Citing specific sources from the readings as well as the videos The Arguments for and Against School Choice and Waiting for Superman, respond to this question:  Are vouchers and school choice part of the solution to equal access to a quality education for all? Why/Why not? Be specific. You must cite at least two sources from the readings/videos, using APA format.  Your response should be no less than three paragraphs.

Video link:

Details of the assignment brief

Working in groups of four, you are to prepare and deliver a B2B sales presentation on an existing product of your choice, to a prospective business customer.

Your product must be approved by me prior to commencing work on this assignment.


You should prepare a written report on your preparation for the sales presentation and in that report the following should be included :-

Question 1
    describe any two negotiating tactics that I might use and explain how you will deal with them

Question 2
    describe the closing technique you will use or the type of action agreement that you want to accomplish

Question 3
    describe how you will follow-up with the customer after the sale in order to build the relationship

The product we are using is Apple airpods Pro (price 279 euros
and our competitor is Samsung galaxy earbuds (price 159 euros).

Reference on Harvard style!

 Using the Case study provided in the Learning Resources, write a 2-page paper addressing the questions in the Case. Provide a minimum of one scholarly reference in your paper (cited and referenced in APA format).

-Double space your paper
-The paper must use APA format (6th edition)
-Minimum of 2 pages, excluding any cover page. That is, the 2 pages must be content related. 

 Discussion Points 

1. Some virtual teams at Boeing have discussions focused on military aircraft. Do some Internet research on UC security mechanisms and identify and briefly describe several that Boeing should have in place to ensure the privacy and integrity of such discussions. 

2. To what extent do the UC benefits experienced by Boeing mirror those of other firms that have deployed UC capabilities over converged IP networks? 

3. To date, Boeing has not implemented the full range of capabilities available through UC systems. If you were the CIO at Boeing, what additional UC capabilities would you implement? What benefits would you expect Boeing to derive from deploying these capabilities? 

Sources [MICR10] Microsoft Case Studies. Boeing Expects to Lower Costs and Improve Productivity with Messaging Solution. March 16, 2010. Retrieved online at: =4000006703.

 [MICR11] Microsoft Case Studies. Boeing Promotes Knowledge Sharing for Global Workforce with Communications Solution. April 29, 2011. Retrieved online at: 

[REED08] Reed, B. AT&T snags big Boeing voice/data contract. NetworkWorld. August 12, 2008. Retrieved online at: 

Film Review Assignment:
Film: Dam/Ages
All students are required to watch Dam/age documentary film, which is assigned as part of Session 2.
Write a three pages film review utilizing the provided guidelines.
Your review must be typed, double-spaced, and in 12 point font, with one-inch margins.
Please use MLA citation format.
Please check and follow the attached film review rubric.

the link to the film :

For this assignment you are asked to complete a literature review on one of the below topics. You are asked to critically review between 5-7 educational journal articles on your topic and write a 600-800 word literature review on the articles you’ve selected. You can use articles from the recommended reading and / or other journal articles.

The topics are:

Motivation & Engagement
Persuasion, Influence and Negotiation
Cross Cultural Communication
Conflict Resolution

Steps to complete your literature review:

Choose a topic that you are interested in reviewing. It should be looked at as an opportunity to develop your skills in that area as well.

Formulate an inquiry question that specifically describes what would like to know about your topic. For example, Discuss the barriers that hinder effective team productivity and provide ways of confronting and preventing those challenges in the future.

Search for and locate academic journal articles and books that include your topic’s information.

Select at least 5-7 academic journal articles to review. Read your articles and begin to sort and classify them according to their findings.

Organize your articles by sorting and classifying their findings in a meaningful way, always considering your original topic and inquiry question.

Write your review.

Letter Grade     

Grade Points    Quality Indicator
A    4    Excellent; significant strengths & few weaknesses
B    3    Good; strengths outweigh weaknesses
C    2    Adequate; balanced strengths and weaknesses
D    1    Inadequate; weaknesses outweigh strengths
F    0    Fail; significant weaknesses & few strengths


Required Resources
Read/review the following resources for this activity:

  • Textbook: Chapter 5, 13
  • Lesson
  • Link (Word doc): Con-Position Proposal TemplatePreview the document
  • Minimum of 3 new articles (academic or credible online sources different from Weeks 1 & 2 articles)

Apply the following writing resources to your posts:

For this assignment, you will select a topic different from the pro topic you worked on in Weeks 1-2. Conduct research on the topic and locate articles that takes a clear con position.

