Please write a critical review for each paper, that:
– Summarizes the papers in about 8 sentences
– Evaluate the author’s work in good aspect(in bullet points), for example “Summarizing figure is very clear and useful.” I have provided some examples. Please read the examples.
– Lists the potential improvements this paper can do(in bullet points), for example “The authors didnt provide meaningful conclusions for the reviewed works. No gaps in previous research or possible directions for future research were mentioned”. I have provided some examples. Please read the examples.
– Expanded arguments based on the positives and negatives

And you don’t need to write reference or citation, because the paper itself it’s the only reference.

Both employers and employees have a right to contest citations and penalties and to request a review of decisions made by administrative law judges by the full Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission (OSHRC). The process is used frequently by employers but infrequently by employees. Reflect on situations where you believe an employee would benefit the most from contesting a citation and why you believe employees do not participate in the process to a greater extent.

For this extra credit exercise, you will identify some skills you acquired from learning syntax which you can apply in the real world.

As you already know, the framework we used is the Transformational Grammar framework (which is a type of Generative Grammar). However, you may not find a lot of applications of Transformational Grammar outside of academia. So, think of what you aspire your careers to be and how you can apply the knowledge of syntax or the skills you derived from learning syntax to your respective careers; or apply the skills just in general outside of your careers.

Please note that college courses are not only about learning the subject matter or acquiring hard skills; they are also about acquiring soft skills. So, think in terms of both hard and soft skills. Be as creative as possible!

Many safety experts recommend that an employer always schedule an informal conference with the area director after citations and penalties have been issued. Reflect on the pros and cons of scheduling an informal conference after citations and penalties have been issued. What do you believe is the most important reason to schedule an informal conference?

OSHA requires the employer to post a hard copy of several documents related to citations and penalties in the area where the violation occurred or, if that is not feasible, in an area where affected employees will readily see the notices. Do you believe, in the modern electronic age, the use of a hard copy is the most effective method of displaying the information? Discuss at least one additional method of displaying the information and why you believe it would be a more effective method. Alternately, you may defend the use of a hard copy posted in the work area and state why you believe that method would be more effective.

What concepts have you struggled with in these chapters, and what tools or ways have you used to overcome the obstacle to learn the material? Are you still struggling with a concept with which you need help? Discuss how the concepts in this course can be applied to real-world situations and increase your chances of career or life success.

The air that we breathe is the most common gas in the world. It is something that is being harmed to an extreme extent. What is the air quality in your local area? Be sure to include your thoughts on why you consider your air quality to be above or below the worldwide average air quality. In what ways do you think your local air quality could be maintained (if good) or improved (if poor)?

Do you know the reason ice floats in your drink? It is because the density of ice is lower than that of water. Chemistry is happening all around you at all times (both physical and chemical changes). What have you observed within the last week that involves chemistry? What is that process/reaction?

For this required assignment, you will write a five-page essay (excluding the Works Cited page) that analyzes how an author uses different elements of writing (plot, character, point of view, setting, symbols, tone and style) to convey a central theme or meaning in a piece of writing.  You will compose an essay that demonstrates your ability to apply literary terms, concepts, devices and characteristics in critiquing a story, body of poems, essay, or autobiography/narrative by an African-American writer. Visit Wikipedia and other web-based sources or the library to find summaries of authors and writings of interest.
Identify and apply literary terms, concepts, devices and characteristics in short stories, poetry, and drama.
Apply appropriate literary criticism (perspectives) for effective literary analysis.
Use evidence from literary texts and secondary texts to compose original and insightful literary analysis.
Pose questions and analyze themes that reflect the human condition, such as alienation, identity, double-consciousness, racism, classism, rebellion, revolt, and escape.
Analyze how literature reflects human values and thus has relevance to todays world.
Write analytically about literary works, using appropriate research and documentation.
Identify and discuss characteristics of different periods of African American literature, from multiple perspectives and in various cultural, historical, and literary contexts to determine the place of African American literature within the canons of American literature.
Communicate effectively an understanding of the literature and exchange ideas with others.
The primary purpose of this assignment is to present a persuasive argument on the writing(s) you chose to critique. In other words, your job is to persuade your audience to read or revisit your chosen subject. Therefore, your essay should present a clear thesis, i.e., a debatable claim about your topic supported by strong evidence.


An intelligent person who does not like to read and/or is unfamiliar with the author and work(s) you have chosen to critique. This person may be a friend, family member, or someone you want to impress with YOUR intelligence.


Use MLA-style paper format