1) Briefly name four of the key assumptions that shape current mainstream economic theory, the foundation for the conservative and liberal policy perspectives on economies (see VOTE textbook chapter 4). (2)

2) In the broad overview version we have seen, what role for government would a conservative position for this role allow? Briefly address two of the factors we have identified, and discuss why they are important under the conservative perspective. (3)

3) Briefly explain two of the examples of positive and desirable characteristics of capitalist systems put forward by their supporters. (4)

4) Given the assumptions about scarcity and about individuals, their role in economies, and the functioning of markets, why are markets good solution tools for problems from the conservative / liberal perspective? Where can we find an example for a difference between these two perspectives? (4)

5) Briefly name three of the key assumptions that shape the radical policy perspectives on economies. (2)

6) From the radical perspective, how is the question What to produce? answered? (2)

7) In contrast, how is the question What to produce? answered from a conservative / liberal perspective, and why is it answered that way? (3)

8) Using the Six-Core Cube Guide introduced in chapter 5 of the VOTE textbook, assess the following problem. (Remember the radical perspective lies behind this cube, and is used to from that perspective identify the problematic aspects of a situation that are brought about by agents in a capitalist system, and offers an alternative approach for a solution based on the radical perspective.) (4)

When it comes to health care coverage, we estimate that about 85 million people in the United States are uninsured or underinsured.

9) Using the Six-Core Cube Guide introduced in chapter 5 of the VOTE textbook, assess the following problem. (Remember the radical perspective lies behind this cube, and is used to from that perspective identify the problematic aspects of a situation that are brought about by agents in a capitalist system, and offers an alternative approach for a solution based on the radical perspective.) (4)

Earth just had its hottest January in recorded history

10) What might a conservative / liberal position, what might a radical position suggest for the direction of technological change? (2)

(This is an open question. Just stay consistent with the assumptions behind those policy positions as they are presented in chapters 4 and 5 of the VOTE textbook that you find in the files reading material folder on canvas. Slide sets 9 and 10.)


As a firm expands globally, many factors affect that expansion. Develop a global business strategy for a fictional US-based firm desiring to expand into Europe and Asia. Choose a country from each of the two continents and research business in each country. The instructor must approve country choices. Include and develop all of the following objectives in the paper:

  • Analyze the business structure necessary in each country to encourage success and benefit the firm as a whole.
  • Discuss the key roles ethics and cultural diversity must and will play in this expansion.
  • Discuss entry strategies in light of the political, legal, cultural and economic make-up of each country.
  • Describe the role that Information Technology and the Internet will play within this emerging global firm.
  • Explain the advantages or disadvantages of manufacturing and material location in each country.
  • Describe your approach to marketing and advertising in each country.
  • Describe your approach to human resource management.


  • The body of the paper must be a minimum of 12 pages in length, double-spaced and 12 point New Times Roman font.
  • The mechanics of the paper will follow APA 6thedition format.
  • All margins must be 1 inch.
  • Student must have a minimum of 7 references.
  • The student will use the International Business Paper Structure (presented with directions of all other papers in the class).

Subject Information Technology in a Global Economy (PHD)

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited. 

Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course. 

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment, you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace. 

Topic: development and impacts of national and international policy and public policy on IT in your current work 

Schor explains one of the central themes of her book with the study regarding the overall amount saved as compared to one’s relative position in the reference group.

In 2-3 paragraphs, and in your own words, summarize her findings from this study. Consider her comments about the senior vice president who hangs on to his old buddies from middle management. Provide an example from your own life that also illustrates her findings. 


Risk management is defined as the systematic process of identifying, analyzing, and responding to project risks (PMI, 2008, p. 127). Risks and uncertainties are at times extremely hard to detect or identify during the course of a project and may inflict non-repairable damage to the end products. There is absolutely zero doubt that events for instance natural catastrophes can be anticipated with ease, but the impacts are pretty arduous to estimate due to knock-on effects (Ogaard, 2009). Several reasons serve as consistent barriers in possibility to identify the risks such as the risks being dependent on response, time and progress or instinctively unknown.