Next, develop a con-position proposal for this new topic. The goal of the proposal is to create a working thesis statement and basic research plan that considers context, audience, purpose, and presents potential sources. A proposal is not an outline, as it does not structure the paper. Rather, a proposal offers direction for research needs and gives your professor an opportunity to provide feedback before the drafting process.

Access the Con-Position Proposal Template and complete the six required sections:

  • Subject
  • Research Question
  • Claim
  • Research Plan
  • Synthesis Matrix (Add the 3 con sources.)
  • Reference Page

For an example proposal, refer to pages 269-270 of our textbook.

Writing Requirements (APA format)

  • Length: 1 to 1.5 pages (not including title page & reference page)
  • 1-inch margins
  • Double spaced
  • 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Title page & Reference Page
  • Reference page (3 articles)

Case study:

Many years ago I was a Corporate Trainer in a large organization and defining the business needs was the toughest part of the training process. Many times this required a meeting with the trainer and the business department leadership to complete a needs analysis. One of my favorite projects was the Document Manager Project.

Here is a quick real life example:

The Application Analyst (AA) department manager, Lori Williams, called the training department and asked to sit down and discuss the new product they were rolling out to all the company’s AAs, worldwide, and what training could be offered starting on August 11 and ongoing as they were looking to roll out Document Manager on October 2. This product would affect 2500 people.

Lori Williams met with two trainers, Sarah Ward and Caroline Smith. Lori explained that all of the AAs were creating the same documentation over and over again, but had to save it to their own desktops and were unable to share the information because they didn’t have a document repository. Document Manager was going to fix this problem. All of the AAs could then share documentation. Document Manager too would have a template in it for the AAs to use. Document Manager would make the AA’s work much easier and quicker. The AAs were asked by upper management to be more effective with their documentation. Lori wanted to train all 2500 employees worldwide before Document Manger went out to the company on October 2.

Sarah and Caroline asked Lori what the AAs were using now to type up their documentation and what would be different with Document Manager. Lori explained that now AAs used Word Perfect, however Document Manager would use Microsoft Word. Due to this huge change Lori believes every employee effected needs to come to a training class that should last at least two hours, if not longer. Since the training would have to be on a computer, the training departments computer classroom’s only hold 15 people per class. Lori also said that she would like to see each employee pass a test using Word and Document Manager before attaining access to the new programs. She went on to explain that she would also like to have online training for Document Manager and Word available for all employees via their intranet site. Lori also told Sarah and Caroline that upper management had not yet decided how to reach the global employees for this training. Times were tight and they didn’t want to pay for the employees to travel or for Sarah and Caroline to travel. Lori said that she trusted Sarah and Caroline would have the right answer for upper management.

Lori also gave Sarah and Caroline some background on the AAs. She told them that for the most part the AA department’s abilities and familiarity with computers and software was exceptional. Lori had taken over that department only two years ago, but she explained how she weeded out the non-performing employees and replaced them with hard working, smart, efficient ones. Sarah and Caroline were excited about working with this audience.

From this quick example ask yourself the following questions: 

 What organizational goal is driving this training?

 What will the benefit be?

 What is the skill gap?

 What competencies (knowledge, skills, or attitudes) will this program need?

 What evaluation will be used to measure the level of goal achievement?

 Who will be trained?

 What is the estimated class size?

 How many classes will there be and how long will this training last?

 What are the knowledge and skill prerequisites?

 What type of program is being proposed?

 What media, if any will be used in the training?

 What will happen if we do not deliver the training?

 What are the restrictions or limitations for delivering a program?

 What other methods may be used to reach the goal (include limitations and advantages)?

Understanding the solution to the issue at hand is the goal. Gathering information from the senior management and non-supervisory employees will provide the information needed.

Supplemental Material



Outcomes Planning Wheel

Refer to The Four Questions of the Outcomes Planning Wheel linked below, and apply the case study in the lecture to the wheel and answer each question listed above.