I have attached all required reading for the assignment. Please follow. Thank you!

Based on our course readings, define worldview in your own words.
1.How does worldview affect cultural, political, economic, and industrial aspects of society?
2.Why is it important to consider worldview when sharing the gospel with someone from a different cultural background than your own?

****Journal entry should total at least 450 words but no more than 750 (note that the questions themselves do not count towards your word count).
The assignment should be completed in Times New Roman, 12-point font, and double spaced.
DO NOT PLAGIARIZE!  You should submit your entry as a reflection of what you have learned, NOT a word for word copy of our readings or a compilation of citations from any source. DO NOT use dictionary or web definitions of worldview.
Support your thoughts/statements with the course material and the scriptures. Use Turabian style footnotes.****