Reflect on Florida’s current health education programs such as Zika Free Florida, Tobacco Free Florida and consider what part the media plays in such disease prevention programs. Identify a specific public health issue that you believe needs to be highlighted in health policy and based on your textbook readings discuss how social media can be used as a health promotion tool to improve public awareness on the selected topic.

As a reminder, all discussion posts must be minimum 250 words, references must be cited in APA format, and must include minimum of 2 scholarly resources published within the past 5-7 years. Students must respond  to 1 different post on a separate day.  Response posts must be minimum 100 words each.

Case Studies
Each student will be assigned two of the case studies below. Your post should be approximately 250 words in length and contain substantive information that contributes to an understanding of the disorder under discussion. You may post graphics from online sources, but please do NOT simply cut and paste entire entries from the internet. You are expected to provide references for all the information cited.

Case Study# 2:  Harold, a 61-year-old male smoker, suffers from chronic bronchitis, which was diagnosed two years ago.  At that time, he was treated with antibiotics, told to stop smoking and given a prescription for albuterol.  He attempted to give up smoking, but he says that, although he has cut back, he still smokes about half a pack a day.  He has been faithful about seeing his doctor for follow-up visits every six months and has occasionally required antibiotic therapy when his bronchitis flairs up. On his most recent visit he reports that his dyspnea is getting worse, and he experiences wheezing whenever he does anything strenuous.  His doctor notes a slight bluish tint to his lips and mucous membranes, as well as peripheral edema and some enlargement of the liver. He informs Harold that his chronic bronchitis is getting worse and he is beginning to experience symptoms of cor pulmonale.

Discussion Questions
1. Relate history to the diagnosis. What risk factors are present, and how does each predispose to disease?
2. Explain the cause of the disease in this patient.
3. How could this disease have been prevented in this patient?
4. Discuss the complications that might develop in this patient.
5. Discuss the treatments available to the patient.
6. What is the probable prognosis for this patient?

No plagiarism

Assignment:  Unit 1 – Individual ProjectType:  Individual ProjectPoints Possible:  100Points Earned: Deliverable Length:  3-4 pagesView objectives for this assignmentMy Work 

Assignment Description

You have been hired as an outside consultant for a large durable medical equipment and medical supply company. The company specializes in a wide range of medical supplies and equipment. Some of its most profitable offerings include hospital bed rental to private residents, wheelchairs, walkers, scooters, and other mobility equipment. However, the company has come to realize that competition is increasing and its market share is shrinking. The company noted that most of its customers are new customers, and very few are repeat customers. The company is concerned with customer loyalty. The medical supply company owner has asked you to develop a plan to improve customer loyalty.

Complete the following:

  • Create a plan of 3-4 pages, not including title page and reference page that includes the following:
    • Describe and critically analyze at least 5 contemporary best practices to improve customer loyalty in a health care organization. 
    • Be sure to discuss the (multiple) benefits that loyal, repeat customers offer to health care organizations. 
    • Develop and defend at least 4 recommendations for the medical supply company based on your research on how to improve customer loyalty. Include a brief overview of how each recommendation would be implemented at the company. 
  • The use of APA Style and at least 3 scholarly references published within the last 5 years is required.

Assignment:  Unit 1 – Individual ProjectType:  Individual ProjectPoints Possible:  100Points Earned: Deliverable Length:  3-4 pagesView objectives for this assignmentMy Work 

Assignment Description

Write a paper of 3-4 pages, not including the title page and reference page, that addresses the following:

As the manager of the CTU Health Care information systems department, the chief information officer (CIO) has asked you to complete the following:

  • Analyze the implications and challenges of cost, quality, and external forces on electronic health record (EHR) or electronic medical record (EMR) selection and implementation within your department.
  • Conduct research on 1 major external threat facing the EHR today.

Note: Use APA style and cite at least 2 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.

