In a 350-word log, describe the main point(s) of significance in the doctrine of theological anthropology. This is to be a brief summary of what you’ve learned to show comprehension of the material.

Remember to use APA formatting, double-spaced Times New Roman 12-point font, and save your assignment in Word using the following criteria to save your file: lastname_firstname_3.4_week_three_learninglog.docx.

I have my paper that was written the full original rubric and the graded rubric. this was originally split into two millstone so I have two different graded rubrics. I have a separate reference page attach that was used please use those and any new sources you might find useful.

The video lecture What Makes Us Human? asks What does this mean for the way we understand what it means to be a human? Is this different from what we often think of as human? Do you resonate more with a Genesis 2 vision of humanity or Genesis 3? Reflect on these questions and then post your response.

Post your thoughts in 300-350 words being sure to address the questions listed in the discussion prompt.

This is the last piece of your class project. Imagine the presentation has been approved by the president and will be publicly published to sell the president’s ideas.

Take your research from the essays and present it in a multimedia presentation using PowerPoint. Here’s a link to instructions on using PowerPoint if you’re new to it. APUS provide access to Office 365. Even if you don’t want to use Microsoft Office, Open Office can also be used to create PowerPoint presentations. Alternative formats are acceptable too if available to you, such as Prezio or Knovio with free versions or free trials.

There is no need to purchase additional software to complete the assignment.


A title slide and reference slide.
Each topic will have a four-slide minimum to explain the problem, illustrate the competing solutions, and explain why one is better.
At least one use of animation and one sound should be used within the final product.
Be sure graphics are readable.
For detailed grading criteria, read through the presentation rubric.

Code must be written to satisfy this.

The program for this Assessment will consist of four sections, each headed by the three-line comment below:
//****Assessment 5 Section X
(where X stands for the portion of the Assessment to follow.)

Section 1:
1. Enter the comment with the section title as described above.
2. Create a base class called scoreKeeper.
    * Include a private property called gamePlayed to contain the name of the game being played.
    * Add a private property which will allow for any number of players. A dictionary or dynamic array would be a good option. The container will hold the names and scores of the players.
    * Include a new public method, addName(), to accept a players name and insert it into the container. (Note: If the container you used does not have an add method to easily add a value, you will need to include code to determine the next available position.)
    * Include a public method, getPlayerName(), to accept the number of the player and return the players name.
    * Include a public method setGame() to update the gamePlayed property by passing it a string containing the name of the game.
    * Include a public method getGame() to retrieve the name of the game.
    * Include a public method, addScore(), to update a players score by passing it the players name and the points to be added. Return the updated score.
    * Include a public method, subScore(), to update a players score by passing it the players name and the points to be subtracted. Return the updated score.
    * Include a new public method, listAllScores(), to print the name of the game being played, the names of each player and their respective scores.
    * Include two constructors. The first one is a default constructor. The second is a constructor method which will accept the name of the game and call the setGame().

Section 2:
1. Enter the comment with the section title as described above.
2. Some games have additional information that must be monitored during play. Create a sub-class called baseball that inherits from the base class scoreKeeper.
    * Add private integer properties for fouls, balls, strikes, and outs.
    * Add a private decimal property to hold the inning number. Whole numbers will indicate the top of the inning and half numbers will indicate the bottom. e.g. 5.5 would indicate the bottom of the 5th
    * Include a public method, advOuts(), to add 1 to the number of outs. If the number of outs reaches 3, reset balls, strikes, fouls and outs to 0 and add .5 to innings.
    * Include a public method, getOuts(), to return the current number of outs.
    * Include a public method, advStrikes(), to add 1 to the number of strikes. If the number of strikes reaches 3, call advOuts().
    * Include a public method, getStrikes(), to return the current number of strikes.
    * Include a public method, advFouls(), to add one to the number of fouls. If the number of strikes is less than 2, advFouls() should also add one to strikes.
    * Include a public method, getFouls(), to return the current number of fouls.
    * Include a public method, advBalls(), to add one to the number of balls. If the number of balls reaches 4, reset balls, strikes and fouls. (This means the player has been given a walk to first base but does not guarantee and runs were scored.
    * Include a public method, getBalls(), to return the current number of balls.
    * Include a public method, getInning(), to return the current inning.
    * Include two constructors. The first one is a default constructor. The second is a constructor method which will accept the name of the home team followed by the name of the visiting team. It will then call the setGame() and pass it a combined name such as Cubs vs Braves. It will also call the addName() method to add the two teams to the players property.

Section 3:
1. Enter the comment with the section title as described above.
2. Write code to test the base class. This can be done multiple ways and should be when throughly testing your code. However, for this Assessments output, we will use the following method:
    * Print to the console the message, Assessment 10 Classes and Inheritance followed by a blank line.
    * Print Section 3: Base Class Results After Adding to the console followed by a blank line.
    * Instantiate an object called gameOne, from the scoreKeeper class, passing Canasta as the game name to the constructor.
    * Call the addName() method three times to add the players, Larry, Moe, and Curly.
    * Print a blank line to the console for ease of reading.
    * Call the objects addScore() method three times. Once for Larry adding 20 points to his score. A second time for Moe adding 35 points to Curlys score. Then a third time for Curly, adding 45 points to Curlys score.
    * Using the listAllScores() method, print a report of the players and their respective scores to the console.
    * Call the objects subScore() method twice. Once for Moe subtracting 15 points from his score. The second time, subtract 5 points from Curlys score.
    * Print Section 3: Base Class Results After Subtracting to the console followed by a blank line
    * Using the listAllScores() method, print a report of the players and their respective scores to the console.
    * Print two blank lines to the console.