    Seong Dae Kim, in his paper, Characterizing Unknown Unknowns, writes that few unidentified occasions or risks are not recognized due to zero knowledge or information (Stoelsnesa, 2007). The most expensive natural catastrophe, Hurricane Katrina hit the United States in 2005 (Knabb, Rhome, & Brown, 2005) and it occurred due to unidentified risks.

Two prime success factors for the risk identification include good communication and receptive risk assessment team. The organizations often fail to identify the potential risks due to poor communication. One may way, communication has an overlapping impact on risk management is how proper the risk is penned down. In his article on risk management, Cindy Margules gives an example of an amateur written risk, as Bad weather delays the plane. Then the author gives an example of a well-written risk, If bad weather delays the plane, then it will impact the arrival time by one day and we may lose one day of scheduled tours on our vacation.

    During risk assessment, highly skilled professionals could really make a difference in terms of identifying the risk. However, if the team is non-receptive, risks could get detrimental for the project under progress and this could be the outcome of being ignorant the finest methodologies.

In the annotated part 8 sources,150 words for each.

next part1 500 words part2 300 words

1. Purdue OWL: https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/general_writing/common_writing_assignments/annotated_bibliographies/annotated_bibliography_samples.html

2. Cornell guide: https://guides.library.cornell.edu/annotatedbibliography

Reply must be at least 200-300 words. For each thread, you must support your assertions with at least 2 citations from sources such as your textbook, peer-reviewed journal articles, and the Bible. 

Field, A. P. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics (5th ed.). Los Angeles, CA: Sage.


This author is choosing to use a mixed-methods research design in order to fulfill the requirements of the Ph.D. at Liberty University due to the complex nature entailed within the dissertation. Quantitative research design uses statistical and numerical data to discover, present, and analyze theories or perspectives that studies seek to explore (Field, 2018). Quantitative research is a critical component of mixed-method studies and uses statistical data in order to explore and document findings. According to Watson (2015), Quantitative research encompasses a range of methods concerned with the systematic investigation of social phenomena, using statistical or numerical data (p. 1). In order to test hypotheses, one needs to determine independent and dependent variables regarding the study. According to Field (2018), Most hypotheses can be expressed in terms of two variables: a proposed cause and a proposed outcome (p. 8). After the variables are determined then measurement can begin. 

Dissertation Quantitative Design

 The styles of leadership that will be measured are transformational, transactional, and authoritative. Ultimately, the research will determine if and how different leadership styles have a strong or weak correlation between how officers conduct their duties, organizational commitment, and how the relationship within the community if affected, based on the style of leadership and the duties performed by officers. All officers and organizations will be assigned coding to keep the information anonymous due to the political nature of the profession and the effect that some interviews could have on officers, supervisors, and employment. Also, individuals will be selected from a wide variety of administrative law enforcement personnel, front-line employees, and citizens. This selection of individuals will allow unbiased measurement of the different styles of leadership and the effects it has on the organizational culture, employees, and the community.

Quantitative measurements will be concluded from questions posed upon the above groups in the form of personally administered quantitative interview techniques. Pre-determined questions will be developed by this author and interviews will be conducted and measurements will be conducted using the Likert-scale methodology. To this author, this will be the most effective and efficient method to collect, measure, and analyze the data that is brought to light. Likert-type scales of measurement are one of the most commonly used forms of measurement to capture perceptions and attitudes of human subjects. According to Ho (2017), Examining perceptions and attitudes with Likert-type scales allows for ease of statistical analyses and comparisons across groups (p. 678). The research being conducted by this author is examining a diverse collection or perceptions across a variety of groups; therefore, the Likert-type scale will allow ease and clarity when reviewing the analysis. 