  For your Country Project Research Paper you must cover the below areas of the chosen countrys business activities- Indonesia

(1) History (250 words minimum)

(2) Geography (250 words minimum)

(3) Natural Resources (250 words minimum)

(4) Political / Legal System (250 words minimum)

(5) Culture (250 words minimum)

(6) Major Trading Partners (250 words minimum)

(7) Export (250 words minimum)

(8) Labor Forces (250 words minimum)

(9) Technology (250 words minimum)


Each of the different fields of study is heavily influenced by theories and theorists that you have been learning about throughout your courses. You have learned about various theories of leadership such as transformational or transactional leadership, and a few of the impactful psychological theorists such as Erikson and Freud. 

For this assignment, select a contemporary challenge in your field (Criminalolgy/Forensic Psychology (current within the last five or so years) and in a 2,800-word (8-page) paper, evaluate the challenge. The evaluation of the issues should include the following:

  • Describe the contemporary challenge. 
  • Apply three theories to evaluate the issue.
  • Critically analyze the application of the theories.
  • Recommend a solution based on the theoretical analysis. 

Utilize a minimum of 10 academic resources.

This is a story about me and how I wanted to be an Engineer. I am a female from Saudi Arabia who is interested in doing Mechanical Engineering and this essay is to show how I got interested in this major and a bit about my background. I need around 600 words or so, and I am so stuck. English is not my first language so I definitely need so help.


Week-1 Discussion  This assignment will help you digest the textbook material.  In the Discussion Forum, post an APA formatted paper of at least 600-words about the weeks reading material.  The post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. What is your understanding of the material covered?   Also, address in your own words:

Chapter One

  • What is meant by the term globalization?
  • List the main drivers of globalization.
  • Describe the changing nature of the global economy.
  • Explain the main arguments in the debate over the impact of globalization.
  • Explain how the process of globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for management practice.

Part 1: Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Jung
(My Personal Assessment is attached)
Explain the 4-letter results of your MBTI assessment?
Do you agree with these results? Why or why not?
Explain how the MBTI assessment relates to Jung’s theory of personality development? How is it similar and how it is different?
Discuss how this information will allow you to better understand yourself and others.

Part 2: Adlerian Approach
A seven-year old male child has been brought to your office due to acting out in the home. The child is disobeying, having temper tantrums, and hitting his siblings.  The family has recently adopted two female children who are 4 and 10 years old.  Complete an essay addressing the following elements:
Explain the child and the situation using Adlers concept of birth order
Develop and explain TWO goals for the child
Explain TWO Adlerian techniques (from web resource) which could be used with the child.
Explain TWO Adlerian concepts and describe how they may be impacting situation (e.g. superiority complex)
It is also required that you use headings for these parts instead of typing the actual questions. For example, you could use Myers-Briggs Assessment for part 1 and Adlers Theory for part 2.

Scenario: A new township has been incorporated. The area of incorporation has had problems in the past with drug and alcohol addiction. You have been contracted because you were a forensic intake officer for the court at a local mental health facility. The town founder would like you to describe the critical steps in getting an addict into a rehabilitation program and, at the same time, giving him or her the maximum chance of post-rehabilitation success. The town founder would like to know what factors would contribute to the success of a program, and what would need to be done in terms of post-residential rehabilitation to keep the addict from returning to drug abuse.

This will be in a 35-page white paper submitted to the city council. You will present your report on the drug as a position paper for approval by the chief and his or her staff.

Your paper should address the following:

  • Explain the requirement for the appropriate attitude by the drug addict in terms of admitting addiction and requesting help to get well.
  • Describe issues in comparing and contrasting the rehabilitation effort requirements for persons who are addicted to different types of drugs.
  • Also, consider issues pertaining to the length of time that the drugs were used.
  • Articulate at least 3 follow-up requirements for addicts who have successfully negotiated the residence treatment program.
  • Evaluate the success rate of most drug rehabilitation programs, and indicate why it is important that they continue to make efforts in rehabilitation.