write an essay that addresses the following open-ended question:
How has art changed over the period from the Early Renaissance to the Realist movement of the 19th Century?

Please include examples of four shifts that occur over this five hundred year period.  These changes might be in the area of technique, style, subject matter, meaning, and more. 
Please reference at least four works of art from the class as you provide your answer.  You do not need to provide images of the works of art in your essay.

Above is the instruction from the professor. Please use the four artworks that I choose.
1.Cimabue, Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets  ca. 1280-1290.
2.Jan Van Eyck, The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434,
3.Parmigianino, Madonna of the Long Neck, 1534-35. 
4.Fragonard, The Swing, 1767, Oil on Canvas.

The paper must be 3-4 pages in length. (3-4 FULL pages!)

You can pick your own definition argument, use any of those suggested in chapter 9, or use the default topic, above.  Your thesis sentence (which MUST be in your intro) will contain a definitional claim.

You must use MLA documentation. You may NOT use a paper submitted for another class. All work is run through Turn-It-In.com, and if your paper has been submitted elsewhere, you will not receive credit.

Be sure to read the attached rubric carefully so that you will see how you will be assessed.

You must include at least 3 quotes. One quote must be a long quote (4 or more lines) while one will be a short quote (2 lines or less).

Practice using the skills you have already learned, such as arguing from the heart,  etc 

Remember to come up with a purpose for your paper and find the voice you would like to use. Ill let you decide who your audience is!!

And finally:  no cliche topics!  That means, please do not write on the death penalty, gun control, abortion, legalizing MJ, or euthanasia.  These topics have officially been “done to death” in college papers. Also be sure your topic lends itself to using credible and scholarly sources.

For this weeks journal entry, you will complete what is known as an annotated bibliography. In an annotated bibliography,
you will summarize, assess, and reflect on your references. Completing an annotated bibliography will help you read your
sources more carefully. You may even find that a source really does not fit the needs of your essay, which gives you the
opportunity to find a better one. For this assignment, find at least two sources from the Waldorf Online Library, and
summarize the information from them. You will then assess the usefulness of the source for your essay, and then you will
reflect on how the source will be used to support your essays topic. You should have at least three paragraphs written for
each source.

Michael Porter Explains His Famous Five Forces And How They Can Be Used In Business Strategy


Porter’s Five Forces – A Practical Example


Pls, no citation or references. At least two paragraphs only

Part 1: Post a Response

In California, Pacific Northern rattlesnakes prey on California ground squirrels. Their relationship is a great example of co-evolution. Read the article about their relationship found at https://news.osu.edu/how-is-rattlesnake-venom-like-fine-wine-both-have-regional-varieties/, and then address the following questions:

Explain why the relationship between these two species is considered an example of co-evolution.
What did you find most interesting or significant about how the rattlesnake population adapts to the squirrels defenses against its venom?

1.In addition to the what of our course (meaning facts about things), it’s also critical to consider how we know things. In this case, the question is “How can we know we actually went to the Moon, and it wasn’t a hoax of some sort?”

In order to see how we can examine such claims, you’ll need to complete the enclosed assignment sheetPreview the document, where you’ll be watching Mythbusters, and seeing how they do their tests!

And here is:

The episode of Mythbusters to watch (Links to an external site.)

The episode of Mythbusters to watch (with subtitles)

2.”Why People Accept Claims” Forum

For this Forum, we will be having a discussion about “Why People Accept Claims”.

(Before you participate in this Forum, please complete the “Did We Land on the Moon?” Assignment and your response, so you’ll have a starting point.)

Our purpose in this forum is to reflect upon our own thinking (and the thinking of people in general), when it comes to how a person decides to accept a claim.  Of course, in science, we expect adherence to the scientific method … meaning we are expected to gather evidence, try to be objective, perform tests, and compare results with others performing tests.  Finally, and most importantly, we are expected to change our mind if that’s where the evidence leads.

Making one post to answer one of the questions below
  Of course, you are welcome to post more as the discussion unfolds, if there are things you’d like to say.
For your possible questions (pick one you’d like to give your assessment of.  You are, naturally, welcome to post answers to more than one, if you’d like to discuss it) pick one of these:

In the Mythbusters episode, a claim to whether or not there was evidence we landed on the Moon was refuted using tests. And yet, presumably, some people might refuse to change their minds, even in the light of evidence.  Do you have any ideas in your mind that you would refuse to change, even if tests were performed to show you were wrong?  If you do, why would you refuse to change your ideas?
Frequently, claims that are being dealt with like those in the Mythbusters episode are “conspiracy” types of claims.  Notice how complex and difficult it is to disprove a claim like this, since anyone who disagrees may be “part of the conspiracy”.  How would you attempt to unravel a claim someone presented to you that was a “conspiracy claim”?

Tines new Roman 12 point. Use three scholarly sources and APA format. Analyze two leadership styles and corresponding communication skills that drive organizational effectiveness. Analyze a theory that corresponds to my personal leadership style and describe how leadership styles can affect organizational culture that drives innovation.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read Professor Nochlins article, then write the essay after reading the complete article. Answer the prompt in the format of a 500-1000 word, double-spaced, typed essay.

PROMPT: What are some stereotypes of the Middle East that Nochlin indicates both fascinated and repelled Europeans in their construction of an Imaginary Orient.
How did nineteenth-century painters represent and depict the Orient for European viewers?
In what ways do race, gender, and sexuality influence the conception of the
Imaginary Orient in the European psyche.

Above is the instruction from the professor, please read the file that I uploaded and write a critical essay answering the prompt above.

One of the reasons it is important to learn about different cultures is that it allows us the ability to better recognize our unconscious conceptions/misconceptions of people that differ from us. When you first meet/see/interact with someone who is visibly different than you, it is likely that you already have a preconceived expectation of how they are going to act, what values and beliefs they hold, and even the style of communication in which they will engage. This is especially true if your only experience with these cultural differences has been learned via the media. What often happens is once you engage with members from other cultures first-hand, you will find media portrayals may have mislead you and falsely shaped your unconscious expectations of how others exist.

The discussion is intended to get you thinking about the way you perceive others who are different than you. Please watch the following videos and respond to the prompts below (500 word min. in total).



Please describe a time where you have felt that someone else has unfairly judged you based on the way you look, or because of a group membership you belong to (e.g., religious, political, sexual orientation, ethnic, etc.).
How did this make you feel about yourself?
How did this make you feel about the person who incorrectly passed judgment on you?
Describe a time when you unfairly stereotyped an individual from a different culture? How did this make you feel once you realized you unfairly judged them?