An example of a possible title for such an article might be this: (Israeli Drought Increasing Costs for Wine in Passover Celebrations”). Here, the specific locale is Israel – the religion impacted is Jewish – the issue is the rising costs of wine for celebrating the Passover. Your article should highlight clear financial data as opposed to generalizations. (Ex: in the above article it points out that costs have increased 20% over last year) . Note that this is not a research essay where you seek out a variety of resources to highlight your topic. Here, you are to focus on just one (1) single article and offer your review of it in terms of a summary or the content and your personal application of it for your study of world religions.

Your essay should include the following and must not exceed a time frame of 5 years:

Seek out and read a Current Affairs article of interest that details a contemporary religious worldview from among those we will study in this class and the impact it is having on a particular marketplace and economy in society today.
These types of articles can be found in a variety of resources including the Online Library, our Course Guide, journals, newspapers, magazines, documentaries, news and world financial reports, websites, and through online searches.
Pick just one (1) article and write a 2-3 page review and analysis of just that one article. Your review should be in the form of a literary review or a movie review encouraging your audience to either read or ignore it.
Provide all of the required bibliographical material and citations for locating the resource including title, date of publication, publisher, website, and all retrieval information.
Summarize the main content of the article and how it is related to the course and the religious worldview that it expresses.
Provide details as to why you selected the article and what you found of interest as to why you did nor did not like the article.
Identify what new insights you discovered about this topic.
What was the author seeking to accomplish through this article?
How does this article increase your understanding of religious worldviews and their impact upon the marketplace in society today?
Be sure to use good writing and mechanical techniques and include the use of MLA in-text citations and a Works Cited page to identify your resource and avoid plagiarism.,-Industry%20Analyst%2C%20U.S.&text=U.S.%20consumer%20spending%20on%20video,compared%20to%20a%20year%20ago.&text=And%20players%20are%20playing%20more,12%20hours%20two%20years%20ago.

This is a possible article to use and reference if you so choose, if you can find a better one than awesome. I want to use Christianity as my religion to discuss the economic impact of Christmas on economy.