I must refer to the book : Marriage, a History : How Love conquered Marriage
Also, I must use two scholarly sources,
Topic: For this topic, I will choose to analysis the book , “The Great Gatsby” and discuss what insights the work can offer as to the nature of passion and what message(s) about passion the work sends. You should consider some points contained in Coontzs Marriage, A History as you develop your paper.
The paper must be 8 pages
You must quote or paraphrase at least two academic sources and attach a Works
cited page in MLA format at the end of your essay. Be sure not to over-quote your Originality score should be not more than 15% so that the vast majority of the paper consists of your own ideas.
Also remember not to use first or second personkeep the paper in third person. Avoid vague words such as stuff and things, also use present tense!!
The following is the quote I will write that is based on the book
As soon as the idea of love should be the central reason for marriage, and companionship its basic goal ,was first raised ,observers of the day warned that the same values that increased people’s satisfaction with marriage as a relationship had a inherent tendency to underline the stability of marriage and institution (5).
I attached my rough draft and my idea was thinking of writing about