Choose one of the following videos to watch. All should be available in your local video store

Students are more successful on this assignment if they read all course materials before viewing the video.

My Family (or Mi Familia)    Anna and the King

The Joy Luck Club    The Education of Little Tree

Snow Falling on Cedars    Kundun

Bend It Like Beckham    Namesake

The Rabbit Proof Fence    Price of Glory

Love and Basketball    Whale Rider

Real Women Have Curves

Please let me know if you have another film in mind…


These films were chosen because they show a contrast of cultures in the story line. Each of them also shows families and children being influenced or making decisions based on cultural influences. Choose a video that presents a culture different than the culture you were raised in. As you watch the video you choose, look for the cultural contrasts and influences. One goal of this assignment is for you to see that culture impacts individual members and the choices they make.

After viewing the video you will need to write up your response to the following questions:

Provide a one page summary (in your own words) of the video including information on the main characters and the story line. (5 points)
Describe your reaction to the video and include at least two examples of what conflicted/or complemented your own cultural values. (10 points)
What made the greatest impression on you from one of the cultures represented? Why? (10 points)
How can you use information from the video in your current/future work with families and children? In other words, what will you want to remember from the film that will be useful when working with people from differing cultural backgrounds? (15 points)
Professionalism of the paper is worth up to 5 points (writing conventions, grammar, format, etc.)

45 points total

The total assignment will be a minimum of 3 pages in length. Remember that this is a reflection assignment. We want your impressions. You don’t need to do research or compare “right” answers. Please review prompts to see point distributions for this assignment.

Make sure you type your name and section number on your paper. Write your paper as a Word document and save it. If you don’t have Word, “save as” a rich text file (RTF).

My chosen topics for this are based on climate change and pollution. Explain the reasons why the environmental problems you selected concern you. Describe the causes and effects of each of the two problems. Discuss the key international responses to each problem, giving illustrative examples. Give your recommendations for further and continued responses required by the international community.

Research Report 1 Topic for Modules B and C:

Chose a topic that interests you on some issue involving either Indigenous Religions (Module B) or Jewish Traditions (Module C). Here are some examples, to help you get started in picking a topic that interests you: Public Policy Issues re Indigenous Women in Canada, Public Policy Issues re Payments to Those Abused in Residential Schools, The Rise of Anti-Semitic attacks in North America, Controversial Archaeology in Jeruslaems Old City, Policy Issues re Ultraordox Jews in Israel, or any other topic that is current and of interest to you. 

This assignment is in the form of a test with only 1 essay question. Type or paste your essay into the essay space. The syllabus gives the minimum words as 350, but I am reducing that to 250. Do not go over the 550 maximum. You do not need to use a formal style (like APA) when you list your 3 sources. .

Do not just paste in long quotes from the internet.

developmental psychology knowledge a plus.

description of assignment is located in attachments. this is a 2 part written discussion.
please label each part.

name of video: discuss Erik Erickson’s eight stages of development
youtube link:

I uploaded the textbook pages to read in the attachments as well

this professor is very precise with her instructions so please follow it exactly the way she has it written from the exact sources i provided. she checks everything.

if you have any questions or concerns please feel free to message me and I will reply as soon as possible. thanks.

Chapter 3-4. This is submitted via TurnItIn, so be sure you have used all of your own words – no quotes from articles, no copying/pasting.  If a Reading Exercise has a poor TurnItIn score, all other submitted work will be reviewed as well.

Why is Michelangelos David culturally significant? What does its subject matter, theme or style tell us about the High Renaissance culture that produced it?

For Davids cultural significance, think about where, when and why the sculpture was carved. Think about who David is, according to the bible. Think about where the sculpture was placed after it was carved, and why.

Tip: In order to understand its significance, you may want to consider who commissioned this statue and its intended function.

Helpful Link:

The Defense of Christianity
(Minucius Felix: Octavius, 59-62; Celsus, 62-69; Justins First Apology, 74- 81; Athenagoras: Plea Regarding the Christians, 82-88; The Letter to Diognetus, 88-92; Tertullian: Apology, 92-99; Origen: Against Celsus, 99-110)

Instructions: In a few paragraphs, please provide a written response to all of the following questions below. Your responses should show evidence of serious thought and engagement of the questions. [Reminder: Although the Reading Response Assignments are not graded, they are required!]

1) After locating and examining Justin Martyrs thesis in his Apology, discuss why such a thesis is important for him and how he employs it in his argumentation.

2) What is the basis of Justins argument that Christians should be given a fair hearing? How does he and other apologists address the pagan charge of Christian atheism?

3) The apologists are compelled to address pagan religion and the success of Rome. Examine, explore and compare how Tertullian and Minucius Felix argue against both Roman religious piety (as an argument for Romes success) and pagan religion in general.

4) On what grounds are Christians charged with treason and how does Tertullians refutation of the charges in his Apology compare with Athenagoras thesis in his Plea Regarding Christians?

5) How does Origen counter Celsus attack that Christians represent a secret society?

6) Discuss why the Sermon of the Mount (quoted and paraphrased by several apologists) and The Last Judgment were important topics for the apologists arguments.

Picture yourself in this scenario. You are a teacher in a classroom. Think about what techniques you might use to enhance or encourage the compassion that your students feel for one another. Elaborate on your choices and explain why you think they would be effective. Try to reference any of the readings or videos you’ve studied so far in the class.

Reference page not needed

Issue PaperAn issue paper focusing on a contemporary public issue related to some aspect of the field of community and regional planning (as described broadly in the textbook), is required.  The issuemust be local(i.e., Lincoln or other locality in Nebraska or adjacentstates), state(i.e., Nebraska or other adjacentstates), or regionalin scope.  The issue should be one that recently has been or is currently being discussed and debated.  Theissue paper shall have the following components:1.Title;2.Introduction and issue delineationa clear statement of the issue needing to beresolved;3.Discussion ofalternative approaches to studying or resolving the issue(including approaches that may have already been tried or are under way);4.Discussion of one or more aspects of ethical principles, civics, or stewardshipthat are relevant to the issue; and4.Yourevaluative responseto the issue and yourrecommendations(including rationale) that address the issue.The issuepaper must include documented references to at least two reputable sources (such as library sources orinterviews with authoritative persons) other than the course textbook.  Graduate students should cite four or more sources.  Use of ideas other than your own may be utilized, but must be attributed to the sources, including correct forms of citation.The issue paper should be about 3 to 4pages in length for undergraduate students (registered for 400-level credit) and 5 to 8pages in length for graduate students (registered for 800-level credit)The issue paperwill be evaluated on thebasis of substantive content, as well as form(writing clarity, organization, grammar, punctuation, etc.).The papers will be graded separately on each of these aspects, and an overall grade will also be assigned.

The family nurse provides care within many facilities in a community.  This is discussed in chapter 17 of your text.  They include nurse home visiting programs, community nursing centers, public health departments, and home education, and community education.  Discuss these facilities in your community as well as access to these resources.  For each resource be sure to include how families in the community benefit. Also discuss three ways in which a family health nurse may be useful in community resources.  Use what you’ve learned about the role of a family health nurse and what he/she may use to help in community settings.