this assessment.

Select an assessment strategy for your learning objectives from Assessment 1. (Refer to feedback you received for Assessment 1.) What assignment would you give your learners, and how are you going to assess their performance?

Select one or more of your stated learning objectives and identify the specific domains (cognitive, psychomotor, or affective) that could be used to assess a learner’s demonstration of proficiency.
If the learning objective assesses the cognitive domain, what assessment tool would you use?
If the learning objective assesses the psychomotor domain, how will you test for proficiency?
If the learning objective assesses the affective domain, how will you know if the learner is proficient?
Consider the various processes that can be used for determining the validity and reliability of an assessment.
Think about how we validate informationwith faculty and student surveys, grades/student progression, or anecdotal comments.
Determine how grading expectations can be communicated to learners.
Think in terms of how to explain the grading rubric, or a specific faculty expectation message from instructor to learner. This will help you create a description of the assessment.
Part One Assessment Description and Rationale
The real-world deliverable is a single document intended to be given to your work supervisor. The purpose of this document is to achieve two things:

An assessment description summarizes the big picture of the assessment and describes how a learner’s performance of the learning outcomes will be evaluated.
The rationale provides the evidence -based support for your chosen assessment strategy.
You must complete the following in Part One:

Write a brief description of the assessment.
Describe the type of assessment tool that will be used to assess the learning objectives.
Support your assessment strategy with an explanation of the processes that could be used to determine the validity and reliability of the assessment strategies chosen.
Part Two Create a Grading Rubric
Create a grading rubric for your new assessment using a table format. Refer to the Rubric Template, linked in the Resources under the Capella Resources heading.

Your rubric should clearly assess the learning objectives and have distinct levels of performance. For example, the scoring guides in your Capella assessments use the following performance levels.

Note: Titles for performance levels can be whatever you deem appropriate to your specific learning environment. The four levels mentioned above are examples of possible performance-level language. You may use whatever terms fit the best in your setting.

Additional Requirements
Follow the Assessment Formatting Guidelines, linked in the Resources under the Required Resources heading. In addition, your assessment should meet the following requirements:

APA format: Use correct APA style and formatting, paying particular attention to citations and references.
References: Include peer-reviewed scholarly resources from the last 5 years.
Length: Assessment description and rationale should 12 double-spaced pages (not including cover page and reference list). Include grading rubric table in the same document.
Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.

Read Chapter 6 scenario, and address the following question, “What are the advantages of integrating ERM with strategy and strategy executions as described in this case,” and “What are LEGO Group’s four steps for developing its risk management?? 

Although you should use multiple references, the required course textbook must be the primarily reference source.


Criminal justice policies are always a delicate balance between personal liberty and the desire to reduce crime.

(1) Select and analyze an example of a criminal justice policy that comes in conflict with constitutional protections.  What is the conflict?  How should it be resolved?

Dont not simply describes what business did to internationalize, with brief history of their operations.
You must Use academic theories such as what motivates a company to be multinational.
Also use 5 Forces and porters genetic strategy briefly within the essay.
Also explain how Businesses internationalise

I live in Indiana-
Think of your local community. What health-related issue currently affects a large number of people within your community? How could research help address this issue? How would you go about obtaining more data on the health-related issue you identified?

This is an opportunity for you to explore the practical application of how to create a plan to obtain data on a health-related topic, specifically in your community. Please respond in first person, share personal experiences, and ask questions to further develop your understanding of how evidence-based practice can affect health-related issues at the community level.

You may find the following resources helpful as you prepare to respond to this weeks discussion:

National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) – National and state data sets as well as statistic reports. Information about ordering data sets that cannot be downloaded.
CDC Data and Statistics page – much more than NCHS
CDC WONDER – WONDER provides a single point of access to a wide variety of reports and numeric public health data.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality – Data and Surveys
Statewide Planning and Research Cooperative System (SPARCS) – Data dictionaries, documentation and request forms. No searchable data online.
U.S. Census Bureau, Current census data including information broken down by state, city, and region.
WHOSIS — WHO Statistical Information System

#customer ordering bot to process orders more quickly
#Diane Ambatis, Meira Balikcioglu
print(“hello, my name is Rosie! I’m here to help you place you’re flower order”)
print(“which flower display would you like?”)
print(“youre options are Daisy Display,Rose Display,Tulip Display”)

print(“great choice! that will cost 40 dollarsl”)
if Rose display
print(“beutiful selection! that will cost 50 dollars.”)
if Tulip display
print(” nice pick! that will cost 60 dollars.”)
print (“what is your address?”)

print (“what is your phone number?”)


Please help me fix the if else statements Im 14 and dont have cash