Section 4:
1. Enter the comment with the section title as described above.
2. Write code to test the sub-class. This can be done multiple ways and should be when thoroughly testing your code. However, for this Assessments output, we will use the following method:
    * Print Section 4: Derived Class Results: Baseball scoring to the console followed by a blank line.
    * Instantiate an object called gameTwo, from the baseball class, passing Cubs and Braves as the teams, (or teams of your choosing), to the constructor. (Note: If you choose to use different team names, be sure you substitute them below for Cubs or Braves.
    * The following method calls should be done in order to guarantee the correct results.
        * Call the addScore() method to advance the Cubs score by 2.
        * Call the advOuts() method three times.
        * Call the addScore() method to advance the Braves score by 3.
        * Call the advOuts() method once.
        * Call the advStrikes() method once.
        * Call the advFouls() method thrice.
        * Call the advBalls() method once.
        * Call the listAllScores() method to print the game and scores. Also, print a blank line to the console.
        * Use the appropriate get methods to print the current inning, outs, strikes, fouls, and balls.

Assessment 10 – Classes and Inheritance
Section 3: Base Class Results After Adding
The scores for Canasta:
Larry’s score is 20
Moe’s score is 35
Curly’s score is 45
Section 3: Base Class Results After Subtracting
The scores for Canasta:
Larry’s score is 20
Moe’s score is 20
Curly’s score is 40
Section 4: Derived Class Results: Baseball scoring
The scores for Cubs vs Braves:
Cubs’s score is 2
Braves’s score is 3
The current inning is 1.5
Outs: 1
Strikes: 2
Fouls: 3
Balls: 1

In the land of free trade, the public does not view all industries as equal. Do you believe that is ethical? Do you believe that some industries are unfairly targeted? Should it be consumers choice to partake in products that are not healthy for them, or do those companies have an ethical obligation to protect people? In this assignment, you will choose from one (1) of the following industries to write about:

The pharmaceutical industry
The payday loan industry
Cloning for medical purposes

Write a paper in which you:

1. Become an advocate for either the consumer or the industry. Prepare an argument explaining the major reasons why you support either the consumer or the industry.
2.Discuss if you believe it is possible for a company to cater to both its best interest and that of the consumer conjointly or if one always has to prevail. Justify your response.
3. Use at least two (2) quality references. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as academic resources.

    You should illustrate, explain and justify your views of teaching in general how teaching has changed in your environment, what your experience has been and what learners need.

    You should talk about your specific teaching context and learners as well as your strengths and weaknesses as a teacher.

    Include suggestions on how to improve as a teacher and self-monitor these improvements.

    You should also discuss how you intend to implement 3 aspects of the TESOL training into your teaching.

Your essay should be well structured and of a good level of English.

Develop a PowerPoint presentation (12-18 slides in length).  It should include a title slide, an agenda slide, body content slides, a closing slide, and a references slide (if applicable). All slides count toward the required length.

The content should focus on some aspect of social media use in the workplace.  Potential examples include the importance of companies embracing social media, advertising through social media, policies involving social media, proper professional communication through social media platforms, or any number of other angles.

The PowerPoint presentation must adhere to the following requirements:

1. Address some aspect of social media use in the workplace.
2. Organize the presentation in a clear, logical manner.
3. Provide between 12-18 total slides.
4. Assume your target audience is familiar with the overall concept of social media.

1. Follow the design requirements from Chapter 12-3 (pages 218-223) in BCOM9.
2. Format the PowerPoint presentation with headings on each slide, and two to three (2-3) relevant graphics (photographs, graphs, clip art, etc.) throughout the presentation (not per slide), ensuring that the presentation is visually appealing and readable from 18 feet away.
3. Open with an engaging introduction (including one title slide and one introduction slide).
4. For the body of your presentation, cover the main points of your subject. Create slides that reinforce and illustrate your main ideas.
5. For your single closing slide, finish with a memorable wrap-up statement that refocuses on the purpose of your presentation.
6. Slides should cite any relevant outside sources using footnotes on relevant slides (the source should be clearly visible to the audience) OR in SWS format (in-text citations on slides and an included references page at the end of the presentation).  Choose one method or the other (do not mix both).

Clarity / Mechanics:
1. Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language/style requirements.
2. Run spell/grammar check before submitting.

Clean water is a challenge to health in other countries (and sometimes in this one!)
Watch the video. It’s astounding. Do we contribute to charities that are transparent and contribute to life like this one? I am seriously considering “The Spring” and donating monthly to this organization. Reasons to do it? Not to donate?

Last week, you read about different credentials and different professional boards and authorities that provide guidance to various human services professionals.  One of the criteria that is considered by various authorities is how much training and education and what kind should someone have to be considered qualified to help others.  Much of this education that the aspiring human services professional receives includes more and more in depth exposure to theory which then gets used to develop and enhance one’s practice.  In reviewing the material in Chapter 4, what theory or theories really seem to make the most sense to you and how you see yourself practicing with?  Why?