 Variables are critical to quantitative research. According to Watson (2015), A variable is anything that may be measured in quantitative research, for example, height, weight, attitude, or wellbeing (p. 1). However, control variables can also play important roles in quantitative research. These variables are controlled by the design of the research. The research will present seven control variables that include sex (male=1; female = 0), age (metric), length of service (metric), rank (1 = low-rank below sergeant; 0 = high-rank, sergeant or above), education level (1 = high school; 0 = college, university, and graduate), length of time living within the community (1 = longer than 10 years; 0 = less than 10 years), encounters with law enforcement personnel (1= more than 5 times a year; 0 = less than 5 times a year).  


The quantitative portion of this authors dissertation will be measured using four five-point Likert scales and questionnaires. According to Stratton (2018), Likert data are designed for assessment of the attitudes of a population (p. 118).  Also, in order to stop bias from occurring the participants will be randomly selected from predetermined populations. The scale items will measure perceptions using the original Likert-scale and the five ordinal categories (most agree, agree, neutral, disagree, and most disagree). The varying responses will range from 4 to 10 points. Collecting these pre-determined questionnaires that utilize the Likert-scale the research will be able to measure the police, police leadership, and the communitys outlook on transformational, transactional, and authoritative leadership and how it affects the organization and community policing efforts. The Likert-scale will be measured using ordinal data in terms of means, standard deviations, and reflect parametric statistical information. 

Biblical Perspective

Religion and academic studies seek to uncover the truth. Truth should be sought after in every aspect of life. Not only can more comprehensive and inclusive research be used to find the truth and the pursuit or knowledge be applied in academia but can also serve individuals in their personal lives. John 7:18 states, Whoever speaks on their own does so to gain personal glory, but he who seeks the glory of the one who sent him is a man of truth; there is nothing false about him (New International Version). Therefore, researchers and Christians alike should reflect clarity and truth in professional and social lives.


This author is using a mixed-methods style of research. This research uses quantitative and qualitative research properties in order to explore and explain theories. Mixed methods research is critical to scientific and academic studies. This form or research allows more intimate and detailed research, through qualitative measures, that is backed by statistical quantitative methods. This author outlined the research design and how the predetermined questions will be asked of the study subjects and measured using the Likert-scale method in order to address the diverse and complex theory of how leadership affects different groups and stakeholders. 


Field, A. (2018). Discovering statistics using IBM SPSS statistics: North American Edition. London, UK: Sage.

Ho, G. (2017). Examining perceptions and attitudes: A review of Likert-type scales versus Q-methodology. Western Journal of Nursing Research, 39(5), 674-689.

Stratton, S. (2018). Likert data. Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, 33(2), 117-118.

Watson, R. (2015). Quantitative research. Nursing Standard, 29(31), 1-7.

1. Discuss the differences between descriptive methods of data mining and predictive methods of data mining. (125 words)


2. Prepare a one page paper on Data Mining Methods. You may research the internet for more information. Please double space your paper and cite your sources. ( 325 words) 


You will write a flowchart, and C code for a program that does the following:

1. Asks a user for a number

2. Uses an “if” statement to determine if the number is greater than one. If the number is not greater than one, you must write out an error message.

3. If the number is greater than 1, the program calculates the square and cube of the number, and displays the output to the user.

Here is what the program looks like when it’s executed with a number less than 1 and with a number greater than 1:

File Submission

Upload your Flowgorithm file, your .c file, and a screen shot of your code output saved in a Word document including the path name directory at the top of the screen into the dropbox for grading


  • Go to the Quarterly Summary of State and Local Tax Revenue, located at . Review the revenue information for your state ARKANSAS. 
  • Review the revenue of two neighboring states. TENNESSEE  OKLAHOMA.
  • Review
  • “Sales Tax Holidays: Politically Expedient but Poor Tax Policy 2015”, located at
  • Read


“Funding for Education” Please respond to the following:

  • From the above, evaluate the disparity of your states budget allocation for education and property tax to the various localities. Based on your assessment, challenge or defend the equity of the system across the various localities.
  • Identify and explain your choices for reductions and increases. Discuss at least two lessons you learned about the challenge of balancing the federal budget.