PSC 340 Spring 2021 Assignment #5
SARA Essay 15 Points – This assignment continues with Chapter 4 and the important topic of Problem Solving Policing.
Your  task will be to identify the  major crime listed on the top(there are only seven major crimes) of the attached Citywide Compstat Report which has the largest percentage% increase YTD 2021 compared to 2020.

After identifying the crime use the Problem Solving Policing method called SARA as described in Chapter 4 of our textbook to develop a plan to reduce the crime you have identified.

Your essay will be graded using the below rubric which describes a complete 15 Point  essay, if your assignment does not meet all of the requirements your grade will be reduced accordingly.

  Paragraph 1. Scan Correctly identified the  major crime and with the largest % increase and  then listed the number of actual crimes YTD 2021 and the % increase  from 2020
  Paragraph 2.  Analysis  This paragraph needs you to use your imagination to described the specific types of the problem crime and when and how the crimes are being committed,  in addition attempt to identify possible suspects. Example if your target crime is Burglary using your knowledge and imagination you would state that your burglaries involve overnight home burglaries in a residential area and go into detail of how the entries are being made.
  Paragraph 3. Response.-Described a response plan which included at least two steps to reduce the target crime and did not merely list the steps in the response plan but elaborated on them .
Paragraph 4.  Assessment Use your imagination again to determine if the plan was implemented properly and if the target crime was reduced. This assessment could be accomplished by reviewing crime reports and arrest records.